Gay Erotic Stories

Speedos And Showers

by Ultimate Swim Fan
23 Sep 2002

Tales From The Locker Room

It had just been one of those nights. I was supposed to meet this guy I had kind of started dating at one of the local gay bars when he stood me up. More than a little ticked off, I decided to head over to another bar and see if I could find some of my friends. Who should I find there but my date kissing some guy in a back corner? I made a little scene and was asked to leave the bar for the evening. To top it all off, I got pulled over and ticketed for speeding on the way back to my dorm. It was just one of those nights when I didn’t feel like sitting in my room alone again, waiting for my roommate to show up drunk and pass out on the couch again. Luckily, I knew just the place to go: the pool at our school’s gymnasium. It was a little known fact that the pool at the gymnasium was kept open all night. Members of the swim team were sworn to secrecy to keep the pool from becoming party central. I wasn’t on the swim team myself, but I found this all out one night after I fucked a member of the swim team. My cock jumped and pressed against my pants as I thought about Sean. He was a good lay, but he wasn’t ready to come out of the closet yet, so nothing more happened between us. Still, I put the knowledge of the all night pool to good use, as it quickly became my favorite late night getaway and thinking spot. No one was ever in there, so I usually had it all to myself. Tonight was no exception. The dim florescent lights rippled off the surface of the blue water as I inhaled the deep scent of chlorine. My thoughts returned again to Sean, remembering how he still faintly smelled of chlorine despite the shower he took before we met. I went to my usual spot at the top of the bleachers and rested my head down on my knee with a long sigh. From there, my thoughts pinballed in my brain in such a random order that I lost myself in rabbit trail after rabbit trail of feelings, emotions, and remembrances. I was suddenly aware of a faint sound, almost as if someone had come into the gymnasium through one of the doors. I listened carefully, my breath caught in my throat, as I heard the distinct sound of footsteps coming closer and closer to the pool area. Aw shit, I thought to myself, now what am I going to do? I knew I would feel like a fool getting caught just sitting up there in the bleachers. Still there was nothing I could do about it as I watched the mysterious person open the door to come into the pool. He was tall and slim, the kind of build swimmers often have, with jet-black hair and a face that did more than just catch my attention. He wore loose white gym shorts and a light red jacket with red flip-flops . . . the swim team uniform. I couldn’t help but stare at him as he placed his gym bag beside the edge of the pool. He yanked out his towel and threw it to the side, all the while unaware that I was in there. I wondered what I should do. Should I say hello? Let him find me? Slip out quietly? My head was swarming with solutions. I didn’t have to use a single one of them as I suddenly heard the swimmer say, “Oh, fuck!” I turned from my thoughts to look down and see him looking right back at me. “Shit, dude, you scared the piss out of me.” “Sorry,” I called back feebly, trying to add that certain element of gruffness that all straight men seemed to have in their voice. “What are you doing here, anyway?” I shrugged as I said, “I like to come up here and just get away to think sometimes. There’s usually no one here, so I get a lot of peace and quiet.” “Yeah, that’s why I like to come swim sometimes late at night,” he replied. “You really shouldn’t be here, though. It is reserved for the swim team.” “You want me to leave?” He thought about it for a moment before he said, “Nah, as long as you don’t mind me thrashing around in the water for a while.” “Shouldn’t bother me.” He didn’t say anything else, but turned around and slid off his jacket. I was still admiring his muscular chest and back when he slid out of his shorts and stood in the red Speedo of the swim team. God, he was fucking hot. I just wanted to run down there and eat him all up. I restrained myself, however, as he dove into the pool and started swimming. I couldn’t help but stare at him, watching his lithe body swim deftly from one end of the pool to the other. It was like watching poetry in motion. My cock stirred in my pants as I watched the swimming stranger complete lap after lap. He never seemed to slow down, never seemed to tire, until he finally swam to the edge of the pool and heaved himself out with his strong arms. I caught a glimpse of the large bulge in his Speedos before he quickly grabbed his towel and started drying off. I turned my eyes to look off into the distance, hoping he hadn’t caught me looking. It wasn’t too long, however, before I saw him start walking up the bleachers toward me. He had slipped on his jacket, but still wore just the Speedo underneath. I tried to will myself not to look as that bulge between his legs bobbed and swayed with each swagger, but it was no use. The dude had me fucking horny as hell. “By the way, my name’s Matt,” he said as he walked up to me, hand reached out. I took his hand and shook it as I said, “I’m Craig. Nice to meet you. You looked really good out there.” I kicked myself as soon as the words left my mouth. I could practically taste how gay they sounded. Matt didn’t seem to notice, however, as he smirked and said, “I’ve done better. I’ve really been needing the practice.” He paused for a minute to look out across the pool before he added, “Plus, it was kind of hard to swim with you here.” “I’m sorry,” I apologized. “What did I do?” Matt just kind of shrugged as he mumbled, “I don’t know. It was just kind of weird to know that there was just one person up there watching you swim.” He flashed me a corked grin as he said, “It was kind of . . . erotic, in a way.” “It was kind of erotic having one guy down there swimming for me,” I shot back calmly, liking where this conversation was going. “Did it, uh, give you a hard-on, too?” Matt said almost nervously. I grinned. “Yeah.” “Well, what are we going to do about that?” I could almost see the mound growing in Matt’s skimpy shorts. “I dunno.” There was a slight pause before Matt said, “Too bad we don’t have some chicks with us right now, huh?” I could read through that phony line. Translation: I still want to appear to be straight so I’ll feel better about what we’re about to do. I just grinned up at Matt as I purred, “Yeah, too bad.” Matt’s eyes darted back and forth anxiously before he got up the nerve for his next line. “You know,” he started after clearing his throat. “There’s really nothing that says that . . . that we can’t take care of this ourselves.” I was enjoying this little game of cat and mouse between Matt and me, as I remained calm after playing it so many times with so many other men. “Yeah, I guess we could just leave and beat off somewhere,” I teased, knowing this was not the answer he was looking for. Matt frowned. “That’s not exactly what I was thinking.” Time to let the stud off the hook, I thought to myself . . . not that I didn’t want to. I took the first bold step and reached out to grab his hardening cock in my hand. “This better?” Matt let out a little groan as he said, “Much. Why don’t we move to the locker room where we can have a little more privacy?” “Sounds good to me,” I replied, standing up and giving his cock one last little squeeze before he led me to the locker room. I have to be honest and say that I had never been to the pool’s locker room. It wasn’t much different than any other: tile floors, long benches, the mixed odor of fresh soap and stale jock straps. Matt led me to one particular corner and then turned to face me. “Why don’t you get out of those clothes and strip down to your underwear?” “Sure thing,” I complied, starting immediately by tugging off my shirt. I was very comfortable with my body, having the foresight during junior high to start lifting weights to counteract my wiry frame. The result was really very much like what I saw before me as Matt took his jacket off. I really had a swimmer’s body, even though I never had anything to do with the sport, outside of my little tryst with Sean and now this rendezvous, at least. Not being the swimmer, I wasn’t as smooth as Matt, who looked as if he shaved every inch of his body. Still, I was no bear, and the patches of hair I did have tended to be the same light blonde as my natural hair color. All in all, I knew I had something good to offer the men who sought after me. I stood now clothed in just the bikini briefs I had slipped on earlier as I had been getting ready for my earlier date. Ironically, they were bright red, just like Matt’s Speedo. Matt ogled the tent in my shorts that strained just enough to pull the skimpy underwear from my body and give Matt a little preview. “Looks like you’re just as horny as I am,” he said hurriedly. “You’re not doing too bad yourself,” I commented, letting one finger slide down the thick ridge in his Speedos. Matt let out a little gasp as my finger touched him. After I let my hand fall back to my side, Matt suddenly asked, “Have you ever done this before?” I could have lied to make his feel better and I kicked myself I heard the words falling out of my mouth. “You could say so. I’m gay.” Matt blinked, but didn’t shy away. “I’m not gay,” he said plainly, “But I have gotten off with guys before, only when we can’t find ourselves some pussy.” “Of course,” I purred, not completely believing Matt’s story. Bottom line, I could tell he wasn’t going to start the action, so I gladly stepped up to bat. I edged closer to Matt as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I pulled his groin close to mine and started grinding our cocks together through our shorts. Matt just groaned at the contact and I could feel his dick jump and grow a bit more. My briefs started getting damp from Matt’s Speedos and they continued to strain against my lengthening member. Still rocking my hips with his, I reached up and toyed with one of his nipples. He gasped, probably never knowing before that his nipples could be such a turn-on. He probably was straight and just felt like getting off with someone tonight, I finally decided. My finger trailed down his stomach, past his navel, until it stopped just at the top of Matt’s trunks. “What do you say we get rid of this thing?” I said in a lusty voice. All I got was a nod from Matt. I hooked my fingers into Matt’s waistband and gently began to pull. I could tell I was driving him crazy with how slow I went, but I was savoring just watching his cock emerge. I first noticed that Matt’s pubes, while not shaved off completely, were nicely trimmed and cut, tapering into a thin mat of black curls that stopped at the base of his shaft. As more and more was revealed for my pleasure, I was beginning to get an idea of what I was dealing with. Matt’s honey-colored shaft was quite long, but also not very thick at all. His balls hung high and thick, though, in their freshly shaved sac. I let my finger run down Matt’s smooth sac as I continued to unleash his manhood. Finally, with one last tug, Matt’s cock sprung up to smack his tight belly before stretching straight out with a slight graceful curve that pointed his swollen crimson head right at my face. “God, you’ve got a nice cock,” I said in a low voice. “Thanks,” Matt said with a low rumble in his voice. “Can I, uh, see yours?” “Go ahead,” I invited him, taking his hands to place them at the top of my underwear. I could tell he would have rather had me pull them down, but I wasn’t about to let him get off that easily. With the quickness that only straight boys have during sexual intimacy, he whisked my briefs down quickly and stood back up to look. My cock was about the exact opposite of Matt’s, short (but not too short) but very thick, tapering off into a wide purple head still sheathed in foreskin. It was not as carefully groomed as Matt’s, however, as dark golden pubes covered my groin and low-hanging balls. “I’ve never seen an uncut cock before,” Matt said, looking at my cock. “Well, now you have,” I said with a smirk before I grabbed both of our cocks in one hand. I crushed them against each other hard, smashing them into practically one cock as I stroked up and down. Matt whimpered, and I felt the pre-cum ooze from his shaft and lube us up. It was hard to work two cocks that were so different, but somehow I managed. I swirled my thumb in the sweet drops that dripped from Matt’s honey cock, rubbing it all over our cocks. When I could tell Matt was really getting into it, I took his hand and had it join mine in stroking. Just as I thought, Matt was one of those guys who didn’t mind getting it done, but didn’t want to do it back when it involved homosexual sex. He tried to yank his hand away, but I held it there firmly. He looked up at me with an angry look on his face, but I just glared back. “I know you aren’t going to go down on me, dude,” I said in a low voice, “so at least give me something.” Matt knew he couldn’t argue with that, so he just took to jerking our cocks. He really did pretty well with it, though, and even worked up the nerve to play with my foreskin a little, rolling it down a bit from my own oozing cock head. After a few seconds, I decided to let Matt off the hook once again. I pushed his hand away, which he readily snatched back. I pumped our cocks together a little bit more before I let go of my own. Matt moaned at the individual attention, his eyes rolling back into his head. Slowly, I sank to my knees until I faced Matt’s long pole. I started slow, taking my time with everything. I swirled his candy apple head, sampling a bit of the clear juice he had started pumping out long ago. It was sweet, and I gently kissed another drop that oozed from his cock as I was licking. Matt was really getting into it now. If he only knew how good I really was at blowjobs, he wouldn’t be taking it as calmly as he was. Time to dropkick him into the realm of ecstasy, I thought to myself. With one huge gulp, I swallowed Matt’s long cock completely until my nose brushed his short, shaven pubes. Matt literally screamed at the feel, bucking up against my face in pleasure. I breathed him in deep, but all I could smell was the chlorine deep in his groin. Very slowly, painfully slowly, I eased back off his cock, letting my tongue trace wild trails up and down his cock. All Matt could do was rasp in a lusty voice, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” Damn, I was good. Back at the top of his cock again, I quickly jammed it back down my throat, even deeper than the time before. Matt screamed again and I could feel his knees beginning to buckle. I grabbed him just in time as I massaged his throbbing cock head with the back of my throat. “Fuck, you’re going to make me cum too quick,” Matt growled. I backed off, letting go of the death grip I had on his cock with my mouth. “I can wait a little bit,” I reassured. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth,” Matt said suddenly. “I want to fuck you.” I certainly wasn’t opposed that the thought of that long saber stabbing my ass, but there was only one problem. “You got any lube, dude?” Without wasting a beat, Matt began digging in his gym bag. If he pulls out a bottle of lube, I thought to myself, then I had to be wrong about him. He’d have to be gay. He didn’t have lube, but he did pull out a small white plastic box. “Come here,” he said alluringly, then led me even deeper into the recesses of the locker room. Eventually, we stood in the shower room. I watched as Matt turned on one of the spigots and warm water immediately poured out of the showerhead. He walked into the stream and let it wet his midsection. Then, he opened the box to pull out a bar of soap. I watched as he lathered up his still throbbing cock with the soap. “Come here,” he demanded, putting the soap aside. I walked up to him and turned around. I bent at the waist, grabbing my ankles, to give him full view of my ass. Warm water splashed over me, running from my ass crack, down my balls, and then onto the floor. I could feel Matt begin to rub his soaped up cock all over my crack, paying special attention to the sweet little pucker in the middle. I wasn’t really all that worried about it. I had taken cocks just as long and twice as thick as his up my ass before, so this should be no problem. Sure enough, as Matt began to push against my asshole with the tip of his dick, my ass parted easily and he began to slide in. We quickly ran into a small snag, however. With the length and curve of his cock, Matt had a hard time really being able to get inside of me and start fucking. He tried to push on a couple of times, but he was always stopped with some unseen bend in my hot chute. “I guess that’s as good as we’re going to get,” he sighed. “Do you really wanted to fuck me deep,” I asked, looking up and back at him. “Hell yeah,” he commented quickly. “I’ve gotta get my rocks off quick or they’re going to burst.” “Then here’s what you’re going to have to do,” I continued. “I’m going to stand up. Stay inside of me as far as you have gotten, but grab a hold of me when I stand up. You’re going to have to hug me close to your body and fuck me while I’m standing.” “Okay,” Matt said easily. “Just as long as you don’t think I’m going to kiss you or something.” “Nope,” I shot back. “You ready?” “Bursting,” Matt teased. I slowly stood up, not really used to actually standing while I was getting fucked. Matt’s hands soon wrapped around my chest and he began to squeeze me closer. As our bodies began to meld, his cock slid inside of me all the way to the hilt. I could feel him shudder as he whispered, “Oh fuck, that feels so good. I wish pussy was this tight.” I toyed with him, clenching and unclenching my ass muscles to squeeze his cock as I began to rock back and forth. It felt good to have him inside of me as we began to move together. I was even able to take a hold of my own cock and stroke it as Matt fucked me. All of a sudden, Matt gasped and began rocking violently against me. I knew what was happening, so I began to beat hard on my own tool. “Oh shit, I’m gonna blow my wad,” Matt moaned. “Hold off a bit,” I tried to urge him. “Wait for me to catch up.” “Fuck that,” he groaned. “I’ve gotta fucking cum, dude. Oh god, here it comes! AAAAWWWWSHIIIIITT!” Immediately, I could feel Matt’s hot jism begin to fill my chute. He ground his cock as deep into me as he possibly could, draining his member of every last bit of man juice. As he held me tight in the throes of his orgasm, I could feel my balls beginning to boil. I pumped furiously now, growling like a wild beast at the growing wave of heat that gathered in my loins. With one violent blow, I bellowed as every muscle in my body tensed. Matt moaned again as his cock was still up my ass when I tightened up. With that, I watched a thick stream of hot, white cum fly from my cock in shimmering ropes before it splattered on the floor in the middle of the shower. I pumped hard now, squeezing every last drop of jism from my thick, swollen cock. When the last drop oozed out, I wiped it with my fingertip and brought it to my mouth. We just stood there for a while, the shower still beating down on us. Mixed with the water, I could feel Matt’s cum beginning to seep from my asshole and drip down the backs of my thighs. Matt’s head rested on my shoulder as he was still panting hard from our sex. Finally, he lifted his head up and breathed, “That . . . was . . . fan-fuckin-tastic.” “We’d better get cleaned up,” I said after a long pause. It was then that we realized Matt’s spent cock was still buried in my ass. He pulled it out quickly and turned for the soap. He lathered his limp dick and handed the soap to me. “Dude, you’re still hard?” Matt gasped, looking at the thick piece of meat between my legs. “That’s usually just the beginning for us fags,” I said nonchalantly. “It’s hard for me to get rid of my hard-on unless I’ve been sucked off or I got to fuck someone.” I could see the horror begin to build in Matt’s eyes before I said, “Don’t worry, I understand. I’m not going to ask you to do either of those. I just get the raw end of this deal, that’s all.” “Sorry, man,” Matt shrugged, still washing his cock free of his cum and my chute. “I’m sure if I were really gay, I’d go for it but…” “Matt, I understand,” I interrupted him. “You don’t have to apologize.” “I wish there was something I could do, though,” Matt said quietly. “Just promise me that, if we ever see each other again, you won’t put me in this position again, no matter how good it was for you,” I said earnestly, looking Matt straight in the eyes. Matt threw me back a sexy grin as he said, “I can do that.” That was the last time I ever saw Matt, at least at the pool. We finished showering and got dressed, then went our separate ways. I would see him every now and then on my way to some class, but he would never look back at me. It sort of hurt in a way, though I knew it was for the best. I really liked Matt, thought he had a hot body and an even better cock. But I needed to live in the reality that he really was straight and what happened between us was just a chance to get off with someone, and I happened to be the someone. It wasn’t about love. It wasn’t about sexual preference. It was just about what happens when the hormones get the better of two people. As long as I left it at that, I could get past it. I smiled to myself as I continued down the sidewalk and left Matt far behind me.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Ultimate Swim Fan

Speedos And Showers

It had just been one of those nights. I was supposed to meet this guy I had kind of started dating at one of the local gay bars when he stood me up. More than a little ticked off, I decided to head over to another bar and see if I could find some of my friends. Who should I find there but my date kissing some guy in a back corner? I made a little scene and was asked to leave the


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