Gay Erotic Stories

A Gift From A Friend

by LeoNeedCock
29 Jun 2009

Best Friends


Josh has always been a popular boy in college: blonde, watery-blue eyes, tanned and muscular, smart and wealthy…well, what else you could have asked more from God? Things are not quite the same for Leo: jet-black hair, skinny, and good enough not to be called poor; but he is extraordinarily smart, and he owns a good heart, and has always been caring. Perhaps that’s why they remain as best friends.

Being popular as he is, Josh has always been a fantasy of girls. But he had only been truehearted to the one and only, the homecoming queen – Charlene, which put him into a breakdown when they separated.

One night after they broke up, Josh got very drunk at a bar. He called Leo later during the night, and Leo arrived to find him passed out on a couch. With great effort, Leo managed to heave Josh into his car and drove him home. After half an hour drive, they reached Josh’s home and Leo put another great effort to hoist Josh into his room. Well, Josh sleeps on the second floor and he lives all alone, his parents bought him the house when he came to study here. After stumbling a fairly few times on the stair, Leo put Josh onto his bed and went to get some hot towels. When he returned, the bathroom was lighted and he heard water splattering from within. There was a watch and a handset scattering across the floor.

“Josh?” called Leo as he walked into the bathroom. Josh was lying in the bathtub, still having his shirt and jean on. One of his legs was dangling across the bathtub with the shoe hanging loose on his toes. Water was splattering on his shirt, revealing the physique of his body.

“Okay, get up now,” said Leo as he eying beadily at Josh, who was still in his drenched shirt, and muttering indistinctly.

“Then, I’m leaving,” said Leo, after expecting answer from Josh, which didn’t come out.

“Well, bye then. Enjoy yourself,” Leo continued, sounding as though disappointed.

“Wait! Okay, I’m giving up,” Josh woke up almost at once. Still on his soaked shirt, Josh sat up on the edge of the bathtub. Guilt spread across his face, as he dodged away from the blazing stare of Leo. “How do you know…?”

Leo folded his hand, expressing the detective sort of look over his face. “First, I know you too well. Second, for a man who is too drunk to take off his shirt during bath, you seem too sober to put your watch and handset away. Third, your shoe look awkward that it means just too clearly that a pair of well-trained hands have put them into their position. And lastly and the one that determines it all, people usually wakes up when splattered by water like that,” Josh dropped his jaw, gazing surprisingly at Leo. “You have recovered from your breakdown, then? Well, only it seems to me that you are having real fun of me,” Leo continued; his tone was getting less friendly.

Josh went mute, being caught up in his own mischief. Whatever his plan was, it seemed to have jeopardized. “Sorry, I just thought…” Josh tried to explain but snapped by Leo at once.

“Sorry? I just lifted you up to here, when you can walk on your own! I’m not as strong as you, but I don’t need such a workout this late at night,” Leo scowled at Josh.

“I just want you_” Josh tried to clear it up but yet again stopped, this time by himself. Worry seemed to flood Josh as he avoided Leo’s glowering eyes. He was on the verge of letting something slipped.

“Me? Well, that’s a story I want to hear,” said Leo, while putting himself in a sit-back-and-relax style and glaring in a deliberately-disguised expecting expression to Josh. “Go on then, I’m hearing.”

“Well, I just…want … somebody to care,” muttered Josh, unconvincingly.

“Suddenly ‘I’ become that ‘somebody’? Well, that does not sound good enough,” snapped Leo and after hesitated for a while, “something you’re not telling me and it seems to concern me a great deal,” Leo continued, still posing the detective look, “I have the strangest feeling that this is much more than just a practical joke…”

Josh remained speechless. Silence reigned the tense situation for quite a while before Leo finally spoke again.


“Okay! All right then! This is it,” Josh finally gave in, though quite furiously and unexpectedly. He sprang up suddenly, and he took off his shirt in a forceful manner, and had almost torn it apart. Just as he unzipping his jean Leo spoke up, dumbfounded.

“Well, if you want to take a bath now, I er… better be…” before he could finish, Josh suddenly hurled towards him, which caught him by surprise. Josh pushed Leo’s back against the door, landing both his hand above Leo’s shoulder.

“Admit it!” Josh snarled as he eying fiercely to Leo.

“Admit what?” cried Leo, struggling to get off Josh.

“Say you want me!”


“Say you love me!”

Josh had said the magic word. Leo finally stopped struggling, it seemed to have struck him right. He looked innocently at Josh, who had a vicious smile across his face.

“What?” Leo muttered as he knitted his brow, surprised by what he had just heard.

“What! This is what I’m talking about!” said Josh as he pushed forward his hip and rubbed his crotch up and down Leo’s pant. Totally surprised, Leo was made to stand on his toes as he puffed with great ferocity as though he was out of air. He gave a hard push on Josh’s chest, and knocked him backwards. He, on the other hand, staggered and fell on the floor of the bedroom.

Still lying on the floor, Leo turned back to face Josh. Josh’s expression was now changed; he looked concerned, wondering if he had crossed the line. Leo tried to talk, still having his eyes fixed on Josh. But word had failed him for a moment, he was obviously still in shock. Not on earth he thought would somebody say this to him, and now his best friend Josh had said it, his deepest secret, his greatest desire, and yet his ultimate fear. He could feel his heart was sinking. His mind went blind. Everything was getting frustrating. How did Josh find out? Would that be the end of their friendship...?

“How… how did you…?” Leo finally found his voice. He sounded despair. He had tried so hard to hide the fact that he was gay. He didn’t want their friendship to end. And now that Josh had found out about all, somehow he felt that everything was vanishing. He was feeling hollow.

“I…err…I was just…err… just guessing…” murmured Josh, and once again, leaving a trace of doubt. This was unwise, as Leo was thinking again, and the pictures were somehow starting to form in his mind. “Wait, you hacked into my computer!?” Leo uttered indignantly. Josh was indeed very excellent in computer and networking.

“Wait. Let me explain. I just want to…I just want to be a friend,” spluttered Josh.

“By hacking into your friend’s computer?” Leo spoke as though he couldn’t believe this. And all of a sudden, a thought struck Leo, “wait! You planned this? You lured me here so that I would reveal myself! I can’t believe this! Now do I look stupid enough?”

“No, I didn’t mean to, not this way. I just…” Josh stopped there, couldn’t find a better word to explain. “I just…” he looked at Leo, desperate to clear himself up, but words had stuck somewhere in his throat. And then he started approaching Leo. “I just…” he muttered as he moved closer, until he was face-to-face to Leo. And slowly, he tried to kiss Leo. He could hear Leo breathing hard; he could almost hear his heart beating. At the last minute however, Leo darted away.

“We can’t!”

“Why? Don’t you…”

“Because you’re not gay,” replied Leo desperately, and deep inside his heart, disappointedly, “and if people find out about us…”

“Nobody will know, I won’t tell anyone about you… ”

“Don’t you see it? It’s not about me! It’s about you! You’re different. You’re popular! It wouldn’t matter much if anyone finds out about me being gay. But if they ever know that you’re involved…” Leo finally expressed his worry, but Josh was not listening. He stood up and jerked suddenly towards Leo, hugging him and kissing him. Leo did try to fight Josh off, but it lasted only a few seconds. Even he, being so rational all the time, couldn’t resist this temptation, the loving heat of Josh. They continued kissing each other for some minutes. Then Leo finally retreated.

“No, we really shouldn’t…”

“Ssshhhh…” Josh looked passionately at Leo, “you know what I like about you? You’re smart and you’re always caring. In fact you care too much sometimes. Tonight, I should take care of you. No complaints, no fear, no pulling back. Just do this for yourself, and well, for me as well,” said Josh in a tempting whisper as he pressed his upper body more tightly to Leo’s, sending a burning heat to Leo through his broad muscular chest. “We should make it dirty,” Josh let out an provocative smile. “So, you’re my secret admirer…” said Josh as he held Leo’s hand and put it on his waist, and slowly guided it across his abs and later across his soaked chest.

The shining light from the bathroom shaded Josh body, making his chest looked more muscular than ever. Leo’s eyes bulged, he gulped hardly and his heart beat so fiercely that it almost jumped out of its dwelling. He almost stopped breathing as Josh brushed his finger across the hardening nipple. Josh moaned in satisfaction. And then slowly, Josh led Leo’s hand lower to the abs. Leo’s heart was sort of stopped beating when his fingertips sliced through the waistband of the grey CK’s underwear. As his finger moved lower, he could feel the living within, being provoked and excited. It felt like a volcano was about to explode its magma. Josh let go of his hand, letting Leo’s hand alone down his private. He shifted his hip erotically and let out a moan, as though introducing his private to the invader. Leo had almost passed out.

“Free him,” tempted Josh, “let him out.”

But Leo’s hands were shaking unsteadily within Josh’s underwear, being accompanied by a raging pecker. His palms were perspiring. Josh must have sensed it too, as he held Leo’s hand again, helping him to pull down his underwear. And there it came; swinging free up to the air, stretching out as far as it could reach. Now, his underwear wrapped tightly around his thighs, and Josh chuckled as he eased his thighs and his underwear fell smoothly to the floor.

Now that he had done it, he stood totally naked facing Leo. His pecker pointed straight upwards to Leo’s head. Leo’s mouth dried, he couldn’t speak; it was piercing through his throat. He lost his balance, he fell but Josh held him up just in time with his enormous arms.

“You lifted me up here, you say? I’ll see what I can do for a reward,” said Josh as he heaved Leo on to his bed. He then jumped up and crouched above Leo. His manhood was aiming strangely at Leo, as though threatening to give him a hard time. But it was such a magnificent sight, and Leo couldn’t help staring at his friend’s dick. Josh smiled at Leo’s unblinking eyes and said, “I’ll see if this would help”. Josh put his whole weight on his friend’s body. At the same time, he gave a rather forceful but passionate kiss to Leo. Already breathing hard, now with Josh chest pressing hard on his, and Josh’s incessant kissing, Leo nearly drowned. But he didn’t protest, it was so warm. Leo hugged Josh closer, as though trying to make Josh’s kiss deeper into him. He put his hands on Josh’s back, massaging him.

They indulged in the kissing for a little longer, until Josh finally backed up, kneeling across Leo. “Well, it doesn’t seem fair, that I’ve taken all off and you’ve seen me all, while you still have everything on”. The same thought seemed to strike Leo as well, but he was too excited to tell. Josh then unbuttoned Leo’s shirt and unbuckled his belt. With a sudden jerk, Josh pull down the jeans at once and threw it away far to the corner of the room. “Well, that’s the last bit,” said Josh as he stripped Leo off forcefully. He tore his underwear, quite deliberately done though. Breathing hard, he peered his naked buddy with a sense of thirst. Leo on the other hand watched helplessly, not that he wanted to stop him, but he couldn’t do as much as enjoying himself as Josh stripped him off, he was still in shock.

For a second time, Josh heaved his full weight above Leo, passionately kissing him. This time, he rubbed his cock up and down Leo’s crotch, tensing him from head to toe. But Leo couldn’t be anymore excited, it felt as though his dick would burst with seething blood.

“Josh…stop it…uh…I couldn’t hold it much longer…ahhh!”

“Oh, no. You’re gonna do better than that,” said Josh as he lifted himself up. He then lowered his head to kiss Leo’s neck which sent chill all over Leo. Josh chuckled erotically at it. Their position was like a predator on its victim.

Josh continued to explore Leo’s body using his tongue. He licked Leo’s chest and played his nipple. Leo gave a slight push on Josh’s chest and shoulder, but it did not stop him. In fact Josh was kind of pleased and struck even more vigorously. He gave Leo a tender bite on the nipple, and he almost bit it off as Leo shook suddenly in response. Josh grinned evilly and continued down to Leo’s groin, leaving a trail of saliva along the abs. He gave Leo a prickly sensation as his stubble brushed across his dick. Without a word, Josh slid Leo’s dick into his mouth. Leo let out a loud moan of excitement. He closed his eyes and clutched to the bedside.

A few times Josh bit tenderly on the head of the dick, and Leo was on the verge of orgasm. “Josh! I’m coming! I’m coming!” cried Leo.

“Not so fast,” replied Josh as he let go a bit, but in no time Josh continued his business, sinking his mouth deeper and deeper. At the last bite on the base, Leo erupted. He let his hand off the bedside and grabbed Josh head promptly. Josh was caught by surprised and gagged a little bit but it was too late.

“AAAARRRRRGGGGGG…!” roared Leo as he shoved his hip forward and shot the first jet of sperm like an angry bullet. Josh was gagging hard but he couldn’t let go. “AAAAHHHHHH…!” Then the second jet burst through the piss hole so violently that it choked Josh hard. But Leo was showing no sign of letting go and he injected the remaining loads with strong shove, making sure Josh got every bit of it. As he emptied his load, he loosened his grip. Josh pulled his head back, breathing hard and peering unbelievably at Leo. Then a nasty grin spread across his face.

“That was real bad,” muttered Josh as he laid his body on Leo. Drips of semen were oozing from his lip. “Wanna have a taste of what you gave me just now?” Josh smirked as he stared at Leo, who was gulping hard, indicating his thirst and desire. “Too bad coz I have already taken them all. You will need to produce more,” said Josh as he slid his hand across Leo’s body, “or you can beg from me!” Josh suddenly made a firm grasp of Leo’s ball.


“Good!” said Josh as he jerked his head towards Leo, kissing him, giving him what he wanted. Leo explored every nook and cranny to find any seed of him, and Josh was generously fulfilling his desire by performing a good tongue job.

As Leo finally dried Josh’s mouth, Josh retreated and watched Leo with great satisfaction, knowing he had done his job well. Leo was still in heaven and he started to relax a bit.

“Don’t let go just yet, babe. We’re just half way there, just half way…” Josh cast another evil grin as he guided his cock, pointing it right into Leo’s navel. Leo was breathing hard again, while Josh crawled higher, still having his cock poking the navel. He was bending his cock backwards! Leo was now buried under the muscular chest, and Josh made him sank even deeper into his chest by hugging him tightly. Leo while trying desperately to breath, pushed hard to feel the heat sensation from Josh’s body. The situation was enchanted more when Josh shoved his body back and forth, still had his cock backwards poking the navel.

“Uh… Uhh… Uhh… Aaahh…” Josh was breathing hard, while Leo was moaning harshly as if the cock was piercing through his navel. After some while of moaning and shoving, Josh finally backed up. Still bending his cock, he knelt forward, dragging his cock along, which left a faint trail of precum across the chest. At the edge of Leo’s chest, the cock flung up and slapped Leo’s chin. Kneeling over Leo’s shoulder, Josh now shifted his hip as to traveled his dick all around Leo face. Leo opened his mouth slightly, waiting expectantly for Josh. Josh however took his time, sliding his cock up and down, but not into the mouth. At last Leo tried to speak. But Josh suddenly seized his chance and shoved his dick in, straight down to the throat.

“Eat this!” Josh commanded as his shoved his cock deeper down. Surprised by the attack, the whole body of Leo tensed up. He almost bit the dick into half, but Josh would not go easy. He laughed as he pushed his cock deeper and deeper and choked Leo. “Now you know how it feels to be choked!”

Josh moaned loudly; his dick, however, muffled Leo. After quite a while, Josh stood up, pulling his barrel along. Leo had to let it go, though quite reluctantly. He was having fun. He gave Josh’s dick a pull back by gritting his teeth softly over the mushroom head.

“Oh, no. I have a better place to deposit my load,” grinned Josh as he moved back a few steps and knelt again. He pulled a pillow and stuffed it right under Leo’s buttock. Leo realized the moment had come. He would lose his virginity, to his best friend, his most adorable friend. Josh’s dick was now all wet, soaked in saliva. He cast another evil grin and started to press his dick in, “this is it, I’m coming in, babe. ”. Leo felt the tip of his cock, trying to force into his asshole. His virginity cracked.

Josh frowned a bit He felt the pressure was building up. He then gave a sudden hard jerk and his cock head broke in. Leo screamed. It was as though a membrane within had burst. His virginity erupted. Josh now was sweating hard, his face tensed up. He gave another hard push and pierced half of his dick in. To Leo, it was as though a hot burning metal rod had shoved in. “Okay… this is it… One more push…and you’re mine, babe. You’re mine,” said Josh in a hushed voice. Then he jerked forward for the last time, and he shoved in the full length. “Ooooohhhhhhuuhh…!” Josh sighed weakly. He was finally inside. Leo was writhing in pain, but he couldn’t deny the pleasure.

Josh smiled satisfyingly at Leo. Leo, on the other hand, was waiting expectantly. But nothing happened. Josh was again biding his time.

“You would have to ask this time,” Josh tempted Leo erotically. Leo felt slightly embarrassed, but he gave in to the temptation.

“Take me. Take me Josh! Take me please!” begged Leo.

“Say ‘FUCK ME’, Leo. ‘FUCK ME’,” Josh tried to provoke Leo. He knew that Leo was not approved of rude words. He preferred to criticize using language with hidden meaning. But under the special circumstance, Josh was having fun. He was just trying to heat up the stuff a bit…. Leo however narrowed his eyes. He had waited long enough. He lifted his hip suddenly and slammed it down hard on Josh.

“AAARRRRGGGG…!” Leo had done it; he sent sparkles to Josh’s eyes. Josh was screaming innocently, the pain blinded him at once. His dick might have been burst. Leo at the same time was feeling as though his ass had been torn apart, but he knew it was worth it. It was proven at the next moment, as Josh glowered at him.

“You bitch! You’re gonna pay for this!” Josh yelled as he lifted Leo’s legs up with his hands, and started fucking him violently. “Take this! Bitch! Take this!”

“Oohhh… Josh! No! Josh! Aaahhh…! Josh! No…!”

“YOU ASKED FOR IT BITCH! YOU ASKED FOR IT!” yelled Josh as he slammed his cock more fiercely than ever, ripping Leo apart. Leo was struggling in pain. He eyes were glistening in tear. He writhed uncertainly, torn apart between suffer and pleasure. He was in pain, but he was in heat, and he was in love, and he couldn’t resist it. He reached out his hand, and as a return favor, scratched Josh on his shoulder.

“You son of the bitch!” Josh screamed as he gave another few hard push, rattling the bed. The room was now filled with the moan of two youngsters in heat. When he reached to the point of no return, he erupted. He lifted his hip slightly forward, heaving up Leo’s buttock as well. His whole body tensed up. With the last stroke, he exploded.

“AAARRRRGGGG…!” Josh shot a few streams of sperm, all landing safely within Leo’s asshole. Leo had felt it; it was burning hot within his bowels. The first stream filled the bowel almost at once. The second stream emptied the space within. The last few shot forced the semen to ooze from the edge of the asshole. Josh closed his eyes, enjoying the moment for a while. Then he retreated his dick, and it came out with a pop. He peered at his friend with a satisfying grin. Leo on the other hand shriveled up his body, still enjoying the sensation of the hot liquid within his bowel. He had lost his virginity at last; but he had gained more: the love from Josh, his passion, and his seed.

Josh grabbed his underwear and cleaned up his dick. He then laid himself beside Leo, gently kissing him on his cheek. He hugged Leo closer to his chest, giving him the heat of his body.

“I hope you don’t mind me calling you bitch just now,” said Josh as he gave another kiss on the forehead. Leo did not mind in fact, but he didn’t answer. He remained silent. Although he had lots of questions playing on his mind, he knew better to ask. He was sure that Josh was not gay; it was probably a friend’s attempt to fulfill his desire. But it had been so wonderful, and so unexpected. He couldn’t spoil the night. For the time being, he sank deeply into Josh’s chest, he felt that Josh had owned him. He wished he had sorted everything right just then, but he wouldn’t. That would have to wait until his rational mind and the sense of guilt had found their way and overwhelmed his pleasure right then. Now he would rather drop off into the loving heat of Josh.


More Gay Erotic Stories from LeoNeedCock

A Gift From A Friend

A GIFT FROM A FRIEND Josh has always been a popular boy in college: blonde, watery-blue eyes, tanned and muscular, smart and wealthy…well, what else you could have asked more from God? Things are not quite the same for Leo: jet-black hair, skinny, and good enough not to be called poor; but he is extraordinarily smart, and he owns a good heart, and has always been caring. Perhaps that’s why


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