Gay Erotic Stories

Becoming My Trucker’s Pimp: Cousin’s Final Account, Part 3

by Homes69
08 Mar 2004

Gay Erotic Stories

Ella Mae knocked on Deputy Edwards door. The tall good-looking deputy opened the door and was surprised to see a beautiful young girl staring up at him. He was immediately attracted to her. Wild thoughts began to run through his head since his wife had died a few years ago the deputy had not really gone out very much nor had he participated in any sexual activities and the sex that he had the other night in taking revenge for his son had awaken his sexual drive which before his wife's death had been very strong.

Ella Mae was the first to speak. "Sir, Do the Edwards still live here?" The deputy was a bit taken back by the girl knowing his last name, because he was sure he had never seen this young woman before. "Well, Yes, I am Deputy Charles Edwards".

"Nice to meet you Deputy Edwards, I now see where your son got his good looks and build."

"Well thank you young lady, but do I know you and how do you know my son?"

"No sir, we've never met but I met your son a few years ago and I have often thought of him and I was in town so I just had to come by and see if he was still around, I really enjoyed the time that I spent with him and was just wondering how he was doing. Does he still live here with you?"

"I am sorry miss, what did you say your name was?"

"Oh, forgive me I haven't introduced myself have I, My name is Ella Mae Ray. I am Johnny Ray's cousin. I was in town for the funeral. I was hoping to see…uh…forgive me sir... I only knew your son my his nickname "Mule"

"His name is Charles, Jr. and we both actually have the nickname of "Mule". So there really was a "Ella Mae". Johnny told me a different story last night" The deputy spoke this with a degree of confusion and angry in his voice.

"Well between me and you sir, that Johnny Ray is the biggest liar and sorriest person that ever walked this earth other than his father... who I also have to say was the meanest person."

Just as the deputy was about to ask more questions, Mule came from the front room. "Dad who are you talking to?" He stopped dead in his tracks and a big grin came across his face and he pushed his dad out of the way and grabbed "Sam/Ella Mae" up in his arms and picked her off the steps and stepped back in the yard and was just spinning her around. "I knew you would come back, I knew you would come back...No one believed me when I told them about you...they sent me away because they said I was sick…see daddy I told you she was the most beautiful girl in the world and she likes Mule…she taught Mule how to make puppies...Mule had so much fun with Ella... he didn't have fun with them other girls cause Johnny made me do with them and they cried when Mule did it with them but not Ella Mae... she loved Mule and Mule loved Ella... where you been Ella ... Where you been...""

Deputy Edwards was standing there in amazement as his son spewed out these words. All those years of them thinking his son had fabricated the story of Ella Mae and had been guilty of raping young girls and how he had been forced to put him in a home to keep the town from wanting to lock him up in prison and how all this had broken his wife's heart and caused her early death…now all the truth was coming out and it looked like the true criminal in all of this was the young man who he had trusted and then it really began to hit home... then a horrible thought came crushing down upon him... He had committed a horrible rape upon an innocent young man himself all because he believed what Johnny Ray had told him... suddenly all the decency the man had ever felt was an attribute of his character drained out of him...the ugly thought of I am going to kill that boy came rushing to the front of his mind.

"Daddy, Are you okay?" Mule shouted as he saw his father begun to stagger and grab for the doorframe.

"Put me down, Mule, Help your daddy into the house" Ella/Sam spoke to Mule.

Mule put Ella down and ran to his father's side and put his arms around him and led him into the house. He sat him down on the couch. Ella told Mule to go to the kitchen and get his father something to drink. "Would a beer be good" asked Mule.

"Yes, a beer will be good and bring me one to"

Mule brought his father the beer and the Deputy turned the beer up to his lips and drained the can before he placed it down. The color was coming back to his face. Finally he gained his composure and spoke. "Okay, Young Lady please explain to me the situation of how you met my son and what occurred and don't leave out any details"

So "Ella Mae/Sam" began her story. She was interrupted several times by Mule as he told his side of the account as well. Of course with a big grin on his face. Ella even included the part of about Johnny's father and the warning that Johnny and his father had given Mule..

The deputy's face was red with anger and the veins on his face looked as if they were about to burst when he heard the warning that had been directed at his son.

He then turned to his son..."Charles, Jr. …those girls that accused you of raping them how did that take place. You wouldn't ever really tell us anything to where we could help is the time for you to tell the truth…"

Mule looked over at Ella and with tears in his eyes he began..."After Johnny introduced me to Ella... he told me that she wasn't ever coming back but that he wanted me to help him out with some other girls who wanted to make puppies...he told me that they had heard about how good I was and wanted to me to make it with them…so he would have me come over to the shed and he would bring them in....They all were surprised to see me there but because Johnny convinced them to stay and told them that he loved them they all agreed to him start making puppies with them but then he also made them make puppies with me...some of them cried and fought me and I wanted to stop but Johnny would beat me on my back with a strap and would slap them and tell them to shut up...He did this several times with different girls until...well you know the rest daddy.."

"So all of that was Johnny's doing..."

"Yes daddy."

The deputy then turned back to Ella and why have you come back young lady.

"Well, actually I had heard what had happened to your son, and I was hoping that he would be home because of the funeral and I would be able to see him and to see how he was doing and also to apologize for any part of this that I might have played in him being sent away"

"Oh, Ella Mae…you didn't do anything... you are a victim just like the rest of us have been to this sicko next door" spoke the deputy.

Mule was grinning Ella Mae... he spoke next in his innocence he said "Ella... I sure enjoyed "making puppies", I mean "making love to you"...I, I, know that's what is actually called now...they told me that at the home...the other guys laughed at me when I called it making puppies... they also say it is called sex."

Johnny's father began laughing at his son..."My we have grown up... and you are right Mule it is called making love and I can see why you would have enjoyed making love to this beautiful young lady." He looked over at Ella with a look of sexual desire in his own eyes.

Mule spoke next "Can we do it again Ella?"

"Charles, Jr. how dare you ask the young lady that question...she came here to help not make love"

"Uh that's where you are wrong, Deputy Edwards" Ella shyly answered.

There was a moment of strange silence in the room.

Mule was grinning at his daddy and his father was shaking his head.. he turned to Ella Mae/Sam "I don't understand Miss"

"I said I came to tell the story but I also was hoping that I could get to make love with your son and since I have met you I want to make love to you as well...You see...I am thinking if "Mule" looks so much like his daddy in his clothes then it must be from his daddy that "Mule" got his equipment and I have always had a fantasy of making it with a father and a son and I don't know a better pair that than the two who are standing before me."

The Father and the Son looked at each other and at the same time they said "Holy Shit!"

They each stood up and approached "Ella Mae/Sam".

Ella Mae stopped them. "But before we begin this I want to reveal something else to make sure that the full truth comes out today and that my life has no more secrets in it... I am not really Sam's cousin Ella Mae"

The father and the son looked at each other...

Mule was the first to speak..."Ella you mean that you are actually his Cousin Sam?"

It was Ella's turn to be floored. Mule continued, "I always knew that you were Sam. That day I saw you run back to the house with your wig off and then I saw you leave...I was at first confused but then later on I figured it out but I still wanted to call you "Ella Mae" because I thought that was what you wanted to be called."

Deputy Edward sat back down in his chair..."I need another are a guy...I was about to have sex with another guy...holy shit..." The deputy looked up at Ella Mae/Sam and continued "Damn, are so beautiful...are you that good looking as a boy..."

"I will let you decide for yourself, Deputy Edwards...where is the bathroom?"

(To be continued) comments welcomed:


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Becoming My Trucker’s Pimp: Cousin’s Final Account, Part 3

Ella Mae knocked on Deputy Edwards door. The tall good-looking deputy opened the door and was surprised to see a beautiful young girl staring up at him. He was immediately attracted to her. Wild thoughts began to run through his head since his wife had died a few years ago the deputy had not really gone out very much nor had he participated in any sexual activities and the sex that he had the

Becoming My Trucker’s Pimp: Cousin’s Final Account, Part 4

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