Gay Erotic Stories

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11)

by Hector Oppenheimer
25 Feb 2004

Super Heroes

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11)

It was a very different Man of Steel who followed several steps behind Wu Chao, Gunnar and Dr. Naguib as Luthor's three henchmen strode triumphantly into Lex's conference room. Even though he was once again clad in his universally recognized cape and outfit, the aura of self-confidence, righteous assertiveness and power that had always emanated from the handsome Kryptonian stud was gone.

The male who was led before the Luthor organization’s hierarchy was the image of hesitancy and submissiveness. Even the stature of the Superhero had changed dramatically. The hallmark characteristics of the Man of Steel -- a proud stride, thrown back shoulders, and a determined look -- were nowhere to be seen. The body language of the softly treading male who quietly entered the room now transmitted a message of servility, timidity, obedience and submission.

The scene unfolding in Luthor's conference room was reminiscent of the Roman triumphs held to celebrate the defeat of a powerful foe – the victorious general leading the way, followed by the prize captives and the looted booty. In this case, Luthor's defeated foe was both the captive and the booty.

Although the vanquished, Superhero was not physically shackled as the prisoners of the Romans had been, the psychological chains Luthor and his men had wrapped around the Man of Steel held him in complete bondage. The dethroned Man of Steel had been reduced to nothing more than a mere possession of Lex Luthor. Superman's defeat had been total.

The furniture of the conference room had been hastily rearranged for Superman's presentation to Lex Luthor. The large conference table was shoved up against the far wall of the room, while the chairs had been arranged into an inverted "V" with Luthor's chair at the apex, raised a foot higher than the rest. Along each arm of the inverted "V" sat the members of the Luthor organization's hierarchy. The two chairs immediately to the right of Luthor's and the chair to his immediate left were vacant; reserved for Wu Chao, Gunnar and Dr. Naguib in recognition of what they had achieved less than two hours earlier.

When Luthor's three associates who had engineered the final breaking of the Man of Steel reached the beginning of the inverted "V" arrangement, the lanky blond Swede turned his head and glared at the superhuman male he had just helped to break. A look of trepidation swept across the face of Lex Luthor's hitherto formidable adversary. Superman immediately stopped in his tracks, his eyes frantically seeking some kind of instruction from any of the other males arrayed in front of him. When no immediate signal came, the powerful Superhero just stood still nervously watching Gunnar, Wu Chao and Dr. Naguib as they proceeded to the apex of the inverted "V" and took their seats on either side of Lex Luthor.

The entire room was completely silent as Luthor sat on his elevated throne looking at his completely subjugated foe and thinking of the innumerable defeats Lex had suffered at the hands of the Man of Steel over the years. But, every one of those painful defeats were fading into irrelevancy as Luthor savored the moment of his final victory over Superman – a victory on a scale he had never imagined possible. Superman was now his and Lex was determined to fully exploit his new possession.

The anxious Kryptonian Superstud breathed an audible sigh of relief when he finally saw Luthor nod and glance at an area of the floor a few feet in front of Luthor's seat.

Superman knew instinctively that he was to go to that spot and completely submit to the man who would now absolutely rule his life. The next few steps would be the last independent actions taken by the Man of Steel before he surrendered unconditionally to Lex Luthor. It only took him a few moments to reach that spot. The time of the capitulation was at hand.

Upon reaching the invisible spot on the floor where Luthor's glance had fallen, the Man of Steel apprehensively raised his head before finally looking into the eyes of the man who was about to possess both his body and his soul. Luthor's eyes blazed with triumph as they bored into the defeat marked eyes of his up to now indefatigable foe. This was a moment to be savored!

Finally, after what seemed to have been an eternity for the vanquished Superhero, Luthor once again nodded his head, and the most formidable male on the entire planet fell submissively to his knees, bowing his head in complete subservience. "I understand that you have something to say to me, Superman," said Luthor as he stared down coldly at his conquered foe.

"Yes," whispered the Man of Steel as he raised his head slightly and glanced up nervously at his new master.

"Well, what is it that you have to say? Please speak up. There are no secrets in this room. What you want to say to me, can be shared with all of these men," continued Luthor as he gestured towards the large group of gang members who filled the room. "What is it that you have to say?"

"I'm sorry," stammered the broken Man of Steel as he struggled to put his feelings into words. "I'm sorry for all of the trouble that I've caused you. I apologize for everything that I've ever done to you and your organization. I apologize for not believing you when you told me that I was a homosexual."

"A what?" snapped Luthor.

"A cocksucker. A cocksucker," the vanquished Superhero quickly corrected himself, as he realized the magnitude of the egregious error he had just comitted. "I'm a cocksucker. I'm sorry for not believing you when you told me I was a cocksucker. You were right from the very beginning. I am a cocksucker. I just didn't realize it for all of those many years. I now understand the truth. Everything about my life up to now has been a complete lie. I see that now. Please forgive me for doubting your word. I will never do it again. It's just such a horrible thing to accept. I am so terribly ashamed of what I am. I don't understand why you would want to have anything to do with me. And I don't understand why you've kept my filthy affliction secret given all of the awful problems I've caused you over the years. There are just so many things that I no longer understand."

"But," interjected Luthor, cutting off Superman in mid sentence, "the one thing that you do understand is?"

"That I am a cocksucker," the kneeling Man of Steel replied quietly. "That is about the only thing in life of which I am certain at this time. I cannot find the words to even begin to explain the depth of the shame that I feel, but I can no longer deny the truth. This cape, my powers and everything that I have done in my life cannot mask the fact that when all is said and done I am nothing more than a creature who was created to fellate men – real men."

"And to whom do you belong, Superman? Who owns you?" asked Luthor.

"You do," replied the Man of Steel. "I am yours, Lex Luthor. You own me, body and soul."

"And what about your lips, Superman?" asked Lex. "Are they mine too?"


"And your mouth, your throat, your pretty face, what about your clothes, your possessions, your deepest secrets - are they all mine too, Superman?" asked Luthor locking eye's with his conquered foe.

"Yes. Everything. They're all yours."

"Very good, Superman," said Lex his voice slightly tinged with condescension.

"It's taken a long, long time, Superman. You've cost me an incredible amount of money and many nights of lost sleep. But, I am happy that you finally know your place," said Lex looking down triumphantly at his fallen adversary.

"You are about to begin a new and a very different life, Superman,” continued Luthor. "It will be a life of subservience, obedience and submission. But, unlike your life in the past, this new life will be genuine. No more falsehoods; nor more illusions of grandeur. Oh, your carefully crafted false public image as a studly eternal enemy of evil will continue. But, it will be completely controlled by us. Your filthy little secret; your abominable and disgusting lust for cock will be our secret. From now on your real life, the life you will experience every day, will be very, very different. Yours will be a life focused on what it should have been from the beginning -- the servicing of men. As for all those things that you don't understand, Superman, let's just say that we will help you understand them. My men will help make sure that life will finally make sense to you, Superman. The fact that you dropped to your knees when I merely nodded indicates that you are beginning to understand at a gut level of where you belong. Get used to that position Superman. You will be spending a lot of time in it."

"Tony! Ryan!" barked Luthor, as he snapped his fingers and pointed towards the formerly unconquerable specimen of Kryptonian masculinity who now knelt before him.

Within a few moments, the 22-year old Hispanic male and the 38-year old off-duty Irish cop were standing on either side of the kneeling Man of Steel.

Seconds later, the Superhero felt a set of hands digging under his belt and pulling his tight blue shirt with its signature "S" emblem, out of his shorts and upwards over his flat, muscled stomach. Another set of hands rapidly untied the Man of Steel's cape. Without even being asked, the Man of Steel raised his hands, surrender-like, above his head in complete acquiescence to his stripping by Luthor's henchmen.

Once his shirt had been removed and tossed aside, Superman felt the hot hands of the Latino stud grasp the back of his red shorts and forcefully them yank downwards, exposing the magnificent alabaster buttocks of the Kryptonian hunk.

While the hot Hispanic stud pulled the red shorts and their accompanying blue tights further down Superman's strong thighs, the smiling Irishman quickly removed the vanquished Man of Steel's boots.

In a few moments it was all over. Superman was once again kneeling in front of Lex Luthor and his henchman, stark naked and at their mercy.

"Make a quarter turn to your right towards me, cocksucker," whispered the grinning 22-year old whose cock had stolen Superman's virginity that night in the vault.

Luthor smiled with approval as he watched his new possession obediently shift position, giving Lex and his henchman a clear view of Superman's handsome profile.

Glancing up at his boss, the young Latino thug nodded as a smug look of immense satisfaction swept across his face. Stepping in front of the naked Kryptonian hunk, the hot looking male spread his feet apart, crossed his arms over his chest and looked down into the face of the broken Superhero.

He simply said, "Okay, maricon."

No other words had to be spoken. Superman knew what was expected. Everyone in the room knew what they were witnessing – the timeless surrender ritual by which one male yields to the carnal desires of another male and in so doing permanently acknowledges the other male's masculine superiority to his own.

"May I?" asked the Man of Steel as his hands found the snap that kept Tony's trousers closed.

A silent, disapproving shake of the head told the submissive Krytonian male that he would not be allowed access to the other marvelous symbols of maleness that lay behind Tony's trousers and shorts. The subjugated male now understood that for today's ceremony he would be strictly limited to servicing the hot Latino's large cock.

Today's ritual was all about the Man of Steel's acknowledgment, before Luthor and his associates, of the fact that the handsome son of Krypton was really nothing more than a lowly cocksucker. He might be allowed to worship the hot Hispanic stud's pendulous testicles and hairy groin another day. But, today was all about accepting cock as the sceptre that would rule Superman's life forever.

A broad smile broke out across Luthor face as he watched his formerly indomitable foe shift his hand to the top of Tony's zipper and begin to slowly lower it. As the slider of the zipper passed over each of the zipper's teeth it reminded Lex of the movies he had watched where the flag of the beaten enemy was slowly and inexorably lowered in a final act of complete and total surrender. Superman's flag was coming down for the last time. It would never be raised again.

The first time that Superman had been confronted by Tony's cock was while the Man of Steel had been under the influence of a red and green Kryptonite powder mixture he’d inhaled in order to save his life from a lethal dose of pure green Kryptonite radiation.

After the disoriented Superhero was shoved to his knees by Luthor's henchmen, Tony had gleefully shoved his turgid cock into Superman's up to then virginal mouth and ordered the helpless Man of Steel to "Suck it, man. Suck it!"

It was an order the befuddled Superhunk obeyed, sucking the hot Hispanic organ until it fired its sperm laden load into the Man of Steel's face and down his throat. Each of Superman's subsequent encounters with that hard Hispanic organ had also been either coerced or as a result of Superman's pharmacologically induced semen addiction.

This time things were different. A look of respectful reverence came over Superman's face as he watched the teeth of Tony's zipper part, opening the way to the phallic feast of which the Man of Steel was about to partake. Even though this particular cock had been brutally forced into Superman's mouth numerous times in the past, the look on the face of the Man of Steel was more like that of a nervous young gay male, who was on the verge of getting his first taste of dick, rather than that of a rape victim about to be ravished again by the same rapist. Sitting next to Luthor in his newly acquired seat of honor, the ex-gymnast Wu Chao noticed the change in Superman's expression and nudged his boss.

"Lex," Wu Chao whispered, "Check out his face. If that isn't submission, I don't know what is.”

“It almost looks like he's going to pray to it," quietly chuckled the ruthless Chinese stud that helped engineer the final breaking of the Man of Steel. "You got him, Lex. You really do. He's yours, man. This is awesome!"

By the time Wu finished speaking, the gateway to Tony's cock had been fully opened. Carefully easing the fingers of both of his hands into the open fly, Superman advanced closer to his goal and began to part the fly of the new pair of boxer shorts that Tony's girlfriend Louisa had given him the other day.

A fraction of a second later, the nerves on the fingertips of the Man of Steel signaled that they had reached their objective. The pleasure centers of Superman's cum-addicted brain, which had been permanently re-wired as a result of Luthor's diabolical biochemical brew, also registered the fantastic warmth of a human male's reproductive organ in the process of becoming erect. This subconscious portion of the Man of Steel's brain knew that where there was an erect human cock, a meal of semen was not far away.

While the of fingers of Superman's left hand began to slowly explore the lengthening Latino phallus, the fingers of his right hand expanded the slit in Tony's boxer shorts in order to bring the splendid male obelisk into the open and closer to the now salivating mouth of the Luthor organization's extraordinary cocksucker.

It didn't take long before the magnificent Latino reproductive organ was once again proudly towering over the handsome face of Luthor's prized new whore. After finally extracting the rigid shaft that had played such a key role in his degradation and conquest, the Man of Steel respectfully extended his tongue and began to tenderly lap the underside of the very shaft that had so mercilessly destroyed his virginity.

A prolonged "Aaaaaaaaah," escaped from the lips of Luthor's horny Latino thug as he once again felt the tongue of the most powerful male on Earth begin to slavishly lick the underside of his now full-masted penis.

Looking down on the naked Kryptonian hunk who continued to run his tongue up and down Tony's shaft, the smiling Hispanic hunk groaned and said, "I told you you'd be sucking cock for the rest of your life, my little maricon friend, didn't I? You like my cock don't you? Tastes good, doesn't it? Why don't you show all your new friends here how much you appreciate my cock. Go ahead. You know what to do."

The debased Man of Steel stopped his tongue at the end of the next upwards swipe of Tony's proud reproductive organ; pursed his powerful Kryptonian lips together, and unleashed a series of passionate kisses onto the tip of the impressive Latino reproductive organ.

"You remembered!" exclaimed the gleeful dark haired stud. "How sweet."

“You remembered how to treat a real man," continued Tony as he watched the disgraced Man of Steel make love to the head of his cock.

Stopping for a few seconds the cock slobbering Superhero absolutely stunned the hot Latino hunk when he moaned, "Yes I did. Is this okay?" before returning to the warm phallic head.

You could have heard a pin drop as Tony, Lex, Wu and the other members of Luthor's organization looked at each other in sheer disbelief at what they had just heard.

"Did you hear…" Wu started to say, before being cut off in mid sentence by a strong order to hush from Luthor.

"Not now. Let this happen," interrupted Lex in a stern whisper.

Recovering from the shock of what he had just heard, the 22-year old Hispanic hunk reached down; put his hand under Superman's chin and lifted it upwards momentarily breaking the lip lock that the Man of Steel had placed around the head of his Latino fuck-pump.

"Baby, it's more than okay. You're making your man feel good, real good!" he exclaimed, his eyes fixed onto the lust-filled eyes of the hungry-for-cock Superhero.

"You like sucking my cock, Superman?” he asked. “Does my dick taste good? You want me to stick the whole thing in your mouth, cocksucker? Huh? You want me to cum in your mouth? Tell me. Tell me the truth."

"Yes," groaned the debased Man of Steel as he looked upwards into the dark eyes of the hot Hispanic stud towering over him.

"I really need your dick. I need it bad. Please let me have it," Superman begged in a voice bordering on desperation. "I really want this,"

He diverted his eyes from Tony's and fixed them on the hard cock that stood out proudly from the fly of his swarthy dominator and towered over the conquered Man of Steel like a living monument built to commemorate Luthor's triumph over Superman.

"Then go for it, my little faggot. Suck your man's dick. Show everyone how much you want this cock," exhorted Tony gleefully as he grabbed his hard dick and shook it in Superman's face.

"Show them what a good cocksucker you are," exhorted Tony as he thrust his groin forwards sending his phallic missile plunging deep inside the mouth of the awesome super cocksucker.

As the hot Latino organ penetrated Superman's mouth, the rapidly degenerating Kyrptonian hunk lunged forward, burying the thick organ deep inside of his eager throat.

The Man of Steel immediately tightened his lips around the hair-encircled base of the rigid member and began lavishing attention on the embedded fuck-pump with his tongue, while preparing to piston his face up and down the length of the very shaft that had ravaged him in the past.

The incredible sensations of pure pleasure emanating from every inch cock were just too much for the horny hunk. Abandoning his plans to prolong the blowjob he was getting from Superman, the lust-driven Hispanic stud lost control and began to frantically fuck his incredibly hard dick into the suctioning maw of his Kryptonian cocksucker.

"Oh, yes! Take it bitch! Eat me! Eat me, cocksucker! Suck that dick! Blow me you beautiful bitch. Oh, baby! That's the way. Suck that cock! Suck that cock! Suck it, man!" howled the enraptured male as he wildly fucked the face of the most formidable male on the entire planet.

The rutting Hispanic hunk's loud stream of lurid exhortations to the cocksucking Man of Steel totally disrupted the quiet setting that had been set for Superman's capitulation. Members of Luthor's organization left their seats and began to crowd around the two lust-possessed males, shouting words of encouragement to both of them.

"Give it to him, Tony! Feed that fucking faggot!"

"Go for it, cocksucker! Swallow that mother!"

"Look at the fucking rod that faggot is throwing," someone shouted as he caught sight of the Man of Steel's super cock standing at full mast. "He's throwing a rod, Tony! The faggot's in heat! Way to go, Tony! Feed the bitch!

Poor Luthor didn't know what to think. On the one hand, the carefully thought out ceremony to show Lex and his henchman that the Man of Steel had finally been completely broken and irrevocably converted into a lowly, obedient cum-pig who would suck off any male at the direction of Luthor or his henchmen, was now totally in shambles.

On the other hand, the naked and vanquished Superhero in front of him who was voraciously devouring Tony's cock, was the final proof that Luthor had accomplished what no one else had achieved – the complete and total defeat and mastery of Superman.

The Man of Steel was as much a possession of Lex Luthor as were the shoes on Luthor's feet. While Lex really had been looking forward to watching his long time foe debase and humiliate himself at a slower, more measured pace, Luthor had to admit that seeing the naked Superhero lustfully and shamelessly dishonoring himself on Tony's fat cock was an incredible power trip.

"What the fuck," thought Luthor as he finally rose from his chair. "I won. Let them have some fun with the faggot. They earned it."

"Take care of Princess Pussy-face for me guys. I don't want to spoil your fun. I'm outta here. Keep the bitch well fed and happy," announced Lex, in a voice loud enough to be heard above the excited din that surrounded the frantically sucking Man of Steel and the horny stud feeding him cock.

“Oh, yeah, everybody's getting a nice fat bonus check from me next week. You guys did well. You've made me a very happy man. Now, help make our flying cocksucker happy. Give him a night to remember," said Lex as he smiled broadly and headed out of the conference room.

"It's party time!" yelled Gunnar, the-19 year old Swedish hunk who had helped engineer the session that finally broke Superman.

"It's time to feed the pig!" he whooped as he elbowed his way past his fellow henchman in order to watch the ravenous Man of Steel impale his throat with the turgid reproductive organ of Gunnar's Latino colleague.

Meanwhile the wildly face-fucking Latino hunk was having a very difficult time holding off his desperate-to-be-released orgasm. The lip, tongue and suction actions of the Luthor organization's powerful cocksucker were rapidly breaking down Tony's defenses. The sensitive nerve endings embedded in the head of Tony's impressive cock were stimulated more than imaginable by the relentless and determined Kryptonian cocksucker.

The naked, hardon-sprouting Superstud kneeling before Luthor's horny 22-year old thug was in the grip of an intense sexual feeding frenzy unlike any he had ever experienced in his entire life. Superman's irresistible physical need to swallow semen, caused by the incessant demands of the cum-addicted pleasure centers of his brain, was now geometrically intensified by his own strong personal resolve to please the very male who had first defiled the Man of Steel in the basement vault of the skyscraper. Yes, for the first time, this great symbol of heterosexual masculinity genuinely wanted to please another male by sucking him off!

The final assault against his psyche by Gunnar, Dr. Naguib and Wu Chao had worked. The Stockholm Syndrome had been achieved. The Man of Steel had been totally broken and now identified with those who had destroyed his masculinity and dragged him down into the lowest levels of vile perversion. He was now a committed cocksucker determined to please.

Lex's conquered ex-nemesis was in a state of pure, unadulterated joy as he resolutely and unashamedly defiled himself on another man's penis in full view of the men of his hated foe's organization. The catcalls; the repeatedly shouted insults of "cocksucker," "faggot," "pussy," and the exhortations to Tony to "fuck his face," far from repulsed Superman. They only served to inspire him to redouble his efforts to please the real male whose big dick plunged repeatedly in and out of the Man of Steel's throat.

Glancing upwards and seeing the euphoric expression on his rutting dominator's face further steeled Superman's resolve to do everything possible to heighten the pleasure of the real man who was allowing him, the unworthy cocksucker from Krypton, to orally worship his reproductive organ.

"If I do a good job, he may like me and let me go down on him again," reasoned the completely mind-fucked Superhunk.

"Yes, that's it. Tony said that he really liked it when I licked all around his cock head," Superman remembered. "I have to pay attention to the head."

Seconds later the ultra-sensitive nerves in the head of Tony's big Hispanic pussy pleaser started to transmit a massive flood of intense pleasure impulses into Tony's brain as the Man of Steel unleashed a frantic lingual assault on the Superhero-conquering cock head.

Tony's entire body shuddered from the almost unbearably pleasurable sensations that were emanating from his rigid organ. The 22-year old stud began to groan loudly and uncontrollably while the Man of Steel concentrated on the sensitive underside of Tony's dickhead – just like Tony liked it. When the lust-crazed Man of Steel shifted his tongue's attention to the gaping cum slit at the end of the proud Hispanic stud's equally proud organ, Tony simply lost it.

The first great blast of sperm-laden stud sauce that hurled against the tip of Superman's tongue was accompanied by a loud "Oh, fuuuucccckkkkk!" as the hot Latino hunk's body spasmed and writhed in unprecedented ecstasy. The handsome stud, in the throes of the strongest and most pleasurable orgasm he had ever experienced, grabbed handfuls of hair on the magnificent Kryptonian cocksucker's head in order to keep his balance as he emptied his nuts into Superman's oral cavity.

"Chupe mi penga, puta!" [Suck my dick, whore!]" bellowed the wildly ejaculating hunk, momentarily driven into the Spanish of his youth by the indescribable feelings which now overwhelmed him.

As the first thick volley of warm jizz hosed over the surface of his tongue, Luthor's pet cocksucker redoubled his tongue's assault on the head of the ejaculating organ in order to give this superior male as much pleasure possible.

"I have to show him how good I am," reasoned Superman's warped mind, "He has to let me do this again. I gotta have this cock, even though I don't deserve it."

If Luthor's men could have read minds, they would have been dumbstruck by the reconfiguration of the Man of Steel's psyche as Tony's hard dick continued to pump its rich cream into Superman's mouth. For, while the Man of Steel's cum-addicted pleasure centers were once again ordering him to surrender his maleness by swallowing the expanding load that was rapidly filling his mouth, those demands were trumped by the Superhero's incredibly strong personal desire to please the heterosexual male Superman was fellating. The Man of Steel's will to please Tony had transcended Superman's physical addiction to semen!

"Straight studs like it when you swallow," remembered Superman as he began to gulp. "There! Now I won't spill a drop. This should please him," the mind-warped Superhero concluded as his lips slammed into the dense forest of pubic hair at the base of the stud's rigid fuck pump.

Standing over the dick eating Superhero, Luthor's ejaculating young thug virtually collapsed forwards in a state of unparalleled orgasmic rapture from the best blowjob Superman had even given and that Tony had ever received.

Steadying himself on the kneeling son of Krypton the blissfully exhausted male groaned quietly as every remnant of semen was skillfully extracted from his penis by the determined cocksucker below. Even when his thoroughly sucked dick had finally reached full detumescence, Luthor's eager to please cocksucker made no move to release the potent symbol of heterosexual masculinity that had just consecrated his unworthy mouth with its sacred chrism. The Man of Steel just held it reverently in his mouth very gently caressing the organ and its ultra-sensitive head in particular with his tongue.

"Okay, man." said the breathless Latino hunk as he put his hand under the penis worshiping hunk's face upwards. "You can stop now. You did good. You did very good."

An expression of joy swept across the face of the kneeling Superhero as the words of praise uttered by the towering male he had just fellated hit home. "Yes! I did it. He liked it," Superman told himself as he obediently, but albeit reluctantly, released Tony's thick cock from the Superhuman lips which were wrapped around it. As the bullet-shaped head of the conquering organ came into view, utterly cleansed of all traces of semen, but still glistening with a light sheen from Superman's saliva. The Man of Steel bent forward and respectfully kissed its tip, pulled back, looked upwards into the 22-year old's eyes and in a voice filled with gratitude said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, cocksucker," came the genuinely friendly reply from the smiling Hispanic stud as he playfully rubbed Superman's head, almost like a pet owner would do to the family dog. "That was very good. I just may let you do that again sometime - if you're really, really good, and ask nicely," chuckled Tony as he continued to affectionately mess up Superman's hair.

"You and me and this" he said waving his dick at Superman before stuffing it back in his pants, "are gonna get along just fine. Now, do me a favor. Show all your friends here what a good cocksucker you've become. He was really good tonight, guys," the young man announced as he glanced around at the group of lust-filled men who surrounded him and the kneeling Man of Steel. "You've got some really horny guys here my little maricon. Do a good job and some of them might just let you have seconds, isn't that right guys?" asked Tony.

A torrent of male voices responded with "Yes," "Yeah, baby," and "You bet your ass," as the 22-year old moved away from the naked Superhero. "They're all yours, cocksucker. Enjoy!" said Tony as he turned and headed towards the door.

The kneeling Superhero's view of his new idol was abruptly interrupted by a rampant cock proudly sprouting from a dense thicket of blond hair.

"Open wide, pussyboy! Your daddy's home!" announced the all too familiar voice of the treacherous Lois Lane's 19-year old nephew, Gunnar who stood totally nude in front of the naked, hard-on sprouting Man of Steel.

"You're happy to see me, cocksucker. Aren't you?" asked the lanky Swedish blond as he pointed down at Superman's straining cock while teasingly swaying his own youthful boner so that its firm head brushed against the Man of Steel's lips. "Would you like to suck me off, Superman? Would you like to wrap those cocksucking lips of yours around my meat again? Are you ready to blow me, faggot?

"Oh, yes," groaned the Man of Steel in a voice tinged with yearning as he looked longingly at the turgid organ of the male who had humiliated and debased him more than any other of Luthor's henchmen. The sarcasm with which Gunnar's voice dripped did not even affect the subjugated Superhunk as he eagerly opened his mouth and welcomed the conquering slab of hot manhood that slid triumphantly over his lower lip, glided effortlessly across his tongue, and then plunged deeply into his cock-pillaged throat.

"It's all yours," announced the beaming intern from the Daily Planet as he watched his entire cock disappear into the mouth of the totally mastered Man of Steel. "It's all yours!"

What followed was a night unlike any that Lex Luthor's henchmen had ever experienced. The men never experienced oral sex like they did that evening. The most powerful man of earth was now Earth's most indefatigable aficionado of hard, hot cock. His staggeringly powerful mind instantly recalled ever disgusting oral sex film he had been made to watch; the lurid gay porn stories he had been compelled to read; and the many "how to suck cock" manuals and documents he had been forced to memorize as the Man of Steel applied this vast knowledge of fellatio to his efforts to win the approval of the many males who were debauching him.

Neither the most contemptuous insults -- no matter how vicious -- uttered by some of Luthor's henchmen while Superman disgraced himself on their penises, nor any demand for the most demeaning of sexual acts; distracted the Man of Steel from his driving obsession that night-- winning some sign of approval from each of Luthor's men for sucking them off.

When Ryan, the 38-year old Irish cop on Luthor's payroll, ordered the Superhero to lie on his back "so I can fuck your face" the eager to please Kryptonian cock sucker obediently fell backwards from a kneeling position and landed on the floor with his mouth open to receive the horny cop's organ.

The seemingly endless stream of manhood-insulting profanities that flowed out of Ryan's mouth as he brutally thrust his cock in and out of Superman's throat, did nothing to deter the defiled Man of Steel from giving the face humping police officer as much pleasure as possible. After the Irish hunk finally emptied his nuts into the Kryptonian’s throat, withdrew his well-sucked cock, and stood up to let the next face fucker take his place, the cop was discombobulated to see a big grin on the Man of Steel's face.

"That cocksucker just ain't right," grumbled the disgusted officer as he zipped up his pants. "This is too freaky for me. He likes it way too much for me. I enjoyed feeding him cock when he hated it. But, now the fucking faggot likes it. I'm outta here," Ryan muttered as he watched Wu Chao plop bare-assed on top of Superman's powerful chest; grab a hold of Superman's ears; and begin whipsawing the Man of Steel's head back and forth penetrating the debased superhero's mouth with his stiff Chinese dick.

"A blowjob's, a blowjob!" Wu Chao chortled at the departing cop as the grinning Chinese ex-gymnast watched own his cock triumphantly ram through the dick devouring lips of Luthor's increasingly eager to please whore.

"You like gnawing on that Chinese bone, don't you pussyboy?" asked Wu Chao as he felt Superman's mighty tongue caress his rigid cock.

"Uh, huh" he said trying to nod his head even as the lust-crazed Asian male maintained his grip on Superman's ears.

"I always knew you were a faggot, Superman," replied the rutting Chinese stud. "I just never knew you were such a flamer.

Don't worry, my little bitch. Daddy Wu is going to keep you well fed," laughed Wu as he smashed the Man of Steel's cock-filled mouth against his pubes to emphasis his point. "You look so natural with my dick in your mouth," laughed Wu. "Oh yes, baby. You're gonna be spending a lot of time in between my thighs! Now, stop the conversing. Suck me off, bitch!"

And, so it continued well into the early hours of the morning as male after male dumped load after load of cum into the gullet of the disgraced but unprotesting super hero. There seemed to be no limits as to what the Man of Steel would do when servicing Luthor's henchmen when it involved his mouth and one of their cocks. When the domination-obsessed blond Swede pissed all over Superman's handsome face after the Superhero had swallowed a second load from the 19-year old's cock, the Man of Steel thanked him and gratefully licked the droplet of urine which hung to the end of the diabolical male's organ. Even the cold hearted and deeply cynical intern was stunned at the depths to which the Man of Steel had sunk.

When the cock-eeding orgy of debauchery finally ended near dawn, the Man of Steel lay sprawled on his back naked; reeking of cum and urine; his hair totally disheveled. Superman's impressive Kryptonian phallus was no longer erect, the result of four ejaculations was dutifully scraped up and fed to the Man of Steel. Each orgasm had been triggered by four very rough throat-fucks by Luthor's raunchier henchmen. Even though Superman's handsome face was splattered with blobs of drying semen, nothing could conceal the image of pure contentment and bliss that now radiated from that very face.

It was a very docile and serene Man of Steel who was finally pulled to his feet by Doctors Thomas and Reinhardt later that morning and led away for a badly needed shower and a well-deserved rest prior to beginning his new life – a life of total subjugation.

The next few months were a blur of activity at Luthor's headquarters as Luthor and his organization set about to gain total mastery over the Man of Steel, and remold and exploit him. Although Superman's submission and conversion had been genuine that dark evening, Lex wanted to make absolutely certain that it would be both complete and permanent.

Using debriefing techniques pioneered and perfected by the CIA, the military, and the psychiatric profession, a small cadre of Luthor's henchmen grilled, probed, recorded and verified every aspect of the entire life of the Man of Steel. Intense questioning, often under deep hypnosis, yielded a treasure trove of information for the Luthor organization as the innermost feelings, thoughts and most important memories of Lex's new slave were freely given up by the pathetically eager to please Superhero. He was rewarded for particularly productive sessions by being allowed to suck off some of his interrogators. By the time the extensive debriefings were done, Lex Luthor had a complete psychological profile of the Man of Steel and knew each and every intimate detail of Superman's life, starting from the Man of Steel's earliest memories living on the Kent farm.

But, discovering all of Superman's secrets was only part of Lex's program to create a new life of subservience, obedience and submission for the vanquished Krptonian hunk. While one group of Luthor's men was busy extracting every bit of information from Superman's powerful mind, another was implementing a plan to totally isolate the Man of Steel from any friends or acquaintances who might one day pose a threat to the Luthor organization's control over him.

Under the guise of Clark Kent, the Man of Steel personally visited the editorial offices of the Daily Planet and submitted two letters. One was his letter of resignation – citing an intense personal desire to pursue a new career as an archivist for an unnamed foundation; the other was a glowing recommendation that Gunnar Adolphson be appointed as his replacement. The 19-year old stud's photographic scoop of Superman's busting up of the ring of cargo thieves at Metropolis' airport (which had been set up by Luthor) had already impressed the management of the Daily Record.

The incredibly forceful letter of recommendation by their star reporter Clark Kent removed any doubts that they might have had about the young Gunnar's reporting skills. Two weeks later, the Daily Planet announced the resignation of Clark Kent and his replacement by the up and coming star, Gunnar Adolphson.

Clark Kent gave his personal good-byes to Jimmy Olsen, the rest of the Daily Planet's staff, and other friends and acquaintances at an elaborate luncheon paid for by the Luthor organization with funds channeled through Clark's checking account. Gunnar, who had "Clark" blow him in the men's room just before the event began, sat at the head table next to Clark, while several other of Lex's henchmen came as guests.

The lease on Clark Kent's apartment – where Tony had quietly slipped Luthor's wicked biochemical semen addiction concoction into the unsuspecting throat of the Man of Steel while he was swallowing a large load of fresh cum that had just been fired into his mouth by the turgid organ of Luthor's, 34-year old, black haired, Italian-Irish, ex-US Navy SEAL, Collin Umberto – was terminated. All of the apartment's contents, including Superman's civilian clothes, his furniture and every single personal item – anything that might serve the Man of Steel as a link to the past – were removed and either sold off or given to charities. Even his sheets, toothbrush and underwear were disposed of. Nothing linking Superman to the past was to be allowed to be a part of the Man of Steel's new life as submissive whore and cocksucker for the Luthor organization.

The only relic from the past that was kept was Superman's signatory outfit. Yet, even that would no longer be a comfortable reminder of a past life for the Man of Steel. Microscopic grains of green Kyrptonite were embedded throughout the inside of the suit – not enough to weaken the formidable Man of Steel, but just enough to produce an annoying itch. From now on, Superman would only don his trademark outfit under the direct orders of one of Luthor's men. He would never again wear it under his clothing, unless ordered to do so. The Man of Steel's days of spontaneous acts of crime busting were definitely over. Dashing into a dark alley or a phone booth and emerging as the Man of Steel would now be a thing of the past. The only criminals he would be busting would be those specifically targeted by Luthor. To further remind everyone of Superman's status as a lowly cocksucker, whenever he was allowed to wear clothing while in Luthor's headquarters, every pair of pants had a light blue hankie sewn onto it hanging from the right back pocket.

A small windowless bedroom was set up for the Man of Steel on the floor below Lex Luthor's office. It had a large video monitor and an awesome sound system. However, the equipment was not capable of receiving television or radio transmissions. The only videos or sounds the equipment would show would be those selected by members of Luthor's organization. The Luthor organization soon became the owner of one very large collection of gay videos with submission and domination themes. Other gay videos were carefully edited so that they only showed scenes stressing the pleasures of sucking cock.

Neither Superman's bedroom nor the small bathroom had doors. Even the tiny shower in the bathroom was equipped with a transparent shower curtain. Both the shower and the toilet were clearly visible from the hall outside of the Man of Steel's room. The privacy that the Man of Steel had so carefully protected in the past was now gone. The lack of doors accomplished two of Lex Luthor's objectives: it further stripped away any sense of individuality or independence that the Man of Steel had; and it allowed Lex's men instant access to the organization's in-house cocksucker – a service which Luthor's men were expected to frequently avail themselves at all times during the day and at night. Having a stiff cock shoved in his mouth in the middle of the night or while he was on the toilet taking a dump simply became an integral part of Superman's daily life. For the Man of Steel, dropping to his knees and sucking off another male in his bathroom was as routine as brushing his teeth.

When the Man of Steel wasn't being grilled by Luthor's interrogators; examined or experimented on by doctors, Reinhardt, Thomas, Paulo or Naguib; or off on a mission explicitly approved by Lex Luthor, Superman was at the disposal of any male in the Luthor organization who wanted to get his rocks off. The formidable Kryptonian hunk was essentially restricted to his room and a portion of the floor on which it was located. This space had enough bathrooms, closets, and offices into which any of Lex's men could haul the Man of Steel for a blowjob.

Some of the guys just wanted a quickie in private, while others with a more exhibitionist streak who were into public humiliation, reveled in stripping the Superhunk, shoving him onto his own bed; and loudly face-fucking him within full view of those who passed by the Man of Steel's doorless bedroom.

One thing that initially surprised and then amused the overwhelming majority of Luthor's henchmen was the genuine enthusiasm that the debauched Man of Steel put into sucking them off. No demand for fellatio, no matter how demeaning or bizarre, offended the vanquished Superhero, even though Gunnar and Wu Chao tried their best to find one. When Gunnar, Wu Chao and two other henchmen barged into Superman's room; stripped him and tossed a frilly pink ballerina's tutu at him, the Man of Steel put on the ridiculous outfit without objection; dropped to his knees; and fervently sucked off all four men, unaffected by the stream of venomous insults against his masculinity that poured out of the four. After each male had ejaculated into his mouth the debased Man of Steel kissed each male's cock head in gratitude; thanked him and urged him to return for head as soon as possible. To his dismay even Gunnar had to admit to himself that it was one of the most enthusiastic blowjobs he had ever gotten.

Except for a small group of men, who like Ryan were unnerved at the thought of getting blown by someone who actually wanted to suck cock, most of Luthor's men lost all fear of the Man of Steel and began to develop a weird sort of fondness for the defeated male who at one time had posed a formidable obstacle to their criminal activities.

It is difficult to fear someone who is on his knees enthusiastically and slavishly slobbering all over your cock; telling you what an incredible hunk of maleness you are; and thanking your profusely for allowing him to swallow your jizz. It is also difficult to dislike someone who responds to your act of unzipping your fly by breaking into a big smile, falling to his knees, lasciviously licking his lips while eagerly awaiting your command to "suck my cock, pussyboy."

It wasn't long before the previously fear-instilling Man of Steel became something of a pet for many of the thugs in Luthor's organization. It was a genuine turn on for these men to see this magnificently powerful Kryptonian hunk, who was still viewed by most of mankind as the paragon of heterosexual masculinity, respond to each of their demands for fellatio with gleeful and enthusiastic obedience.

Can there be any more powerful assertion of one's own masculinity than to have an icon of maleness shamelessly debasing himself on your cock?

It was also tough not to develop some kind of affection, even if grudging, for this insatiable cocksucker who acted as if your act of ejaculating in his mouth was the greatest gift you could give to him and your order to "swallow my load, faggot" was the nicest thing you could say to him.

The men began to develop their own pet names for the Luthor organization's in-house cocksucker. While some continued to address the fallen Man of Steel with such terms as "faggot," "cocksucker," "jizz bag," or "pussyboy"; others would call him "Princess," "Rover," (as in "I've got a bone for ya, Rover!); "Sweetie," "Tinkerbelle," "Queenie," or "Precious." It was not uncommon for men passing Superman in the hall to playfully muss his hair, or to quickly grab their crotch, wink at the Man of Steel and say "got something for ya later." The fact that most of these terms were spoken in tones of affection, only reinforced Superman's diabolically cultivated misconception that kneeling before another man, with his hard cock plunging in and out of the Kyrptonian hunk's throat, was the Man of Steel's proper role in life. It drove home the point that Luthor had been right from the beginning – sucking human male penises and swallowing their ejaculate was why Superman had been sent to Earth in the first place.

While Lex was ecstatic with the totality of the defeat that he had inflicted on his mortal enemy, Superman's evil master had much more ambitious plans for the conquered Superhero than just using him as a lowly cocksucker for his men. Lex craved power. The best way to achieve power was through money.

While some of Luthor's more shortsighted thugs wanted to order the Man of Steel to knock off banks and jewelry stores, Luthor understood that the key to successfully using his new flying cocksucker to make money was to do so indirectly. Why turn the rest of the world against Superman, when you could cleverly exploit his weaknesses and powers for your own benefit while retaining the world's adoration for his new slave? It might take a bit longer this way, but Lex knew that in the long run it would much more profitable.

So Lex carefully planned a number of highly visible assaults on crime by the beloved Man of Steel. As he had done on Superman's first crime busting crusade across the globe, Luthor selected the criminal operations of rivals, those who had double-crossed him, and those in which he had no financial interest. He would also periodically unleash his new flying cocksucker against petty criminals, drug dealers, riffraff and scum in select cities around the world lest anyone suspect that the Man of Steel was under his control. The world media was filled with accounts of their glorious hero's battles against evildoers.

Luthor also began buying up properties in severely blighted, crime infested neighborhoods in cities all over the world. These acquisitions were made through front corporations with no traceable link to Luthor. Once large amounts of property had been acquired in a particular city, the Man of Steel was dispatched on a "wipe out the scum" crusade to clean up the neighborhoods in which Luthor had acquired the property. With the criminal element driven from these areas, property values soared and Luthor made incredible amounts of money selling off his property. It was a foolproof plan of which the Man of Steel was totally oblivious. The only thing that mattered to the Man of Steel was that each time he returned to Luthor's headquarters after successfully wiping out the local scum, his return would be greeted by pats on the head and shouts of "good job cocksucker” and “here's your treat" before being given the privilege of sucking off those who were on duty.

Every once in a while some of Luthor's henchmen would toss Superman into a van and drive to a local adult book store, sleazy theatre, public lavatory or similar location that had a busy gloryhole. There under the henchmen's watchful eyes the Man of Steel was allowed to suck cock until he slipped into a cum-induced stupor. Some of the guys would actually spread the word among the patrons that there was some hot cocksucking action going on in order to increase the Kryptonian cocksucker's supply of fresh cock. Sailors on-leave seemed particularly responsive to such cocksucker notices, leading to an endless number of remarks from Superman's watchers about the Man of Steel's preference for seafood. Far from being insulted, the cum-devouring Man of Steel volunteered his own self-deprecating observations about his cocksucking skills and cock preferences.

The nights that were preceded by many hours of dick devouring debauchery at a gloryhole were the only nights on which the thoroughly depraved Kryptonian hunk got a full night's sleep. The cum-induced slumber of bliss into which Superman plunged after an evening of feasting on cock was so deep that Luthor's men found it almost impossible to wake him for middle of the night blowjobs. Some would just slip the head of their turgid organs in between the lips of the semi-comatose Superhero and beat off. Those who got their cocks in his mouth in the morning would often good-naturedly bust his chops about him "tying one on" the night before while speculating as to whether or not there was such as thing as a cum hangover. The fact that the handsome cock-impaled son of Krypton responded so positively to those types of degrading remarks was damning evidence of the incredible depths of depravity to which he had been dragged by Luthor and his associates. The world's paragon of purity and morality had been transformed into a debased creature of shameless and wanton lasciviousness.

This was the world of debauchery, perversion, degradation and unbridled lust for performing fellatio into which the Man of Steel had been inexorably drawn, starting with that fateful encounter in the basement vault with Lex Luthor and his men. The most powerful male on the planet had been defeated, conquered, subjugated and then reincarnated as a submissive and obedient cock-slave; stripped of any self-respect and slavishly attentive to the degrading sexual demands of his masters.

It was a world of depravity in which Superman would be ensnared for six long years.


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