Gay Erotic Stories

My Blond, Blue Eyed Dream Man, Part 2

by Jonno
18 Nov 1997


My Blond, Blue Eyed Dream Man, Part II What a great night for dreams! All I could think about was the blond hunk of a guy I glimpsed on the subway the day before. I would wake up and think of him, and then fall back asleep, only to dream dreams of hard, hot men. I really needed it badly! But, all good things must come to an end, and I eventually woke up. For a moment, I spazzed out, looking at the time (10:00) and thinking that I was (so!) late for work. Then, realizing that I had been given the day off, I relaxed and leaned back and pulled the still-warm covers up to my neck and laid back down. Leaning over on my side, I looked longingly at the other side of the bed. Empty, yet again. How many times I woke up thinking how nice it would be to reach over to a man I loved, bringing his warm body next to mine. Tonight, I vowed, I would not sleep alone! I was going to wake up tomorrow with that blond Adonis next to me, or else! With that thought, I sat up, feeling my rock-hard abs flex as I got out of bed. I had a shower, dressed and sat down to breakfast and the paper. Time to make my plan to net the guy. But, before I could even formulate any ideas, a feeling of futility overwhelmed me. How could I meet a guy who I only glimpsed on the subway on the way to work? I didn't even know his name. Once this feeling started to wear away, however, I started to think clearly. First, he was wearing a suit, so he must be on his way to work. (Brilliant, Einstein!) So, all I had to do was find him at the same subway stop, at around the same time of day. No, it wouldn't work though! I would have to wait till the following Monday, and that would be too late. I would be working again. No, I had to have him this weekend or not at all! OK, so he was getting on the subway as I was getting off, so he must have been either changing trains or boarding, either way, on his way home he would likely be there again. What time though? There was only one thing to do. I would have to wait for him, as long as neccessary. God, the things I do in the name of romance! I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of waiting around for possibly a couple hours for a guy that might never show up. Even then, would I have the nerve to introduce myself? What if he was straight? I spent the day with these thoughts, trying to pass the time by going for a run, reading, and going to an afternoon movie. Before I knew it, I found myself with a copy of the paper, seated above ground, on a bench near the entrance to the subway. Four o'clock turned into four-thirty, the minutes ticking by. I grew more and more antsy, having to walk around, not being able to sit still. Every ten minutes a flood of subway passengers would emerge, and I would look at them intently to find my man. Still no sign of him, and it was almost 5:00. I started to think I was some sort of a freak, stalking some stranger like this. But then I thought, he doesn't have to know that I was waiting for him, and besides, I just felt something pulling me inside, egging me on to find him. I couldn't explain it, just from the moment I laid eyes on him, there was something in his face that spoke to me, and made me determined to have a shot at this guy. I had fallen into something of a daze, when I startled to realize that another crowd of passengers had come out and started to walk by. Damn! I scrambled about, trying to look at all of them, but it was no use! They were all walking in different directions, and it was futile to try to look at them all. I got real discouraged and started staring off in the distance, when a figure, moving away from the stop, caught my eye. I saw the blond hair from behind and suddenly I just knew it was him. I immediately started walking after him, until I was about 50 yards distant, and then kept pace. He had a nice confident stride, and I could tell by the way he was walking that he was in good shape, probably a jogger. He took off his suit coat and held it behind his shoulder. Damn! This guy had a nice ass, I thought admiringly. His dress shirt hung tightly to his broad, muscular shoulders, and his back muscles flexed ever so slightly as he walked. He wasn't a huge, hulking guy, but rather a lean, well toned, well-muscled form. Just my type, I thought to myself. I had been following him for some time, probably 6 or 7 blocks, and we were just starting to leave the downtown area. He turned onto a familiar street, on which was a gym I used to work out at. Used to, but I stopped because it had too many memories of an old boyfriend of mine and the hours we spent sweating together there. The man I was following walked up to the door of the health club and walked inside. Lucky for me, my yearly membership to the place hadn't expired yet, because otherwise I would have never gotten past the security. Lucky again for me, I was wearing nylon shorts and a t-shirt under my clothes, having put them on quickly after my afternoon run. I followed the guy through the maze of hallways to the men's locker room. I was hoping for more of a glimpse at my dream man, but alas, the locker room was full of activity. However I knew the place well enough to know that it cleared out pretty quickly on a Friday evening. I figured I would play it cool and pretend I was reading the notices on the bulletin board, and soon enough the stud emerged, in gray cotton shorts and a Navy blue t-shirt. As he turned to walk down the hall, he looked up at me briefly, and all I could do was stare at him dumbly. Wow! His eyes were so blue against the shirt, and his face was even more handsome than I realized. He could easily be a model, I thought. He reminded me of Jack from Days of Our Lives, only even cuter (if you can believe it). He didn't give me much of a smile, but he seemed to recognize me for a second. He turned away, however, and I could tell it was one of those things where he recognized my face but couldn't tell where he knew me from. Oh, yes, I know you though, pal I thought to myself as I watched him tight butt walk away, and soon you will know me really well. I realized how much I was staring at this guy, when some fat bald guy walked by into the locker room, looking at my stiff hard cock (which my shorts did little to hide) and smiling at me. Eww! I thought to myself and shuddered, thinking, "get me out of here!" I walked down the hall, realizing that in my stupor I had almost lost my man. He was playing a game of raquetball with some middle aged dark-haired balding guy, and I watched from the railing above, just close enough to see but far enough so if they looked up I could back away before they saw me. From the conversation, I realized they must be co-workers. The older guy was losing badly, and sweating profusely. My blond hero was beating him soundly, barely breaking a sweat himself. I could see a wedding ring on the older one's finger,but despite this sign of "straightness" I noticed that he was looking at his studly playing partner whenever he could without being noticed. Yeah, this blond stud had a face that could sink a thousand marriages, not to mention ships. Don't you wish you could have him, I thought, but there's not a chance of that, at least not tonight. Blond boy was definitely ringless, and on the face of it he acted perfectly straight, but somehow I just had a feeling. The way he looked at me the day before on the subway just had to mean something. I waited patiently for the two weekend hackers to finish, although it wasn't long before the older guy was defeated and spent. The younger victor slapped him on the shoulder, and started to walk out, leaving the vanquished foe to adjust his shorts in private. I laughed quietly to myself. It was pretty damn funny after all. I heard the older guy say something about being late, and goodbye. He took off, and my man headed for the showers. This was my cue. I followed stealthily behind. As I entered the locker room, I realized that it was already empty, everyone having already gone home to get ready for their night out. My guy was taking his time, however, making me think he had no plans for the evening. So much the better, I thought to myself. He was off a few rows of lockers away from me, and I had to get closer. Behind me, the custodian yelled in, "I'm locking the door, just make sure it closes tight behind you when you leave! "thanks, buddy!" came the reply in a young, friendly voice. It was the first time I heard him speak, and just that sound alone was enough to make me hard. There was a confidence about it, a feeling that he knew he was a fucking hot lad and proud of it. I was very quiet, hoping not to be seen or heard, so I could get a good look at him. I peered at him from behind a row of lockers, and watched him undress. He took his shoes and socks off first, revealing the cutest feet I've ever seen. I don't have a foot fetish or anything like that, but it seemed that every part of this guy turned me on. Dark blond hair covered the tops of his feet, and indeed, his legs were quite hairy as well, and very muscular and hard. He was definitely a runner, maybe a tennis player as well (there's nothing like a tennis player's legs!). He peeled off his sweaty shirt, and his back was turned to me, so I couldn't see his chest, but oh, what a back he had, so strong and well-toned. This guy obviously was used to doing full body workouts. He had the well-rounded appearance that only a true athlete can have, someone who plays many sports as well as lifting. Then, he took off his shorts and briefs as well, revealing tight but ample buttocks that flexed as he walked to the shower with a towel around his neck. I backed away so he couldn't see me, but I thought he might have anyway. Shit, I thought! I was still too nervous to talk to him, and what would he think if he knew I was spying on him like this? But he gave no sign of seeing me and walked straight toward the shower room, with me following quietly behind. I've taken lots of peeks at guys in the shower in my day, and I've certainly gotten off on sights less arousing than what I had already seen. Most guys, even if they have a nice chest and abs, don't work out their back or legs. But this guy was absolutely perfect, and I was hard just looking at his cute backside. I couldn't wait to see the really good stuff! I heard the water go on and steam start to fill the room, and I peered around the tiled wall to what was beyond. He was all wet, but turned the other way. I saw him lathering up, and watched as he washed his torso and then legs, and shampoo his smooth dirty blond hair, all the while turned so I couldn't see his nakedness. There was no way I could get around to see his front, and the suspense was killing me! I was left to stand there staring, feeling a tingling sensation building in my briefs. Watching the hot steamy shower scene was really turning me on! The water cascaded onto his wide shoulders and then flowed smoothly over his rippling torso and butt, and down his hard legs before flowing into a stream on the floor. He started to turn around, and I backed off, so as not to be seen. When I peeked around the corner again, I almost fainted at the sight. He had turned fully around and was facing me head on, but with his eyes closed and head turned upward. I have never in my life seen such a sexually arousing sight as this guy in his full glory. He had a tight but wide chest, with large pecs, which narrowed down to a chiseled midsection, complete with six pack abs. His chest was well covered with fine dark brown hairs, which were abundant on the chest, and matted down with the water running down his body. They formed a trail down to his navel and then flared into a bush which revealed his half-covered dick, which was pretty large even though only partially hard. My own dick stood on end, as hard as it ever had, and I could feel a wet spot forming on my briefs. As if I wasn't already turned on enough, I watched in amazement as he took the soap in his strong, muscular hands, lathering them up, and then reaching down and stroking his growing endowment. It got hard very quickly. I couldn't believe it! The guy was actually jacking off right in front of me! I couldn't help myself, and started to do the same, rubbing my hard cock between my abs and my shorts. It took very little effort before I was shooting in my shorts, in total heaven. I couldn't help letting out a little moan, and I closed my own eyes for a few seconds as I climaxed. Then, when I opened them again, I was shocked to see that he had stopped his own movements and was looking right at me. In embarrassment I backed away behind the wall and fled the locker room, and was almost out the door of the building when I stopped myself, realizing that if I waited for him to emerge, I would have him right where I wanted him. He would certainly know that I was attracted to him (immensely!), and whatever he said to me would tell me if I had a chance. Of course, he could punch me in the gut as well! But, it was a chance I just had to take. After a few minutes of pacing around the lobby in agony, the object of my admiration emerged, fully dressed, with gym bag in hand. I couldn't look at him. I turned and looked the other way, not believing that I was chickening out at this crucial moment! I saw the chance flickering out before my eyes like a dying flame, as he walked by me, heading for the exit to the street. But, just as my heart started to sink, I felt his hand on my arm, just ever so slightly, and his voice: "hey, do you have the time?" "S-six o'clock" I stammered, like a nervous kid. "Thanks," he said, in that sexy to-die-for voice. "Hey, I'm off to the subway." Then a pause. "That's where you're going too, isn't it?" I nodded silently. "I could use some friendly conversation - why don't you walk with me?" I nodded again, and followed him out the door. We had been walking side by side for a block or so, in complete silence, and trying to break the ice, I said "so do you work out much?" In response, he said "I saw you looking at me in the shower." Point blank, just like that. Hoo-wee! I gasped quickly to myself, and said, "yeah." He looked over at me with his sky-blue eyes and gave me a handsome grin. "Don't worry about that. I get a lot of stares from the guys at the club. I'm used to it by now." I just stared at him blankly. "In fact," he smiled at me shyly, "I'm flattered by them." I got up the nerve to ask, "is that all?" He looked over at me with a knowing glance, and with his boyish charm said "Actually, I rather enjoy it. It turns me on to see other guys getting turned on by watching me. And I certainly get my own fair share of hard-ons by watching the other guys too. I think most of the guys at that place are like that." I finally decided to just go all-out. "You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life. Watching you was like a dream come true. Every since I saw you yesterday on the subway, I wanted you. So what do you have to say about that?" "Well," he laughed, "you certainly do get to the point once you're warmed up, don't you?" "I feel exactly the same way about you. And, yes, I also have been dreaming about you. You want me, don't you? I want you too, you stud. You're damn hot too, and you know it. Yeah, I can see you smiling. You know you're hot." With that, he reached over and put his arms on my shoulders, massaging my muscles, and then pressed his chest to mine. I could feel his breath on my neck as he kissed it, and then with great forcefullness he kissed me full on the lips. I kissed back, and the feel of his tongue exploring my mouth got me rock hard in an instant. We kissed for a long while, and there were several passers-by that stared at the sight of two young hunks in a passionate embrace. But we were simply too enthralled with each other to notice. Then, his full lips pulled away from mine, and he put his hand around my own. "Let's go to my place," he said softly. I just nodded, and he pulled me by the hand after him. The sound of a car horn blaring woke me up. Damn! I had fallen asleep! Shaking the remnants of that amazing dream out of my mind, I realized that I had nodded off while sitting on the bench near the subway entrance. Realizing that there was nobody around, I looked at my watch. Six o'clock! My heart sank. I lost my chance! Sadly, I got up, and started to walk away. Just then, I felt a light touch on my arm, and turned around to see the blond, blue eyed man of my dreams, looking shyly but directly into my eyes. And in his oh-so sexy voice he asked "do you know what time it is?"


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My Blond, Blue Eyed Dream Man, Part 1

My Blond, Blue Eyed Dream Man It was just another day. On the subway to work, and in a daze as usual, I was already thinking about what I would be doing after work that day (not a good way to start the day!). People on the subway are usually so lifeless and boring to look at. I had come to dread my daily grind, the subway just a small part of the unpleasant

My Blond, Blue Eyed Dream Man, Part 2

My Blond, Blue Eyed Dream Man, Part II What a great night for dreams! All I could think about was the blond hunk of a guy I glimpsed on the subway the day before. I would wake up and think of him, and then fall back asleep, only to dream dreams of hard, hot men. I really needed it badly! But, all good things must come to an end, and I eventually woke


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