Gay Erotic Stories

Late Night Fantasy

by G.A.Bowers
15 Apr 1999


The pain was increasing with every mile and was becoming quite unbearable. It was as if the shock waves created by the slightest bump in the road was amplified by the car's suspension system and migrated to my fully distended bladder. I knew that if I didn't find a place to relieve myself soon I would be in serious HOT pun intended. I had driven this stretch of Route 15 many times over the years and knew that there were absolutely no rest areas for at least another 50 miles, nor were there any gas stations or fast food establishments open at 3:00 o'clock in the morning. I could just stop along the side of the road and piss beside of the car, but with my luck as soon as I stopped the next vehicle to pass would be a Pennsylvania State Police Cruiser and with the half pound of high grade Colombian that I was carrying back to the dorm, in the trunk of my car, I was not about to take any chances. I was beginning to have a hard time concentrating on driving because of the pain and extreme discomfort, when suddenly, I passed a sign that brought a smile to my face....."Picnic Area Ahead 500 Feet Ahead". Glancing in the rear view mirror I noticed that I was the only car on the highway at this time of night, in either direction, and as I approached the picnic area I gradually slowed down and pulled over to the edge of the road to examine the situation. This particular picnic area was situated at the end of a small gravel road that extended approximately 100 feet into a small thicket of pine trees and terminated in a cul-du-sac, just large enough to turn my Volkswagen around without any significant maneuvering. Slowly I turned onto the gravel road and made my way to the end, stopping beside a small wooden picnic table. I quickly turned off the ignition and lights and jumped out of the car, not even bothering to close the door. Not wanting to waste time with zippers and buttons I just yanked my cut-offs down over my hips and started to empty my overly full bladder. A combination of blessed relief and the cool night air sent a shiver over my entire body as I shook the last remaining drops of piss from the head of my cock. At that point I became aware of the coolness of the air on my fully exposed cock and balls and I noticed a slight twitching in my cock as I began to run my left hand under my tee shirt, feeling the dense hair that encircled my now fully erect nipples. As my fingers brushed across my right nipple my cock jumped to full arousal and demanded some immediate attention. I thought to myself..... "what the hell, why not. Here I am in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the pants down to my ankles and my cock is rock hard. I sure wouldn't mind getting off right about now....and it's not like anybody's going to see me." With that I leaned against the edge of the picnic table and started to slowly stroke my seven and a half inch cock with my right hand while my left hand continued to massage and tantalize my nipples. I was developing a very satisfying rhythm and had become totally unaware of anything else around me. I was getting quite close to shooting my load when suddenly I noticed that a car had stopped at the opposite end of the gravel drive. The head lights were still on and I could definitely hear two distinct voices, both male, in the distance. My mind began racing in all directions..... maybe it was another poor soul who had to stop and take a piss.... maybe it was some crazed prison escapee looking for his next victim.... maybe it was some arrogant cop looking for someone to bust someone to make his quota for the week. In either case I wasn't about to find out. I slowly bent down and pulled my cut offs back up over my ass and, with some difficulty, stuffed my still erect cock back into it's denim prison and climbed back into the driver's seat of my car. I thought to myself...."Maybe they didn't see my car parked back here and if I just sit here long enough they'll go away." I sat and stared in the rear view mirror, watching and hoping they would soon pull off. I saw the dome light come on as the person on the passengers's side got out and slammed the door. I head the foot steps as he walked to the rear of the car and opened the trunk, only to slam it closed within a matter of seconds. I assumed that whoever it was only retrieving something and that they would soon be on their way. Suddenly, my heart stopped. Instead of leaving they turned off the ignition and the lights. The air became unnaturally quiet and I began to become a little unnerved by the situation. I strained my ears to hear anything but couldn't even detect the slightest chirp of a cricket that were so plentiful only minutes earlier. Then I heard it.....footsteps.....coming down the gravel road heading straight for me. I slowly and quietly wound my window up and was reaching around to lock the door when out of nowhere there was a loud rap on the driver's window and a blinding light shone directly into my eyes. My heart sank into my shoes as my stomach rose into my throat. A deep, gruff, purely masculine voice penetrated the air, startling me even more....."Pennsylvania State Police. What's going on in there, Boy?" I didn't say a word....I just sat there, frozen in my tracks, unable to move or speak. My heart was pounding, my breathing was shallow and rapid, my mind was running amuck. Again that voice, this time a little more demanding...."Answer me, Boy, I said, What's going on in there? What are you doing back here?" “No-no-nothing, Sir,” I stammered while trying to roll down the window, “I'm just sitting here getting some rest. I've been driving for a while and was starting to get tired and thought it be best if I pulled off the road for a bit. I sure hope he bought that, I thought to myself. "Let me see your license and registration, Boy" he ordered. As I reached over to open the glove compartment the light was removed from my eyes and focused my right hand as I fumbled with the handle. When the door popped open he scanned the interior of the compartment with the light and thought to myself, "God, I'm glad I put that pot in the trunk." As I retrieved the registration card and sat up to hand it to him I tried to catch a glimpse of whom ever was standing outside of my car. I could not see his face at all, for when he stood erect his crotch was positioned directly in my line of vision. The only thing I could see, in the short amount of time before the light was directed back into my face, was the sight of a huge silver belt buckle on a dark leather gun belt and what appeared to be another flashlight shoved into his right pants pocket. I fumbled with my back pocket to retrieve my wallet and discovered that it wasn't there. "Oh, shit," I though. I turned to his crotch and said, "I can't seem to find my wallet, Sir. I know I had it when I stopped to get gas, back in New York. I don't know what happened to it." With that he opened the car door, which I never got to lock, and said in an extremely authoritarian manner, "Perhaps you should step out of the car, Boy, and put your hands on the roof of the car. NOW." I slid around in the seat and stood beside the car momentarily when he suddenly grabbed my right wrist and forced me around to face the car. "I said, put your hands on the roof of the car, Boy" he ordered as I could feel his one foot being positioned between my legs, forcing them apart, " Spread those legs and don't move a muscle," he continued. I was shaking like a leave and was not about to move, Hell, I could hardly breathe I was so scared. Suddenly everything became pitch black again. I couldn't see anything except for the after image of the flashlight that had been shining right into my eyes for what seemed to be the past ten years. I heard him place the flashlight on the hood of the car and then I felt it....his hands were starting to feel the inside surface of my ankles. I thought, "Christ, mister, can't you see that I'm only wearing shorts and don't even have socks on. You actually think I'm hiding a gun somewhere under my skin?" Then I realized that this was unlike any frisking procedure I've ever seen on TV. His movements were way too slow, way too gentle, and lasted an extraordinary long period of time at each spot. I could sense that his obviously big masculine hands were enjoying themselves as I felt them move upward to the inner thigh regions. I tried to catch a glimpse of my masseurs' face but it was still to dark to see anything. Suddenly I felt his hand reach between my legs and plant itself firmly against my crotch. His hand stayed in that position for what must have been a full ten minutes, gradually squeezing every couple seconds which caused my cock to start to twitch in response to his touch. All of a sudden he stood up and I could feel him step closer to me. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as he grabbed my ass cheeks with both hands and massaged them quite firmly for several minutes. Loosening his grip he stepped even closer and I could feel his crotch being pressed against me as his hands reached around me. His left hand went under my tee shirt and began rubbing small circles in the hair on my stomach then began moving up toward my now fully erect nipples while his right hand found its way back to its resting place on my crotch. His breath was warm on the back of my neck and I could detect the faint scent of musk in his after shave, but still I could not see what he looked like. Suddenly both of his hands were on my crotch pulling me closer to him as he started to rub his crotch against my ass. I don't know whether it was fear or excitement but I was not about to resist him at any point soon. I thought to myself, "I'll give you about an hour to stop that, mister....what the Hell, take your time." Without warning he stood up and backed away from me as I heard him pick up the flashlight and take a step backward. "Don't you move, there, Boy, you stay right where you are." "Yes, sir", I responded as I tried to see what he was doing. He turned on the flashlight and directed it towards the car parked at the end of the road. He turned it off and on several times, as if some kind of signal, and then waved it back and forth, motioning whomever was inside to join him. I looked and saw the haed light come on and heard the ignition start. The car backed up slightly then turn into the gravel road. It drove several feet then stopped. The driver got out of the car and place something at the end of the road and get back into his car. He started to drive towards us and got about ten feet away before stopping and turning off the headlights. I heard the door open and close once again, followed by footsteps coming towards us in the darkness. "What we got here, Steve?" he asked as he stood beside his partner. "I think we got us a live one here, John. See for yourself," I heard the other one say. "So, it's Steve and John, huh? Just what are you guys up to?" I though as I felt the newcomer step towards me. Suddenly I felt John grab ahold of my hips and forcefully put my ass towards his crotch. I felt his billy club, or so I thought, press firmly against me as his hands reached around me to grab my crotch and his fingers brushed against the head of my fully erect cock sticking out of the leg of my cut offs. "This guy’s got a hardon, Steve," I heard his say, "You think he wants some cop cock?" At that point I heard the other one say, "I don't know if he wants it or not, but he's gonna get it." Without warning I felt John back up and his hands leave my crotch and placed on my shoulder, pulling me away from the car. Catching my balance in the darkness I awaited his next instruction. "Move your ass over to that picnic table, Boy" I heard him say as he gave me a shove in that direction, "and be quick about it." I moved the ten feet or so to the edge of the table and felt the sensation of something firm but soft press against the bottom of my shoe. I bent down to retrieve the object when I heard Steve say, "What are you doing there, Boy? I didn't tell you to move." I responded, "I found my wallet and ID, sir, I was just picking it up." As I started to hand it to him. He questioned, "Well, what's it doing over here? How did it get here, Boy?". I answered, "It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was taking a leak, sir." To which he replied, "What did you do, pull your pants down to pee, like a girl?" "Well (gulp) yes sir, I did," I responded, "I really had to go and couldn't wait any longer." "Well then, Boy, do it again." I slowly started to unfasten the button when he said in a very demeaning manner, "I said pull them down, Boy. Don't fuck with the buttons and zipper, just get them down. NOW." I quickly pulled them down over my hips and my fully erect cock sprang forward. "Well, what do we have here?" I heard him say as he reached down and wrapped his hand around the shaft of my cock. "I think he really wants it, Steve, he's hard as a rock." "Great," Steve replied, "Get him ready." John grabbed my cock even tighter and ordered me to "Kick off those shorts, Boy, and get over here," after I stepped out of my cut offs he started to lead me to the end of the picnic table. "Now you just stand there, Boy, while we get ready. And don't you move." "Yes, sir", I responded, "What ever you say, sir." I stood there in total darkness, listening and trying to figure out which one was which. I heard the sound of belts being unfastened, zippers being unzipped, keys and handcuffs banging together as uniform pants fell to the ground. I heard the table creak as one of them sat on the edge of it, when suddenly the other one grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me a couple feet toward the table at which point he grabbed the back of my head and forced me down to his waiting partner. "Get down there and suck on that Cop Cock, Boy, and you better suck it good, too, because I'm next." It was then that I realized that it was Steve's cock that I was about to enjoy and thought to myself, "God, I hope that wasn't a flashlight I saw in his pocket earlier." Not being able to see anything, I slowly lowered myself into the darkness and felt something warm and fleshy brush against my cheek. I focused my attention onto it and started to examine it with the tip of my tongue. My tongue traveled down to the base where I felt a magnificent crop of dense pubic hair brush against my face. I inhaled deeply to savor the scent of this incredible Cop Cock. I allowed my tongue to begin its journey up the shaft of this cock which seemed to go on least eight or more inches in length. When my tongue reached the huge mushroom head I tasted an enormous amount of pre-cum being emitted from the tip. I opened my mouth and tenderly wrapped my lips around the head and began lowering myself onto the shaft. "Damn, this guy is huge," I though to myself as I struggled to take as much of it into my mouth as I possibly could. I heard Steve moan with delight in the darkness as I continued to pay serious homage to this magnificent Cop Cock. "That's it, suck that cock, Boy. Take all of it. Go all the way down on it." I heard John say from behind me. "Get down there and suck those balls. Lick all of that Cop Sweat off of those bad boys." "Yes sir," I replied, "My pleasure, sir." I pulled Steve's cock out of my mouth and allowed my tongue to find it's designated target. When I reached the base I grabbed his cock with my right hand to hold it out of the way so that I could reach his balls easier and when I did I felt his cock swell in my hand and become even bigger than I had imagined it was. I could have easily held it with both hands and not even come close to the head...this cock had to be at least ten inches long. I started to lick on Steve's huge hairy balls, which easily rested on the top of the table in his position, and he started to moan louder, "Mmmmmm. Damn that feels good. Keep going, Boy, Don't stop whatever you do." As I continued to tongue-bathe that monstrous scrotum I started to work my tongue towards his ass hole. His legs began to rise ever so slowly, to allow me easy access and when he had his heels resting on the edge of the table I began slipping his uniform pants over his shoes. When I had his pants laying on the ground beside me I grabbed his legs and raised them as far as I could to expose that magical sweet spot I so dearly wanted to explore in depth. I buried my face and started to massage that hole with the tip of my tongue, pulling his butt cheeks as far apart as I could. I could hear his breathing quicken and his moaning get even louder as I continued to fuck this cop's ass with my tongue. I could tell he was really enjoying this interrogation....I know that I was. Suddenly John pulled me away from Heaven and said, with a definite degree of anticipation, "OK, That's enough. It's my turn. Get up, Steve and let me sit down there. You get back here for a while." I heard John step out of his uniform pants as Steve sat up and walked behind me. John sat down on the edge of the picnic table and I felt his legs brush against my side as he raised his legs to rest them on the edge of the table. "OK, Boy, get your mouth down here and suck a real Cock." I heard Steve snicker in the background as I lowered my face in search of my new objective. When my tongue reached its destination I understood why Steve snickered. John's cock was only moderate in size, only measuring about seven inches in length and it did not have nearly the girth as that of Steve's impressive piece of meat. But still I was in Heaven and treated his cock with an equal amount of respect and reverence as I did his partner's. I licked the shaft and lowered myself onto his cock, sucking on it with tremendous enthusiasm. I tongue-bathed his hairy balls and I thought he was going to scream when my tongue reached that little chord of flesh that extended from his scrotum to his ass hole. He started to gyrate his hips up and down as I spread his butt cheeks apart and my tongue began to explore his love button. My face was buried deep in this cop's ass when I felt Steve step closer to me and grab hold of my bare ass. As I continued to rim John's eager ass hole I heard Steve's knees crack as he squatted down behind me. I felt his hands pull my ass cheeks apart and I damn near lost consciousness as I felt Steve's tongue begin to explore my love hole. As he began to rim my ass I increased my endeavors on John's hole as well. As I began to run my tongue back over John's chord of sensitivity on my journey back to his cock I felt Steve stand up again, but this time he did more than just stand there and watch. As I began giving John undoubtedly the best blow job he's ever had I felt Steve pull my butt cheeks apart and align the head of his monster meat to the rosette of my twitching ass hole. As John's breathing became more rapid and his moaning more lengthy I could feel Steve begin to slowly push forward with shear determination. It had been months since I had been fucked and then it was nothing compared to the size of what was about to enter me now. I heard Steve apply a liberal amount of spit onto his hand as he began to lubricate the head of his cock and my ass hole. He ordered me to "Keep on sucking that cock while I shove this one up your ass, and don't you are make any noise either, Boy." My mouth full, the only sound I could make was a muffled, "Uh-huh." In anticipation of what was to come I lowered myself as far onto John's cock as I could and held my breath as I felt my ass hole being torn wide open. The pain was tremendous as Steve's cock, which was at least six inches in circumference, was slowly was forced into my hole. It took all I could do not to scream but I was determined not to make a noise, as ordered. When I felt Steve's balls resting against my ass cheek I knew the worst was over and all I had to do was relax and enjoy what was about to happen. Slowly, Steve began to rhythmically withdraw and reinsert his cock into my ass as I tried to keep up the tempo on John's cock with my mouth. I don't know who was moaning louder throughout the entire process, but after a while all you could hear was a chorus of moans and groans of delight. All at once Steve withdrew completely and ordered me to lay down on the table. I stood up and turned around while John got off of the table and stood beside Steve. I sat down on the edge of the table and laid back. Steve grabbed my legs and raised them high over his shoulders, exposing my pulsating to him. He realigned the head of his cock and with one mighty thrust shoved the entire ten inches deep inside of me. The pain was nearly unbearable, but still I didn't make a sound. When he started to pick up the rhythm again he told John to get back up on the table and sit on my face while he fucked my ass. John climbed back up onto the table and I could feel his cock get closer as he lowered his ass hole onto my tongue. I continued to rim that hole with increased gusto as Steve continued to pound my ass with his merciless ram rod. John straightened up a bit and grabbing his cock he lowered it into my waiting throat and began to pump me with the same rhythm as Steve. All of a sudden I heard Steve say, "Go ahead, John, you know you want to. Suck on that cock while I fuck him." With his cock still lodged deep in my throat I felt John lower himself onto his elbows, and the warmth of his breath on my balls as his mouth got ever closer to my cock. I felt that I had indeed died and gone to heaven as I felt John's lips wrap around my cock and rhythmically go and down on the shaft. When he started to lick my balls I couldn't help but moan quite loud, at which point Steve rammed his cock into my ass as hard as he could. "I told you not to make any noise, Boy. Don't you listen? Now you're going to have to pay. I'll teach you to do what you're told." He started pumping me harder and faster, but I was not about to let on that I was enjoying it immensely, but I did figure if I made some noise he would be even more aggressive and give me the fuck of my if he wasn't already. I mean, there I was, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night having my deepest, darkest fantasy fulfilled beyond my wildest dreams .......getting fucked by a Cop, a cop with the biggest cock I've ever seen on a white man, while sucking and getting sucked by yet another cop. I began to moan uncontrollably which seemed to have the desired effect on both of them. "I said shut up, Boy." Steve ordered as he started to pound me even harder and John forced his cock deeper down my throat. Both of their tempo's picked up significantly and I could tell my their breathing that this journey was drawing to a close. All at once Steve withdrew his cock from my ass and began stroking it feverishly, moaning, "Oh, God, I'm going to cum." John sat up to watch and I heard him say, "Yeah, Steve, shoot that load all over him. Cover that chest with hot Cop Cum. Come on, man, you can do it" It only took Steve a matter of seconds before I felt a river of hot sticky cum splatter all over my chest and stomach. John repositioned over my and put his cock back into my mouth and ordered me to " Suck on that cock, Boy. Make me shoot my load." As I felt his cock slide deeper down my throat I was also aware that John was bending over me and was licking up the pools of cum his partner had just shot all over me. This was too much for me to bear and I started to shoot my own pent up supply of cum all over my chest and stomach. I could feel it mix with that of Steve's and as our cum flowed together, John's lapping became more pronounced. It was as if he didn't want to miss a single drop of our combined man juices. As he continued to drink I could sense John's cock getting harder in my throat and knew that he was about to blow soon, too. He tried to pull his cock out of my mouth but I held on, signifying that I wanted him to shoot his load down my throat. "So, you want my cum, huh, Boy? OK, then you're going to get it." He started to pump my mouth faster and harder when suddenly he froze, his breathing nearly stopped and I heard this incredibly loud moan penetrate the darkness as I felt him tense up and an his load of creamy cop cum began filling my mouth. I swallowed deeply but it continued to flow. I swallowed again and again, and still it continued to flow. He must have been storing that load up for several months, but I was not complaining at all. It was by far the best meal I have ever had. When both of them had finished they stood up and began to put their uniform pants back on. I started to sit up when Steve said, "I didn't tell you to move, yet. You just stay right where you are, Boy, while we check out your ID." "Yes sir," I replied and I laid back down on the picnic table. They got dressed and taking my wallet went back to their car. When they got in they turned on the dome light to examine the contents of my wallet at which point I rolled over on my stomach to get a look at them. It was then that I noticed that they were by far the most gorgeous MEN I have ever laid my eyes on: blondish brown hair, chiseled facial features and smiles that could melt lead. I quickly rolled back over onto my back when I noticed that they were about to get out of the car again. They both walked over to me and Steve said, "OK, Boy, we've checked out your ID's and everything seems to be in order. No outstanding warrants and no arrests, I guess you're free to go. But keep in mind that we have your address and we WILL be keeping a close watch on you. You'll never know when we will be knocking on your door. It may be next week or next month....Hell, we might even stop by tomorrow night. One never knows." "Yes sir", I responded, "may I just say one thing before I leave, sir?" "Sure, Boy, what is it?" Steve inquired. "Well sir, I just hope that it's REAL SOON and REAL OFTEN, sir." With that they both sort of chuckled and as they got back into their car to drive off and I heard Steve say as he leaned out of the car. "It just may be sooner than you think, Boy, sooner than you think." They drove off with me still naked on the picnic table, dripping with cop cum and spit. They stopped at the end of the road and I saw Steve get out of the car and retrieve two "Road Closed" signs and put them back in the trunk and as they drove away Steve leaned out the window and shouted into the darkness..."Sooner than you think, Boy, sooner than you think."


More Gay Erotic Stories from G.A.Bowers

Late Night Fantasy

The pain was increasing with every mile and was becoming quite unbearable. It was as if the shock waves created by the slightest bump in the road was amplified by the car's suspension system and migrated to my fully distended bladder. I knew that if I didn't find a place to relieve myself soon I would be in serious HOT pun intended. I had driven this stretch of Route


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