Gay Erotic Stories

Batman vs Python, Part 6

by Davidcirce
08 Oct 2003

Super Heroes

Batman's eyes blinking fast--the words..."Python has me totally in his power" going over and over in his mind getting louder and louder! Soon Batman's eyes stop blinking and open very wide. Staring into darkness. Still the words..."Python has me totally in his power"…echoing loud in his mind no other thoughts possible. The sadistic Villain's drug is skull fucking Batman's mind into total submission.

The DarkKnight has indeed been rendered powerless conquered by Python. Batman's eyes start to close slowly his mind is totally subdued. Batman falls into a deep, deep sleep. Now the nightmares begin. Plugging him into a state of utter darkness. Python points a finger at the leather bags. Mamba goes and picks them up and comes back to Python. Python wraps his muscled arms around Mamba puts his huge limp penis in between Mamba's ass crack and they walk towards the stairs.

At the foot of the stairs Mamba stops and says, "Why did you have me set your lap top up?"

Python says, "Master King Snake is calling a general meeting of all members of The Snake Clan and I have to check to see what day it's is going to be on."

Mamba's head goes down a frown on his handsome face. Python pulls his cock out of Mamba's ass-crack and turns him around putting his hand to Mamba's chin, lifts and looks him in his pure green eyes and says, "Now, now what’s this all about as if I didn't know?"

Mamba just shakes his head with a bigger frown on his face.

Python says, "You know all us Masters put you young men together to see how well you interact among each other then we pair you up. Black Mamba was put with you, you both have a lot in common same interests and as I recall you two was like peas and carrots even went missing one time."

Python's eyes narrow. Mamba says, "But he's not you."

Python says, "You know The Snake Clan rule about sex you may have sex with who ever you desire."

Mamba says, "I only desire you."

Python says, "You haven't been around Black Mamba for sometime now I'm sure your Attitude will change once you two are together and you two better not go missing again!"

Mamba with still a frown on his face says, "Well maybe."

Python says, "Now let me see that sexy smile of yours you know you’re my only love but I'm a master and can't be just with you."

A smile spreads across Mamba's drop dead gorgeous face.

Python says, "There it is ummm-ummm-ummmmmmmmmm! I do believe that you are the best looking thing that I have ever seen in my entire life and I have seen tons of men and none of them compare to you my sexy as all get out darling!"

Python pulls Mamba's mask down then pulls his down and looks deep into his handsome young mans eyes pulls him close and begins to kiss him like only he can with heated passion. Mamba moans and both their cocks start go fully erect Python kisses Mamba for a good two minutes then goes to Mamba's neck and sucks it softly then runs his tongue to his ear and whispers, "You’re mine I will never trade you to another Master--never!"

Then Python looks back at Mamba with that sexy grin on his face, winks and says, "Now let’s go see what them boy's are up to."

Then Python stops and says, “Oh hell! I forgot about Alfred you’re distracting me you sexy thing you!"

Mamba asks, "Who is Alfred?"

Python replies, "The butler and he raised Bruce when his parents were killed he always made me laugh. I hope the boys didn't kill him we better go see what’s going on up there."

Python and Mamba go up the stairs push the hidden button and walk through the door. The room they enter is small with a short passageway with a door at the end of it. They open the door and go through it and walk into a huge kitchen the type only the wealthy would have. Python knows his way around Wayne Manor and he and Mamba head towards one of the bedroom areas. Once there they can hear loud moaning sounds coming from a master bedroom.

Python looks in to see Coral at the edge of a king sized bed with Robin impaled on his fat rock hard 12-inch cock bouncing him up and down, saying, "Giddy up Robin, giddy up."

Python and Mamba walk into the room Mamba drops one of the leather bags on the floor. Robin with unblinking eyes glazed over fixed and moaning very loud. Python says, “Coral, how many times have you made Robin cum?"

Coral with a growing frown on his face says, "I haven't made him cum yet Master."

Python's pure green eyes start to glow and go narrow, his lips pull back from his teeth. Python says, "Coral I have been lenient with you because your pair was killed by that now dead CIA agent but my patience is growing very thin with you maybe I should trade you to Master Anaconda or Master Gaboon?”

Fear spreads across the handsome Coral's face and he says, "Oh no please Master! I will try to do better please I will try to do better!" Coral’s cock goes limp and teardrops from his left eye.

Python walks up to Coral and wipes the tear away with his right hand index finger and says, "Calm down Coral your Master Python forgives you and I need to ask Robin a few questions anyway so now dry it up and put a smile back on that handsome face of yours." Python puts his hand to the side of Coral's face and looks into his midnight black colored eyes and grins. Coral smiles big and his muscled body relaxes. Python says, "Make sure your cock ain't inside of him. I don't want broken answers."

Coral replies, "It's not inside of him anymore Master."

Python says, "Okay, just put your arms around him and when I'm done asking my questions I will watch you make him cum."

Coral replies, "Yes Master."

Python then says to Robin, "Robin where is Alfred?"

Robin says, "Alfred is in England."

Python then asks, "Why is he in England?"

Robin answers, "Visiting a sick friend."

Python then asks, "Tell me the name of his sick friend?"

Robin answers, "Lord Randy McVey."

Then Python says, "One more question Robin, when will Alfred be back?"

Robin answers, "He'll be back in a month."

Python grins and says, "Very good Robin, very good."

Then Python pulls down his g-string and starts fist pumping his huge limp penis it starts to grow fast to its full 14-inches it's thick and throbbing. He grabs it at the bottom of the shaft and starts moving it back and forth slowly. Coral has his eyes glued to it watching it go from side to side his 12-inch cock goes fully erect. Python says in a hypnotic type voice. "Okay, Coral put your fat 12-inch cock into Robin and make him cum."

Coral picks the drugged out Robin up by his hips he can see Robin's abused asshole and starts lowering him onto his throbbing cock. Robin slides down on Corals cock moaning loud then he finally bottoms out. Coral reaches into his red utility belt and pulls out some kind of clear colored lube. He puts a lot of it on Robin's rock hard penis and wraps his hand around it he starts fist pumping Robin's cock. Coral starts squeezing it and going up and down it in a fast rhythm.

Robin starts to moan and say, "Oh-oh-ohhhhh......yea-yea-yeah.....Oh-oh-ohhhhhhhhh!

Robin seems to be hung on Coral's cock. Coral bounces Robin up and down on his fat cock working Robin's prostate over. Corals eyes glued to Python's horse like cock. Python dipped his fingers into one of his pouches that has a hypnotic powder drug in it that can be absorbed thru the skin and when he placed his hand on Coral's face he put the drug into Coral.

Python moving his cock from side to side making the drug take full effect. Python's voice echoing, "Coral Coral Coral you you you will will will cum cumcum when when when Robin Robin Robin cums cums cums."

Mamba whispers into Python's ear, "You drugged Coral."

Python whispers back, "I’ve been drugging him ever since he lost Taipan, you know how he was useless as tits on a boar hog believe me I know what I'm doing I will un-drug him when he is finished zapping Robin and I do not want him to know about it! Is that clear?"

Python pulls away from Mamba's ear and narrows his eyes then opens them wide. Mamba shakes his head in a quick ‘yes’ gesture. Python says, "All right then lets watch the show." and winks and gives Mamba a kiss gesture. Robin is moaning very loud bouncing up and down on Coral's cock.

Coral is fist pumping Robin's cock faster and faster. Pre-cum starts oozing out of his piss slit. Soon his head jerks back hard and shouts, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Robin's cock shoots load after load of white streams of cum. Coral also shoots his load of cum when he hears Robin's climax roar they both cum at the same time. When Robin is done ejaculating his head drops down to his nice upper pecs moaning and groaning. When Coral is done cumming he lays back on the bed breathing deep with pleasure moans coming out of him.

Python says, "Very good Coral very good your Master is very proud of you!"

A big smile spreads across the handsome Coral's face and he replies, "Thank you Master, thank you!"

Python then says, "Okay now Coral, make Robin cum two more times and then stop, I will be back to check on you in a little while now do your Master proud you hear?"

Coral responds with a big smile on his face, "I will Master, I will make you proud of me."

Python grins and says, "I know you will my trio-colored handsome boy." Python and Mamba head towards another bedroom as they get closer they hear loud moaning sounds. Python and Mamba look into the room. There they see Copper Head with his fat 12-inch cock inside of Superman holding him up with his muscular arms wrapped around him pumping him slowly.

Cotton Mouth with his fist wrapped around Superman's rock hard cock vibrating it and it has some type of condom on it with a long collection part hanging down. Cotton Mouth is saying, "We are working your asshole over ain't we Superman?"

Superman is moaning, "Ahhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhh."

Both young men are grinning big. Python with a big smile on his face puts a finger to his lips and winks at Mamba. Python says, "I worked Superman's asshole over more then you did Cotton ball."

Python's voice, sounding just like Copper Head’s. Cotton Mouth's smile turns to an angry grimace and asks, "Why are you saying that we both worked his asshole over not just you!"

Copper Head says, "I didn't say anything!"

Python clears his throat and walks into the room with a big devil’s grin on his handsome face followed by Mamba both Copper Head and Cotton Mouth look at Python and Mamba as they walk towards them Mamba drops the leather bag to the floor. Python says, "You two fall for that every time I see you’re having fun with Super stud here, how much energy drug have you give him?"

Copper Head and Cotton Mouth both answer at the same time, "Just one Master we really worked him over when we first got up here."

Python says, "Only one more do you hear me?"

They both reply in unison, "Yes Master!"

Python then asks, "What about his Super sperm?"

Copper Head answers, "We made him cum three times it's over there in the refrigeration unit."

Python goes to the unit and looks in a big grin on his face he picks one of the condoms up and looks at it, then puts it back and says, "Very good boys very, very good."

Both Cotton Mouth and Copper Head smile big. Python then says, "Now remember only one more energy drug injection you kill him and I will kill you both!" Python's green eyes glow and open wide. Copper Head and Cotton Mouth both shake their heads up and down and say, "Yes Master."

Python says, “Mamba and I are going to go get the diamonds from the safe I will be back to check on you two.” Then from an area out side of the bedroom a phone rings. Python makes a circle gesture and points to the leather bag on the floor Cotton Mouth stops vibrating Superman's cock and runs to the leather bag and pulls out a ball gag then runs back to Superman and puts it into his mouth.

Then Python makes the same gesture to Mamba and he runs down to the room Coral and Robin are at in just a little bit he sticks his head back out and shakes his head up and down. Python goes to the phone and picks it up. And says, "Hello, Alfred!"

End of part: 6 David Circe.

Batman, Robin and Superman, and Alfred are property of DC Comics. This is work of adult fan art. No Copyright infringement intended. This Python, Mamba, Coral, Taipan, CopperHead, CottonMouth, MasterAnaconda, MasterGaboon and MasterKingSnake are to the best of my knowledge my original creations.


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