Gay Erotic Stories

Joker's Funhouse, Part 1

by Superbriefsboy
31 Mar 2006

Super Heroes

He was lying on his back when he started to regain consciousness. His blurred vision began to focus and his mind began to clear. What happened, he wondered, racking his memory trying to recall. He tried to sit up but couldn’t. Why can’t I move, he questioned himself. He felt a slight chill caress his muscular chest and legs. Why do I feel cold, another unanswered question he thought to himself. Now fully awake and his vision focused he was able to lift up his head and survey his surroundings.

Batman now realized he was lying spread-eagle on a platform, with an iron manacle securely cuffed around each of his wrists and ankles. A thick chain ran from each cuff and was tightly fastened to each corner of his platform. A quick glance down his body explained the chill he felt and revealed that the only thing he was wearing were his midnight blue boots and trunks. He could feel the latex of his cowell and at least was relieved that his secret identity hadn’t been compromised. This must be some new menace to Gotham.

He glanced to his left and saw his crime fighting partner, Robin - The Boy Wonder, was in the same position as he was, lying on his back spread-eagle, his wrists and ankles held in place with iron chains. Robin’s tunic, vest and cape were gone and he lay there in just his green boots and briefs. He, too, was wearing his mask.

“Holy, Underoos, Batman,” Robin exclaimed as soon as he realized Batman was awake. “How did we get here?”

“Good question, old chum,” Batman replied. “I’m a little foggy still.”

“This is a little kinky. I don’t ever recall being stripped down to my briefs before. We gotta try and break free,” The Boy Wonder said as he pulled on the chains that held him in place.

“I’ll agree with you on the kinkiness,” Batman said. “I mean, I’ve seen you in your tightie-whities, working out and just kicking back, but no criminal has ever stripped us down to just the trunks of our costume.” Batman also began yanking on the chains that held him down.

The lights in the room suddenly grew bright and a familiar white-faced, green-hair individual appeared between them. “Huulllooo, Bat Boys, you both look mighty buff in your briefs!”

“JOKER!” The Dynamic Duo both exclaimed at the same time.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Batman demanded, as both he and Robin continued to attempt to break free of their irons.

“Well, Bat Buffoons, I’ve just been released from Arkham,” Joker answered them.

“But how?” Batman asked

“Yeah, you still had quite some time to serve,” Robin added.

“I was a model prisoner, Boy Blunder, I did everything I was told to. Passed all my psychiatric evaluations, too. I can be a great actor when need be,” Joker cackled as he explained his release. “I’ve been declared sane!”

“You better not get too used to freedom, Joker, you’ll be back there in no time, I’m sure. As far as I can tell, it doesn’t look like what you’re doing right now is too sane,” Batman told him.

“Who know, Batsy,” Joker said. “But from what I can see, you and Robin both look mighty fine right now in your Bat Speedos. You know, Batman, I don’t think I’ve ever seen your chest; you’ve got a nice six-pack and awesome pecs. You’re pretty well developed too, Robin.“

Batman was extremely perplexed but also alarmed by this comment. “What are you cooking up now, Joker?”

“Let me explain, Bat Boys,“ Joker began. “Even though I got out early, I was still in Arkham a long time . . . too long. It gave me a lot of time to think and reflect . . . and learn. Learned some things about myself.”

“So what’d you learn?“ Batman asked.

“I’ll tell you, Batman. You’re going to like this. Over the years we’ve been adversaries, I always wanted to get rid of you, and oh, how I’ve made so many attempts to kill you,” Joker told them.

“And you’ve failed every time,” Batman said.

“You’ll fail this time too, you clown,” Robin added.

“Yeah, Boy Blunder, I will fail this time,” Joker agreed, “but that’s because I’m not trying to kill you two anymore.” The Joker continued, “I realized with no more Batman and Robin, I’d have no reason to go on, no one to toy with any longer, but if I just were able to capture both of you and make sure you were kept properly restrained, I could have you forever.” The Joker giggled at this thought.

“You fiend; what do you want, Joker?” Batman demanded to know.

“I want you, Batman,” Joker said with an evil grin, “and Robin too.” He continued the story, “I’m attracted to you, Batman. I finally accepted the fact that I’m attracted to men in general, and being in Arkham, I’ve had a lot of practice with the other inmates, and yeah, I’m also a pro at wanking; had to do a lot of that too, you know. And every time I jerked off, I fantasized about doing it with the Dynamic Duo. That’s why I’ve decided you’re more valuable to me alive than dead. Batman and Robin are going to be my sex slaves!“ Joker laughed wildly at the thought. “That’s why you’re lying in here your skimpy little Bat briefs.”

“Wanking!?? You’ve got to be kidding!” Robin exclaimed. “Batman, we can’t let him get away with this!”

“I know, buddy,” Batman told his crime fighting partner. “But at the moment, he seems to have the advantage.” Batman struggled against the chains that held him down. Robin, too, began to pull and yank on his irons.

The Joker put his hands together and clapped, “Whoo-hoo, we’re going to have some fun. I’m going to jerk you both off and suck your Bat dicks. I can’t wait to fuck you both, but best of all, I’m going to enjoy watching you two do each other!”

“This is pure madness, Joker!” Batman exclaimed as he continued to try to break free of the chains that held him down. Granted, both he and Robin, as Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, of course, had seen each other in just the trunks of their uniforms or just their white briefs. Often, when they’d lift weights and work out together in the Bat cave, they’d just wear their uniform trunks or their tightie-whities or a jockstrap. When they weren’t entertaining or having guests over, they both would walk around Wayne Manor in nothing but their briefs. Bruce slept in his briefs; he had a feeling Dick did too, or nothing at all.

And they both did get urges from time to time, especially Dick lately. Being 19, he was in his sexual prime and exploring his sexuality. Bruce had seen him date girls from time to time, but he spend a lot of time with his guy pals too. And Bruce wasn’t seeing anyone currently, so yeah, they acted on those urges. Fighting Gotham’s worst day in and day out got stressful. Bruce needed to get laid once in a while. They’d talked it over. Dick was more than willing to oblige; in fact, he gave great head. So, once or twice a week, they’d head down to the Batcave, strip down to their briefs, work out a little, do some wrestling, just some fun play in their briefs. Dick would give Bruce a blow job; Bruce would reciprocate and give Dick and hand job, but never in their Dynamic Duo uniforms before, though. They hadn’t been into bondage, either. Batman thought about it, and if it came down to it, having Dick suck his cock for the Joker’s amusement wouldn’t be so bad, but being at the mercy of the Joker’s other sexual fantasies was pure madness.

“Maybe to you, Batman,” Joker said, “but completely natural to me.”

“You’re crazier still, Joker. You’re going right back to Arkham. You won’t get away with this,” Batman told him, as he flexed his muscles against his iron chains.

“Sure I will. I got you here rather quickly, Batman. You don’t remember, do you?” Joker asked, and then continued, “I was able to turn on Commissioner Gordon’s Bat signal last night. He’s out of town at a police convention. Well, you and Robin showed up right on schedule. You waited a few minutes, no Commissioner, and that’s when you were ambushed by Jack and King. They sprayed you with my new knockout gas, which was recently developed by Queenie.”

“So that’s how you did it, you fiend!” Robin exclaimed, as he continued to yank and pull on his chains that held him down.

“Yeah, Queenie has been quite busy these last few years. I’d send her instructions and she’d carry them out. Together, we’ve created the knockout gas I mentioned, the Command Collar . . . and this lovely new funhouse you’re in. Take a look around, Bat Boys!” the Joker instructed.

Both Batman and Robin were able to lift their heads and crane them around the room to see what the Joker was talking about. For a moment they were just speechless as they took it all in. Batman could see two additional platforms like the ones they were chained to; there were four X frames complete with iron cuffs in each corner; there were four examination tables, narrower in width but longer in length than the platforms they were on, they had straps and at each end was a long chain with a set of cuffs. To Batman’s right there were four jail cells, each one had a bench with a set of leg and wrist irons. To his left, beyond where Robin was lying, was a wall with four sets of iron cuffs for both the wrists and the ankles. Robin surveyed the room, too. He saw all the same things as Batman. There were multiple chains hanging from the ceiling; they appeared to be on some sort of a track. The wall in front of them, which had the door to the room, also had some counters and glass cabinets. To the immediate left of the door was a glass case containing his Robin suit minus his green trunks, which he was wearing; to the immediate right of the door was a similar glass case containing Batman’s suit, except for his blue briefs. The rest of the cabinets were filled with, among other things, handcuffs, ropes, whips, iron cuffs, cock rings, gels and lubes.

“Holy, sex toys!” Robin exclaimed. “You don’t think we’re going to be here forever, do you?”

“I don’t think that, Robin; I know that!” Joker cackled, as Queenie wheeled over a cart.

“Pretty confident, aren’t you?” Batman asked.

“Exactly. Especially with these.” And with that comment, the Joker produced two collar-type devices from a drawer in the cart. “This is called a Command Collar. Queenie’s been working on it. When wrapped around your neck and powered on, I can order you to do anything I want! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“You’re sick, Joker, you know that.” Batman told him. Both he and Robin began to struggle furiously to break free of their chains, but it was to no avail.

“No more sick than a man who runs around dressed up as a bat,” the Joker smirked.

“Unnnhhhh! Mmmmh!“ Batman grunted as he flexed his muscles with all his might, trying to break free of his bondage. “I know you work out and everything, Bats, but you‘re no Superman. Those chains will hold you, so just relax . . . you‘re too uptight anyway,” Joker told him. “One last thing, I’m going to be filming most of what goes on here.” Queenie flipped a switch near the door; ten different video cameras lowered from the ceiling.

“Holy, Hollywood, Batman!” Robin exclaimed.

“You do realize, with the cameras, Joker, that there will now be evidence of your lewd acts, don’t you?”

“I don’t see it that way. I’m going to be making a film, XXX rated. Ought to make a fortune!” Joker said.

“Keep up your stamina, Robin.” Batman told his partner. “I think we’re going to need it. We‘re in for a long night.”

Part II

“Well, let’s get started, Bat Boys!” Joker told them. “I’ll start with you, Batman.” “Can’t wait,” Batman said sarcastically, while Robin continued to yank on his irons, trying to free himself.

“Have patience, Boy Wonder,” Joker sneered towards him, “I’ll get to you in a moment. Your dick will be standing at attention so fast, you won’t know what hit you.” At that point, Robin decided it was pointless to keep trying to break free of his chains and simply tried to relax, for he now knew his turn was coming up quick. He turned his head to the right to see what was going to happen to Batman.

“Well, let’s see what we’ve got here, Batman,“ Joker told the Caped Crusader as he started advancing toward his platform. He moved to the left side of Batman’s platform, “I want you to see everything, Robin, for this is what’s going to be happening to you in a few minutes.“ Within seconds, he was standing over Batman’s waist area. He removed the white gloves he was wearing and leaned over. “Oh, what a beautiful sight. You know, I really love looking at boys in their white briefs, but I especially love seeing a Batman in his blue briefs.”

“Funny, Joker,” Batman said, “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Over with?” Joker questioned him. “We’re just getting started.” Joker reached down with his right hand and started rubbing Batman’s crotch up and down.

“Ahhhhh,” Batman moaned at the Joker’s sensual touch.

“I see I’m going to have to make some adjustments in order to harden you up, Batman, and watch you bulge out,” Joker told him. Batman knew what he was talking about. When wearing his Batman uniform, he generally pointed his penis down, as the uniform itself was made out of spandex and was rather tight and revealing, especially with his blue briefs on. Every muscle in his body was accentuated through the Bat suit, so trying to be modest down in his crotch area he pointed his penis down so as not to always be walking around with a giant bulge. Robin, on the other hand, generally pointed his penis up, and being in his late teens, his hormones were constantly raging; therefore, he was constantly fighting crime with an enormous bulge in his briefs. Batman suspected he just wanted the attention. He snuck a quick glance over to his left and saw Robin’s side profile and sure enough Robin had a giant pitcher’s mound sticking out between his legs.

Batman could feel Joker’s hand molding his dick into an up position. “I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be fondling the Batman’s family jewels,” Joker said as he continued to maneuver Batman’s dick into place.

“I didn’t either,” Batman told him, although he had to admit to himself it felt good to have his crotch rubbed. Batman lifted his head up and looked down to watch the Joker continue to sculpt his cock into place.

“There,” Joker declared, “let’s see how big you can grow, Batman,” and he brought his other hand down. Joker’s right hand cupped Batman’s balls through his briefs and began to massage them; his left hand started rubbing up and down Batman’s shaft.

“Ahhh . . . uhhhh,” Batman moaned in pleasure and watched as Joker’s hands continued their rubbing and caressing of his crotch.

“Feels good, huh?” Joker asked while scratching Batman‘s balls with his right hand and his left thumb rubbing up and down the underside of Batman‘s shaft.

“I hate to admit it . . . but yeah,” Batman replied; it felt great, Batman thought to himself and could feel his dick growing larger and larger, getting stiffer and stiffer.

“Woo Hoo, you’re really starting to bulge, Batman,” Joker said gleefully. “Look at the size of your Bat Basket!” Batman didn’t have to see it; he could feel it. His dick was fully elongated at eight inches, stretching his briefs, about ready to pop out. He could feel the blood pulsating through his stiff rod, which was being held in place by his briefs. His balls were enormous too.

“Holy, Hard ons, Batman!” Robin exclaimed, “We can’t let the Joker get away with this!” The Joker hadn’t even touched Robin, yet Robin had already filled out his briefs, he had been so aroused watching Joker stroke Batman.

“We don’t have a choice, Robin. He’s got us chained, remember. Besides, I feel really good right now. And by the looks of it, you are too.” Batman said.

Joker turned and looked at Robin. “Wow, Boy Wonder, you’re huge. That’ll be much easier on me. You’ll cum in no time!” “But now it’s your turn Batman. Look at that rock hard dick of yours . . . it must be full of manly Batcum!!” Joker cackled, and started rubbing Batman’s spandex-covered crotch up and down faster and faster.

“Ahhh . . . ohhhh . . . uhhhh . . . uh-huh . . . ahhh . . . awesome, Joker.” Batman continued his groans.

“I’m ready to see you squirt out your juices, Batman, and I can’t wait to see that big meaty dick of yours. Let’s pull these down, shall we.” Joker moved his hands up to the top of Batman’s briefs and stuck his fingers into the waistband. He slowly pulled those tight blue briefs down. As he did, Batman’s dick felt freedom. It was released from the spandex and stood straight up.

“That’s fantastic, Batman!!!” Joker exclaimed with pure excitement and reached out with his right hand and seized Batman’s stiff dick. Joker’s grip was strong that Batman felt like his dick was in a vise. He could feel Joker’s grip release slightly as he started stroking his cock up and down; faster and faster. Batman lifted his head up and watched in amazement Joker’s furious stroking of his bulging cock continued. He began to pant; he could feel the cum started to surge through his dick. “Oh yeah . . . aghhhhh ... ohhh . . .uhhhh . . . fuck, yeah, Joker . . . ohhhhh, yeah . . . keep strokin’ . . . yeahhhh”

“Cum, Batman, cum for me!” Joker demanded. “Shoot your load!” And almost on cue, Batman let out a huge moan, “AAHHHHHH,” and white creamy cum started gushing out of his dick. “Ohhhhh, ahhhhhh . . . ohhh, yeahhhh” Batman continued moaning in ecstasy and watched as his semen started sliding down his shaft. The Joker continued rubbing up and down. Batman’s cum was all over Joker’s right hand.

“That’s marvelous! I knew you’d have a load but not that much,” Joker said. His hand was still completely wrapped around Batman’s cock, sliding up and down. Joker’s hand was soaked with cum.

Batman felt drained, “Well, looks like you got what you wanted, Joker. You cleaned me out.” Batman could feel his dick starting to reduce in size. Joker released his grip.

“That was awesome, Batman!” the Joker declared. “It must have been a while since you’ve blown your wad.”

Batman was exhausted, but managed to lift his head and look down. His cum was all over the platform and his blue trunks. He could feel its stickiness on his balls and crotch and in his pubic hairs. “Okay, Joker, granted that felt awesome, but you’ve had your fun now. Release us.”

“Oh, no. This is just the beginning. You’re going to get hard for me and shoot your load over and over. You must realize that with those chains on you, you and Robin aren’t going anywhere. YOU ARE MY SEX SLAVES!” Joker cackled and clapped his hands. “In fact, I’m now realizing that your semen is rather valuable. How many women would love to be artificially inseminated with Bat-sperm?? Or would love to just plain be fucked by the Batman?” Joker thought just a bit more and added, “I bet there’s loads of guys out there that wouldn’t mind playing with your bulge and sucking your cock, too? I’ll be rich!!!”

“NOOOO!” Batman loudly protested.” “Arrgggh!” Batman grunted as he used his all of his muscles in his arms and pulled on the chains that held him down. It was no use.

“Just relax, Batman. I’ll release your chains momentarily and put you in your cell as soon as I’m done with the Boy Wonder. It’s his turn.” Joker told Batman. “You’re welcome to watch.”

Joker walked around Batman’s platform and headed over to the far side Robin’s. The cameras from above followed his movement, as did Batman eyes.

“You’ve made my job so much easier, Robin,” Joker leered as he stood over the Boy Wonder, “You’re just huge. Your cock must be full of cum waiting to be released by me.”

“Go for it, you buffoon.” Robin ordered, knowing full well there was no use at this point to talk the Joker out of playing with his bulge.

Joker was already in motion, having placed his entire left hand over Robin’s tight spandex bulge. Joker began to rub and massage Robin’s cock and balls, pushing his palm up and down over Robin’s stiff rod.

“Ohhhh, keep going, Joker . . .. ahhhh . . . ohhhh,” The Boy Wonder moaned and began thrusting his crotch up and down. “Finish the job . . . make me shoot my wad!”

“Wow, Boy Wonder, you are eager. I was hoping to savor the moment, but I guess there will be plenty of time for that later” Joker told him, as he reached up with both hands, slid his fingers into the top of Robin’s waistband and pulled his green trunks down. “Let’s get you out of these, shall we???”

Robin could feel his briefs being pulled down to around his thighs. He lifted his head up and saw his cock was standing fully upright at its seven inches.

“Oh, that’s beaauuuutiful!” Joker exclaimed. “I didn’t realize how well developed you were, Robin!!” Joker ran his fingers up and down Robin’s shaft.

“Ahhhhh . . . ohhhhh . . . yeah . . . c’mon, Joker, stroke it!!” Robin said excitedly. He was feeling so much pleasure at this moment.

The Joker paused for a moment, admiring Robin’s erect dick, “Yeah, yeah, Boy Wonder, I just can’t help admiring your awesome cock . . . you’re just huge.” He paused again, “This just can’t wait,” Joker leaned in closer, and his tongue slithered out of his mouth like a serpent and began swirling around the erect rod between Robin’s spread legs. Joker moved his face down a bit to suck and lick Robin’s firm balls.

“Whoa, ohhh, ohhh . . . ohhh, man . . . ahhhh, yeahhhhh,” Robin moaned. He felt awesome, as the Joker continued to lick and salivate his cock, lubing it up.

“I feel like a kid in a candy store,” Joker said, amusing himself, “This is one tasty lollipop.” His tongue continued licking up and down Robin’s shaft.

“Ohhh . . . uhhhh, oh, yeah,” Robin moaned out as Joker’s tongue was swirling the tip of his swollen dick, tickling it.

After a minute or so, the Joker pulled back, “Ready to erupt, Robin??”

“Oh, yeah,” Robin said eagerly, as he laid his head back down, “finish the job . . . make me cum.”

The Joker gripped the Boy Wonder’s now-lubed-up mighty cock and began stroking it up and down, faster and faster.

“Uhhhhhh . . . uhhhhh . . . oh, yeahhh . . . faster, Joker . . . I’m cummin’ . . . ahhhhh . . . oh, yeahhh, man, yeah, Joker,” and with that Robin’s huge cock erupted with his manly juices.

“Awesome, Boy Wonder . . . yeah, keep on cummin’” Joker said excitedly as white creamy semen continued to pour out of Robin’s dick. Joker kept stroking for a few more seconds until Robin was drained. Robin lifted his head up and could see the juice of his loins all over Joker’s hand. His green trunks were covered in it, too.

“All right, Joker! We both feel great and you got what you wanted, now release us!” Batman demanded and flexed his muscles, yanking and pulling to free of himself of his chains.

The Joker thought about this, “Okay, Bat Boys, I’ll release you . . . to one of these jail cells over here,” and cackled wildly as he pointed to the four cells over to Batman’s right.

“Can’t . . . break . . . free, Batman,” Robin grunted as he, too, attempted to break free of his irons.

“You two aren’t going anywhere except into those cells,” Joker told them, “Queenie and I have plans to make and both of you need to rest, recharge and build up more of that creamy Bat cum!!! Jack! King!”

Joker’s two beefy, muscled henchmen showed up.

“I want you two to guide Batman over to that cell on the left. That’s his. Then guide Robin to the cell next to it,” Joker ordered his henchmen. He then motioned for them over to Batman’s platform, “Hold on to his legs” Jack went over to Batman’s right side; King to his left. Batman could feel his legs being gripped and held down by the two thugs. Joker then pulled a remote control out of his coat pocket and pushed a series of buttons. Batman’s leg irons snapped open.

“I need your Bat briefs. They got kind of sticky and need to be washed.” Jack and King pushed Batman’s legs together as Joker grabbed his briefs and began to pull them down off his legs. Batman felt a little embarrassed, here he was lying on the table in nothing but his cowl and boots.

“Lead him over to his cell and once he’s secured in there, come back over here, release Robin and lead him to his cell.” Joker instructed them, “And, oh, yeah, get Robin’s briefs for me . . .they’re a little soiled too.” Joker whispered further instructions to King as Jack moved up to the top of Batman’s platform. Joker pushed another series of buttons on his remote control and the shackles around Batman’s wrists snapped open. Jack immediately gripped Batman’s wrists and held them in place.

“I’ve been rummaging through your Utility Belt, Bats, and found these! Thought they’d come in handy,” and he held up Batman’s Bat cuffs. “Jack, catch!” Joker ordered as he tossed the cuffs over to Jack.

Batman sat is disbelief as Jack snapped the handcuffs around his wrists and locked them tight. What in the world is going to happen now, Batman thought, as both Jack and King pulled him up into a sitting position, grabbed his muscled arms and began to lead him over to the cell Joker had assigned him.

“See you later tonight, Batman!!” Joker exclaimed as he and Queenie left the room. “Rest up!”

To be continued…


More Gay Erotic Stories from Superbriefsboy

Joker's Funhouse, Part 1

He was lying on his back when he started to regain consciousness. His blurred vision began to focus and his mind began to clear. What happened, he wondered, racking his memory trying to recall. He tried to sit up but couldn’t. Why can’t I move, he questioned himself. He felt a slight chill caress his muscular chest and legs. Why do I feel cold, another unanswered question he thought to

Joker's Funhouse, Part 2

Flanked by the Joker’s henchman, Jack and King, Batman, cuffed with his own Batcuffs, unwillingly was being dragged over to his awaiting cell. “How could I have fallen victim to the Joker so easily,” Batman thought as he was ushered through his open cell door. He still felt like he was in somewhat of a daze, having just been drained of his manly juices by the Joker’s assault on his cock.


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