Gay Erotic Stories

ode to paul vanase

by Mrright
04 Mar 2007


Ode to Paul Vanase

twenty to midnight twenty to midnight times running out now all alone nothing is real can't turn my mind off it's out of control once at contentment it's been scarred like my heart no comfort for me, no luck, no love

twenty to midnight thoughts rush in, act without thinking it hurts to go on shut in a tomb of want and need missing love once promised filled with despair, longing want it over, stop the noise stop the beating, stop the pain

twenty to midnight discouragement rules now no happy ending no peace, no promise of hope the world has turned dark people are rotten have to have light so will go to find it can't trust, can't depend nothing is sacred nothing pure the blade is the answer the bullet's the cure

Nineteen to midnight

Nineteen to midnight the timeline is drawn, set in stone no sense, no hope left the knife coos and beckons the bullet call's my name they brought a friend to help seduce sleeping pill A midnight is close

nineteen to midnight once the tall man tossed me away over a hundred have auditioned to fill the roll some more than once memories of perfection haunt go through the motions search for the light playing, can't respond any longer no fun, to many thoughts

nineteen to midnight turned into a whore trying to forget can't stand the play searching all faces for the light have prayed for self have prayed for the tall man have done nothing wrong the tall man couldn't see I was trying to show love then was acting out from pain

nineteen to midnight can't forget the road but it's narrow now have prayed for the tall man to save me and keep the promise of the road to have openness and honesty can't forget the 3 new friends are impatient one to be chosen to take me to freedom of hurt away from the coldness of the tall man

nineteen to midnight for such a brief time had perfect love it still burns in a broken man the tall man spoke of love and said I love you 3 days later was gone prayed for the tall man to open his mind and heart just to be nice to me he leaves me in silence and darkness only the love of 3 new friends to depend on

nineteen to midnight puffing out smoke darkness surrounds the knife and the bullet are shiny A sends a promise of escape just one word is all could be a lifeline if the tall man could speak if the tall man could hear the cries he's self absorbed too much pain for anyone to bare

eighteen to midnight

eighteen to midnight the clock ticks fast and loud my mood is one of joy and freedom the tall man weighs on my mind soul and heart memory brings a smile to bad his controller won't let me share commitments made to me and broken the controller stepped in to cause this knife singing on the table bullet rattles on the shelf the pill box falls to the floor 3 friends want to be noticed

eighteen to midnight the controller a dog killer blocks all attempts of communication he's fearful and jealous of anyone and anything that gets close to the tall man he takes care of and puts away any tries threatens and badgers hope the tall man can see through all the controller does to him

eighteen to midnight can't go back to solitude can't rebuild the walls that the tall man tore down can't live in the solitude and celibates am alone except for 3 waiting friends

seventeen to midnight

seventeen to midnight twas months since I died took a job at the Palace in hopes of seeing the tall man praying he would talk to me got a glimpse of him once dressed as a peach the controller by his side ignoring me like I was not there the controller rush’s him out the night he was banished

seventeen to midnight the 3 friends vie for attention I try to ignore them like the tall man does me what’s to be is written fate a thousand years ago I drempt of the tall man turned back into a virgin for him was chaste for twenty years the tall man turned the key

seventeen to midnight I can see knew the real thing see this chasm and strife see a bridge and the tall man crosses back to me want one more night warm touches, the scent and tastes of love try to be strong and wait the 3 friends pick up my signals of impatience way down the road

seventeen to midnight one more night to spend with the tall man perhaps it would be enough to last till the grave if the controller has his way the grave will get me first have been threatened and warned but I know what's real can't give up putting it in black and white all the hurt, pain, deceit the 3 friends are joyful

sixteen to midnight

sixteen to midnight don't understand why the tall man chose fools gold he had a diamond in the rough couldn't wait for the sparkle and shine was caught up in fake glitz begging and pleading for an audience my cries are unanswered I can hear the peals of laughter from the 3 new friends they think they've won

sixteen to midnight I try to stand firm and wait for reunion I've shed a river that flows from the heart I've died many times over yet I'm so lonely taken on another try out perhaps it's one that will wipe memory away perhaps I can offer this one the roll and I will be full filled again

sixteen to midnight going to the floorshow at the palace 9:30 is the appointed hour after will have the audition I hope it burns take him inside and forget perfection still the want for the tall man is strong and all I get is silence I wish the controller would slip tried to warn the tall man but he wouldn't listen the 3 friends will have to wait

fifteen to midnight

fifteen to midnight days blur into one now can't find the light trying out another before the show had once before going to retry all natural I go naked inside will flow into him meeting the new one at 9 have a 2nd audition after burning the floor the three friends are hidden

fifteen to midnight sadness because what was to come mistaken by the tall man for negativity last time we met before he vanished stared at him intently trying to capture him in my minds eye for remembrance before we kissed it's all written, and what came after pleas for help ignored starving, pleas for food ignored was blocked by the controller

fifteen to midnight the tall man lives in a world that is not of this earth was concerned that he had harm befalling on him tried in vane to find him just to see if he was safe was blocked then threatened by the controller the end of the story is not close at hand I see fate has it logged

fifteen to midnight have a safety net in case the tall man is directing the show with the controller I don't know why the tall man would want to kill me does he hate me so much he can't have much control over the controller, or is he working with him to destroy the truth of destiny of what is fated he can't fight the word

fourteen to midnight

fourteen to midnight all is in order times running out unable to smile to sad to sad I know what was fated the 3 friends rule me can't shake their spell darkness surrounds

fourteen to midnight wanted some kindness couldn't find the road had the substitute was good but the heart didn't respond just a contract between bodies a hot release not love nothing close he wants repeat performance today I don't, but may so lonely so lonely

fourteen to midnight still need the tall man to tell me a story the truth would be nice need to see the eyes when midnight comes it will be over I'll be asleep and pain and sadness replaced by darkness where all is at peace at least I had love for a short time to short hot burning passion real on my part the knife brilliantly flashes the bullet shines the pill box glows with fire

fourteen to midnight why can't the tall man comfort me, be kind made my heart open then shred it with claws sharp why can't he talk is he so cold not to see is everything being blocked by the controller still no regrets here as I loved with my all was honest with feelings had a glimpse of happiness the only time in my life the tall man will never know the whole story he chose to close the cover

thirteen to midnight

thirteen to midnight If the tall man could know like I what wondrous things would have come to us both if fools gold had not been chosen now we're both doomed him to utter failure me sentenced to death alone defeated by the controller

thirteen to midnight the 3 friends are joyful they dance and burst into song my world falls apart have to drag myself to the palace to scratch a poverty wage can't live on it another lie told to me by the tall man so tired of the lies, and the struggle he brushes me off without comment the controller is relentless thirteen to midnight my happiness was raped by the tall man me left in a darkness needed just to talk have been ignored to long can't find the light or the road anymore the tall man took the light with lies I cringe at the solitude need some happy again the 3 friends will provide peace

twelve to midnight

twelve to midnight tried to forget the pain still need words to move on just existing not living pray to god for the light pray that the road is there forgot broken commitments forgot the lies just want some happiness

twelve to midnight ignored, told was insane for something someone else did told was out for revenge was not wanted fairness something to live for friendship promised broken just want to know why can't even get answer

twelve to midnight nothing goes right now put out a curse controller kills dog was blamed for that took off a curse no response God will see to it there will be no success unless amends come to me just sorry doesn't cut it need all the words

twelve to midnight the 3 friends don't like the mood are still

eleven to midnight

eleven to midnight is there a God have I prayed to nothing wish the tall man could see the destruction and make it right the knife is ecstatic the bullet whines with excitement the pill box rattles happily they know it will soon be time to perform

eleven to midnight the rolls are all cast fate one actor fights but in the end will accept the tall man will make amends hope not to late the road passes to the meeting time soars fools gold will tarnish

eleven to midnight seen the controller prancing the street talking to the prince about the tall man how he has the tall man fooled reported the tall man won't believe thinks I made it up how dumb he will know the pain soon that he made me feel caused by the fools gold

eleven to midnight the plays set to open the controller told the prince to watch how he tricks the tall man out of everything that's important how he took even his one true love away fate will cut him down also hope the tall man knows that warmth and love waits unless the 3 friends get their way understanding and forgiveness unless the 3 friends triumph

ten to midnight

ten to midnight the halfway point halfway to heaven caught in this hell wanting the best thing returned to me the 3 friends are getting ever more vocal but they will only cause peace because it was the tall man that mortally finished me off

ten to midnight hope he can bare what he did knowing him he will just forget the glow in my eyes and the passion I showered him with he will toss away the memory of me like he threw me away but like a ghost I will haunt his dreams and waking hours and catch him off guard at odd times I'll be the smell of roasted turkey and the tinkle of a bell on the holidays which I will not celebrate

ten to midnight in my heart he beats a soft rhythm and the little joy I have is remembering his touch his taste his love that will have to be enough to last to the grave thank you for showing me I can love but damn you for giving me pain I just wish you had let me cry for you in person the three friends anticipate and so do I

nine to midnight

nine to midnight want to move this along now make time fly away looking no more for light or love as it's all been written by fate the main actor has pushed aside what is deemed and is adlibbing the lines thinks he has it all but no awards will come hence the way he speaks the 3 friends accept the award instead nine to midnight almost at peace now not out of sync with what the 3 friends have played for they play for keeps and honesty, not hurtful games of lies and dishonesty they tell the cold sharp truth that's what I'm after perhaps one sharp explosion will end the play and the tall man will have regrets to deal with

nine to midnight after the chime of 12 little rings I'll be in the light at the end of the road away from the play directing no more the controller dubbed fools gold will shine only briefly and fade his part in this the lies he told the tall man about me will also destroy him in the end he also will be discarded and left with the pain and the fact that he's a murderer along with the tall man 3 friends will win all

eight to midnight

eight to midnight funny how things work I had all the keys found out through a friend about the tall man had told a friend the story told me to read scram interesting not impressed by stardom know quite a few have the right connections legitimate ones could have made the tall man a real star

eight to midnight I could have used my connections to help the one I love won't help myself doomed to the struggle committed to it if he had told me plans would have made them reality the tall man would have been on top doesn't know the facets of the gem he tossed was blinded by glitz and glitter of fools gold

eight to midnight had lunch in the mansion last week with Barbara while she was in town we caught up with life told her about the tall man she would have seen that he made the grade she was upset that he scorned me now she'll pull the strings she wanted to help me get out of this town offered a job with the tour I yearn to go with her but need to stay and finish the story before moving on

eight to midnight don't understand why the stars are attracted to me came here to avoid most just keep in touch with some I have the touch of fame all my life and don't care for it had a feeling the tall man was a pro he never told me he had a quality an actors flair would have opened many doors can close them as well he kept me out of the loop

eight to midnight I needed the tall man to be honest and sane but like so many he's not he didn't take the time to find out about my art or understand the real heartfelt care I gave unconditionally thought I was nobody that he could shit on the 3 friends will come for him also and his lies will be in vane and he will see the choice that he made will shut out the shine of the stage fate

seven to midnight

seven to midnight times almost done now kind words could still change things we are defined by the choices we make good, bad, wise, or not would still help the tall man pull off his act if he tells me a story about life I can open many doors or slam them up tight when midnight comes the option runs out

seven to midnight it's a shame he's so silent I guess I must be a bad person to have all the nuts dump on me made to feel worthless when I had so much to give what's the use I'll soon give to the 3 friends love life blood

seven to midnight may not wait till midnight am feeling real sad if it happens sooner might be better the peace will befall me and heal my heart don't bring flowers to a dead man I won't see them or smell them a few words might stop the play now and open a wondrous world but I can't depend

seven to midnight it's funny I've helped so many but can't help myself could have done the tall man real proud he wouldn't stand by his word or commitment of his love for me just wanted a friend and I trusted him till he put the knife in my back he'd have it all now if he had not lied and might rule the kingdom but now in the future because of my hurt I will see it denied in the grave seven to midnight times running out now the 3 friends are dancing a jig knowing they soon will perform their roles just waiting to hear from the tall man now a reprieve of death for me

six to midnight

six to midnight was told by the tall man I was out for revenge so that means I have a reason that's real for it and he admits he did me wrong was not out for revenge at that time being close to the end now perhaps I should be as mean as the tall man and play the revenge card to the max don't know if I can play that mean

six to midnight perhaps I'll just fade away just disappear and put all the bad aside give him just a taste then pull out the rug from under his feet if he was wise and could just see that he would be prince of the world just a note that is real given me back some self respect and I would open all the doors and make his dream reality that's what I'd do for a friend but I guess he's not

six to midnight have polished the 3 friends to shiny brightness they are clean shiny and bright they hold a promise now for me the peaceful end of the new life and love I found that raped my happiness away with lies and deceit left me barren without feeling and threw me away

six to midnight had so much love to share but was robbed before I could if you think by this writing things are different they are and just hanging on by a thread this is reality no knight on a shiny white horse will come to save me or you for that matter have been in touch with some in L A and have told them to squish all moves by you they control the industry my revenge now, yeah I can be mean that's show business made by the choice you made and the happiness you took from me

five to midnight

five to midnight holidays on us now all alone except for the 3 friends at the palace tomorrow added the day don't want to be alone the tall man won't tell me what I need to know so guess he wants me to die the controller may not let him see though have to keep that thought

five to midnight a very short time left before I find the light been down the road searching in spite of the fact I know he won't come to my aid if he knew what love he gave up he would shudder and call out my name I hope he knows that things could have been good and he would have ruled and all wants would vanish

five to midnight my life almost done I have no regrets I have no disgrace was thrilled when he spoke love to me and I loved him more than myself I put him first he put me down and lastly never thought about me at all I hope he is happy in dumps and dives that's the only place he will perform

five to midnight could have made him a star brighter than all if he had told me what he was about now will give him a bone to whet his appetite and have all the doors shut up tight after all he didn't have what it takes the first time around and won't this time either but could have one kind word can change all of that but he doesn't have the courage to face me

four to midnight

four to midnight will hurry this along now I want it done I've said it all the tall mans controller is blocking all moves or the tall mans to dense to reach to understand to comprehend what could have been the most wonderful story ever written

four to midnight best luck to him too he won't get through the blocks I've put up and I've put many in place when I'm gone and he reflects on it he'll be ashamed to know he could have stopped it all with a kind word or deed the 3 friends are very active and are bouncing around watching the clock knowing their lines and waiting

four to midnight doomed to never know real love just substitutes he's bucked fate and fate has no mercy If he only had taken the right road and played fair and for keeps like I was we both would be happier beyond wildest dreams but the glint of fools gold caught his eye and he was off in pursuit of what he thought would get him what he wanted when he had it already in his life

three to midnight

three to midnight have eyes everywhere some high up in your camp they agree with me think your insane choosing fools gold over a gem they keep me informed of all moves and of how fools gold brings in his boy toys whenever your out so sad to be you and I know what you will go through soon you will regret

three to midnight one day you will surprise the controller by getting home early and find one of his friends there with him perhaps then you will put together the puzzle and know what a sad choice you made it will blow up in your face and you will be sorry to have believed the wrong player all this time it will be to late for us also

three to midnight the three friends love depression feed on the sadness and pain one last hurrah and then it's over just to choose one or all three is mine to do the times very short now and I can't wait I'll be gone in a flash like lighting in my favorite thing to watch thunder storms excite me I love the flash and will go out with a crackling yes you will regret you were not nice to me my love my friend

two to midnight

two to midnight no friend to hold my hand no lover to comfort me all I have are the 3 friends and they don't lie they will come through in the end I guess that's what I need to get the job done and take the tall man out of my heart and mind put my soul to rest and let me find the light at the end of the road

two to midnight no matter how much I tried I could not stop loving the tall man he tore me apart and ruined my trust a hundred years from now it won't make a difference we'll all be dust and memory will be gone how does it feel to know that you the controller are responsible for the destruction of a soul and a life you wanted what I had and took it from me with lies two to midnight once I'm out of the way you won the prize then you can do more damage, dog killer another thing you can destroy is the art in his life, he loves that also perhaps he never told you that but it's very important to him kill that also make it all black I don't care what you do now just know I control the keys and the doors and you won't have your way my eyes will keep me informed

one to midnight

one to midnight such a short time left wrote it all down the lies the hurt of my heart can't get through with begging and pleading the tall man has ignored all of that he has a cold hard heart and will regret what he did and perhaps I will shine in the night sky

one to midnight I had hopes to the end but now I must leave the 3 friends are calling for me one final bow and I'll cease to hurt looking at the tall mans photo longing for a kind word a caress any semblance of care but it's almost to late after telling this story to the masses I'll vanish

one to midnight he may search very hard but I'll be hidden away in the light away from the pain and hurt caused by him away from the love and care caused by him no last second reprieve will come to save me from the tall man that I cared about more than life and he'll always know I put him first


Midnight it has come at last the three friends are doing their work now I've emptied the pill box washed it down with good wine the shiny knife has opened veins in my wrist watching the red crimson flow the bullet has blown the gray matter to shreds and spattered the walls of my tomb

Midnight this is of course is a metaphor tried to squish the feelings purge my heart and soul and mind you will never know if I do or don't later if you look, you won't find me, I am invisible no one can understand how the tall man could do what he did to me without a kind word to give me my self respect back

Midnight don't make amends to a dead man he has no ears with which to hear you will carry this burden to the end of your days by telling others what you have done you will see how wrong the pain was that you inflicted on someone innocent that just loved you for you remember I have eyes everywhere and anything good that comes your way is because I let it happen I will keep you in your place it will be my revenge now


More Gay Erotic Stories from Mrright

ode to paul vanase

Ode to Paul Vanase twenty to midnight twenty to midnight times running out now all alone nothing is real can't turn my mind off it's out of control once at contentment it's been scarred like my heart no comfort for me, no luck, no love twenty to midnight thoughts rush in, act without thinking it hurts to go on shut in a tomb of want and need missing love once


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