Gay Erotic Stories

Medical Student First Try

by Guschti
09 Jan 2008

College Days Doctor Gay Erotic Stories

Part I

Well, it all started on one of this extremely nice autumn days. Not too hot, but a warmth that touches the heart. It is 7 in the morning, the fog is still over the city, but the sun is shining above so I'm almost blinded, even through the glasses of the city train. It is a beloved vehicle in the city of Zurich, but during rush hour - hard to get a place to sit down. And on some stops there is staff outside the city trains to give the people at the blocked entries wrenches, so they could close the doors.

It is my first time taking this line, so it is the first day of my practical in a doctor's practice. As I entered the city train, it had been empty, so I got one of the rare seats. I like to sit there, looking at all the sleepy people. Especially all this hot guys. They are mostly that sleepy, I can risk a few close glances... Hair, eyes, chest, legs, butt and sometime even an interesting bulge... As you can imagine, there have been some risky moments when I have to leave the city train with a tented bulge myself ;-) Today, this wont be a problem: I'm taking a bag with me, the doctors coat and some instruments inside. Perfect to hide everything. Well from time to time, also to reduce the angle for possible looks to a hot guy who looks not too straight...

But it came even better today... the second stop... after a senior women (why she has to take the city train at this time in the morning is another question :-)) there came a man into view... wow! Really tall, black, short hair, cute face... I just had a look at my bag - yes it is still there - I can risk more glances. He is standing there, holding the safety pole near the exit - don't leave the city train that soon please!

The next stop - he's not leaving ;-) There are entering so many people he has to leave his well gripped pole. He's coming my direction - oh my god, he is turning backwards and now I'm looking straight at his ass. His pants are forming his but. The Train is leaving and the fast start makes the young man stumble - but he can take hold of another pole. I would have been ready to hold him too ;-)

The next stop. He is not leaving! He is tall, taller then me, taller then almost every one around him. He is looking around -he is looking at me - or did I imagine it? There are entering more people. My guy has to walk back and back and back, that means nearer and nearer at my reach... I’m still sitting very comfortable (but my pants are already holding a huge pressure) and now the belt of my dream boy is about 6.70 inches from my nose - exactly the distance my eleventh finger could bridge over. I'm feeling sweat at my forehead - oh is this hot.

Next stop! I have to leave to city train. It's a shame. I search the body contact with my God, but he didn't realise that he just felt my hard cock at his but - must have been an elbow "Excuse me! I have to leave." i said. "Sorry!" he said and our eyes met. Heaven! and this voice - heavenly :-)

Beep beep! Oh I have to hurry, to door already wants to close. "Hey?" I hear this voice again. "Is this your bag?"... I turned around and my bag has been handled from one hand to the other in my direction. I smiled at this cute face but no word did come out of my mouth. His face was even more perfect with this playful smile on it... Has he remarked my bulge? Or what made him smile that whimsical?

Part II

After the great start of my morning I hurried to the practical place. And after two red traffic lights, some turns right and left and many stairs I stood in front of the entrance door. ª Dr. Fredy Glauser , FMH Urology » was written on the door bell. You know about Urology? Well, it is the discipline of all the problems around the bladder, prostate, penis and the two testicles. So I was quite nervous about my reactions during examinations. But I did not expect young, exciting flesh this morning ;-)

There was a mirror at the door so I checked my hair and cleaned my sweat from my forehead. „Gustav, you’re looking great! All patient will believe you everything ;-)“ So I pushed the door and saw the two colleagues of mine waiting for me. Yes, this practical we normally do in groups of 3. In my case this was a extremely smart and friendly but sometimes a bit annoying girl (Caroline), and a boy (Fabian), of whom I dreamed also some dirty dreams, but he introduced me a few weeks ago to his girlfriend – completely straight – so it seemed… We did some sports together and became good fellows, but in the changing room I could never completely control my views. Nice body and an atomic cock which lets all dreams open…

But in the environment of the doctor’s practice we were a good team all three of us – very interested in learning as much as possible every day.

Some seconds after me entering the room, an old grey haired white coated man came out of a room in the back. He was smiling all over his face and guided us in his office. He introduced himself and showed us his kingdom. Then he checked his watch and said: „I organised two patients for you, so you should split up in two groups, they will be arriving soon.“ „I would be glad not have to go alone,“ said Caroline, „just to be with a man would be great.“ The doctor supported this idea and so Fabian joined her as the first patient arrived. They should ask him about his symptoms, then examine him and in about half an hour present the patient to the doctor and me. My patient was late, so the doctor told my some facts out of the patient’s history. He had come to him a few weeks ago with a infection of his bladder, and had to take antibiotics, and today there should be a last control of the urine and the inspection and palpation of the abdomen especially the bladder region. „He is a simple black guy and he wont have much problem to talk to you“, the doctor said. I tried to remember the questions and problems around bladder problems as the bell rang and the door opened.

Oh my God! It was him. The guy from the city train. He did not look at me yet. Stay calm! I told me. Now I heard the doctor : ª As I told you Corey, today there will be a student questioning you first about half an hour. Afterwards his two colleagues and I will join you two and he will present you to us and we will verify his findings and discuss the further therapy together. Is this ok for you?“ – „No problem, Mr. Glauser“ – This voice...Oh my God – „Thank you very much!“

Then the doctor turned in my direction and so did „Corey“. „Oh, hey! Nice to see you again. (He smiled at me). We met (at this word he did a nasty smile) just before in the City train (he said to the doctor)“ „So, good luck then“ said the doctor and opened the door next to him and let us enter and closed the door after we entered…

Part III

OMG I could barely control myself. My concentration was gone. I went in the little examination room and arranged two chairs at the table fort he first part of the examination – the anamnesis. Corey – what a hearty but strong name – seated himself and looked quite amused at me – what was he expecting? He lifted his arms and crossed them over his head and sat there like a little king ;-) Oh, his arms stretched his tight shirt and I could not withstand to glance at his now free belt and bulge region.

„Directly to the subject – yes?“ Corey said and redid his nasty smile. "Sorry" I said "we will take it piece by piece… lets start with some questions. How do you feel ? » Corey looked me directly in the eyes and had this smile on his face.. : » Well I mean, how does it go with your bladder? » ª Pretty good, my doctor. There is no blood in the urine anymore and I do not have any pain before or while pissing… excuse me: while passing water“

At the word of pissing I imagined his cock powerful passing water… but concentrate yourself! „What therapy did Dr. Glauser counsel? Antibiotics? Have you finished them?“ „Yes there where antibiotics and now the box is empty, do I need more?“ „No, I don’t think so, all your symptoms have passed and so we can stop the antibiotic therapy as well. How long are you painless?“ „About 3 days now“ „ that is good, so the antibiotics should have eliminated all bacteria now. Did you have any explanations of your infection? Normally men got hardly ever bladder infections? Was it your first episode? » I was proud of myself – I managed a quite regular conversation… »I had never before such problems, but as i told Dr. Glauser I had changed my sexual preferences in the last months so that could be an explanation..: “Oh my god! Has he right now told me that he was gay? Or am I playing dirty games with his dick? I felt, that I become red in the face… „Am I allowed another question DOC?“ Lucky he started conversation again… „Of course, just ask.“ „Dr. Glauser told me to drink at least 3 liter a day, should I keep on going with it?“ „No, you should reduce it again, 2 liter ist enough. Shall we now do the examination? Please have a seat on the bed of examination. » He stood up and walked over to the bed and lay down. "Please lift your shirt. » He did as told and a stared at this sexy stomach. Not extremely muscular, but in good shape and in a brown color, that made my heart melt, and my cock react – good luck, the doctors suit is wide and Corey is looking at the ceil. So I allowed myself to grab my bulge and arranged it for a hide… A looked at the stomach, checked if there are signs of inflammation – negative. Then I took out my stethoscope and listened to the sound of his gut – nothing special. Then I started to palpate his stomach. His skin was very soft and smooth, the little hair made it really intense.

I did some percussion tests and Corey laughed – oh it was great. Then I intensified the palpation to check if it is possible to provoke any pain in the bladder region. Corey had his belt a bit to high in the stomach, so „ Could you please open your belt and lower your pants a bit, so I can do the examination?“

„No problem. Shall I pull them down all the way?“ „No!“ It was a bit to direct and Corey smiled at me and did his nasty smile again. "As you like ", he said. He opened his pants and lowered them just over the area where his manhood must be… Control yourself Gustav!... I redid the palpation and had to do it with quite a pressure „You say, if it hurts, won’t you?“ „No way, it is feeling good!“ Was he flirting with me? No way! Keep on going Gustav. I touched his underpants – sexy. I pulled them down a bit. And there started the pubic hair – great! I had to rearrange my bulge again. Corey was looking at the ceil so far – keep going! Then I remembered that I have to examine the lymph nodes of he groin to control the progress of the inflammation. Could I withstand it?

„Corey, I have to palpate now your lymph nodes – it could become a bit unpleasant. » ªI will enjoy it , Doc !“ Oh, my god what was going on here… I did all examination and as I did some pressure Corey did a moaning with relish – well it sounded like that. My bulge was growing and I had to do another arrangement. I looked at the ceil ad realised that there was a mirror and I saw Corey smile at me – just ignore it! Has he followed all my rearrangements?

After the examination was over „Corey, you can know redress, we are finished – everything is allright ! » „But Doc, this is a practical for you, isn’t it?“ ª ª Yes it is and I thank you very much for this, Dr. Glauser will examine you again, if you would like it to be tested.. : » ª Oh no, sorry, Doc. I think you did it well, but I thought about, how many times you could train the examination on a foreign penis and the testicles. Would you like to examine them? It is no problem for me? It is just you and me…“ At the last words he smiled again and I felt my pulse rise! „ It is not necessary, Corey” But he already opened his pants totally and lowered his underwear down to his knees.

OMG – what a surprise! A manhood to melt away! And it was pulsating and getting bigger, not much but enough to erect my manhood totally in my pants the second time this morning. I just wanted to taste this cock, to make it erupt – but he is your patient - keep calm. „Doc? Everything alright? Your are looking a bit worried. Hope nothing is wrong?“ „No, no, everything is perfectly well!“ He smiled at me… nasty and looked down at my bulge – there was no way to hide anything.

„Doc? Dr. Sauser guessed me not to have any sexual activity until the illness is over. What do you think? Would it be the moment to erupt the lust of the last ten days?“ Paradise – he was not jerking of during ten days. He would explode in a minute… Corey lifted his hand and started to rub his dick, now growing over and over…

„Doc, I interpret your look as a yes ! Please help me! » He took my hand and guided them to his balls. I moaned and started do feel his balls – warm, hairy, smooth – just perfect. He raised the speed of his cock manipulations. I lifted my other hand and touched his active hand. „Calm down, Corey. Lets do it very intense.“ I started to rub his cook, very slow but with quite a force. Corey moaned ª Oh, oh, my Doc, my God in white, Yes, that’s it, Oh… » He started to sweat and bended himself of lust on the bed of examination. I calmed down a bit, but only to start more incense again and let Corey dream of heaven. He looked at me, he smiled at me, not nasty anymore but really high. I took both of my hands to rub his cock – which was hard as stone at the moment - all the wires pulsating and make this lust toy harder every second. I felt as well my cock rise and rise and my pants were full of precum. Then Corey started to rub my manhood through my pants – I groaned like bear ;-) and started to intense my massage on Corey’s dick. I lowered my head on started to help my two hands with my tongue. First only to lick the glans, then swirled down the whole penis and even the balls were getting wet by my tongue action. Corey moaned and vibrated on the white bed

„My Doc, that’s heaven, keep going, don’t stop now, I'm ready, I want to come, go on!“ I took this command and closed my lips around the black cock. Little movements went on to bigger ones. And then I took all the flesh deep in my mouth, in and out, my tongue’s playing with the stick in my mouth. Deep, intense, then a quickly with the glans – some moans of Corey- then deep again- faster –faster „oooh, Doc! I’m ready. I‘m coming… oooohhhh yeaaaaah!“ And he erupted! The first load I let him spatter in my mouth, the following ones he shoots into freedom!!! Corey bended on the bed and sweat was covering his stomach and face.

I walked to the head of the bed and whispered in Corey’s ear „I think we have to cover up fast because half an hour is almost over and my colleagues are coming… Hope you are satisfied with our health system…“ Before I could end the last word, Corey took my head and pressed our lips together – a kiss from paradise. Please let it not be the last one!!!


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