Gay Erotic Stories

Hometown Boy

by Wink
06 Sep 1997

Cyber Sex

HomeTown Boy I had always thought of the InterNet as excellent resource tool and a place to visit some extremely bizarre Web pages when I was getting tired of studying. About three months ago, however, I entered what I thought was a "regular" chatroom only to discover, much to my surprise, that it was, in fact, a meeting place for gay and bisexual men. Although I've always thought of myself as being "straight", I must admit that I've had a few instances in my short life where I've been curious about same-sex relations. I guess that is why I didn't run away from this site but instead stayed put and listened in on the open chat that was going on. Within a couple of minutes a couple of the guys in the room had introduced themselves and I found myself having a really great conversation with a couple of guys who seemed exceptionally nice. Small talk ensued and we shared tidbits about each other. I happened to mention that I wasn't looking forward to the Spring break as I couldn't afford to go anywhere warm but would end up spending the week back home in the freezing North. I got a round of sympathy from everyone and a few even said that they could relate to the situation. Being in a bit of a pissy mood I complained that it was even worse because my hometown has less than five hundred people in it and was boring as hell. Then, out of nowhere, this guy named Marc joins in and says that his hometown was the same.... cold and boring... and then he cursed the town by name saying "I hate living in --------------!" Looking at the computer screen I couldn't believe my eyes... this guy Marc had just mentioned my hometown's name as being his hometown. Figuring that it must either be a mistake or a typo I directed a question to this effect at Marc telling him that that was too bizarre as that was the name of my hometown in central Ontario (up here in Canada Guys)! After a moment's pause the screen lit up with "Holy shit... NO WAY MAN!", followed by "the same --------- that has the "Stop 530" Restaurant on Main Street?" "Same one" I replied dumbfounded.... "Right next to Hewitt's Pharmacy". Well, as if the coincidence wasn't already bizarre enough, Marc typed back, this time in PM mode, that we did, indeed, come from the same hometown and that he was away at University like me. Coming from a town of less than 500 people means that you know most everyone like family and I was going crazy trying to figure out who this "Marc" really was... I knew of six other people away at University and since three of them were female I figured it had to be either Ben, John or Jeremy or perhaps someone else I didn't know. I guess he was thinking along the same lines as he sent me a PM asking me if I was Ben, John or Mike or someone else. The fact that my name was there freaked me out but then I quickly realize that he had inadvertently given away his identity too. Thinking how nice it was to being chatting with someone from "home", I typed back a message saying "Hi .... is that you Jeremy?" and got back an answer in the affirmative. Now I had him at an advantage as I knew who he was but he didn't know who I was but I didn't think it would be fair to keep my name from him and answered back that it was nice talking to someone from home and told him who I was. The next message I got from Jeremy, which read "I had no idea you were gay" shocked the hell out of me as I had forgot which chat room I was in. I was at a loss for words at first but then answered back saying that I wasn't gay but had just come across this chat room by accident. The fact that I replied to him in such a manner really got Jeremy upset and he sent me a rather nasty PM saying that it wasn't very fair of me to be in a gay chat room if I wasn't gay as he figured that I'd now go and tell someone in town which meant that everyone would know (unfortunately it would not have been wise to be "out" in our town). Understanding Jeremy's concerns and feeling guilty about knowing his "secret" I wrote back a long reply telling him bluntly that I had no problem whatsoever with his sexuality and that I would never "out" anyone that didn't want outing. I tried my best to reassure him that he had nothing to worry about but his replies didn't seem too confident of the fact. Finally, having to go back to class, I sent Jeremy a PM with my email address and told him to contact me and we'd talk more if he wanted. I signed off telling him that if it would make him feel any better that he could come down to my place in the city before the March break and talk things out. The next day I received an email from Jeremy asking if the following weekend would be okay for a visit. Since I didn't have any plan and since I did know the guy a little (he was a year behind me in highschool) and thought it would be nice to see someone from "home" again I email him with my address and directions and told him to get back to me about what time he might arrive. During the next week I thought about the coincidence of running into Jeremy in a chatroom - especially on that I had entered by mistake and tried to think back about what I knew of him from school. As I recalled he had been a rather skinny kid with blond hair but quite tall... I tried to remember if he'd played basketball but couldn't remember.... it had been three years ago that I'd last seen him after all. On the Friday night of his arrival I went to the train depot to meet Jeremy and stood on the platform waiting for him to get off the train with the rest of the passengers. Watching the people disembark I didn't see Jeremy and began to think that he must have decided not to come after all when this tall blond guy appeared at my side and gave me one of those good ol' friend punch in the shoulder greetings. That this way Jeremy astounded me... the skinny kid from -------- was now a hulking mass of steel with shoulders as wide as the train he had arrived on... no wonder I hadn't recognized him when he'd got off. Driving back to my place, I couldn't help but keep looking at Jer. Finally he turned to me in the car and said... "What the hell's the matter with you? Why are you staring at me like that?" Figuring that honesty was the best policy I told him that I couldn't believe how he'd turned out and asked if he was playing rugby or something - I also mentioned that I couldn't believe that he was gay as I always thought gay guys were more effeminate looking. Jeremy laughed at that and told me that I should see some of his gay friends. Ordering a pizza, I told Jer to make himself at home and that I was glad him had come down for a visit. Then, knowing that we'd best get to the heart of the reason for his visit, I told Jer that I was sorry about finding out his secret and that I felt really shitty about it. He sat opposite from me on the sofa and said that he appreciated the apology and all but that he couldn't understand why I'd let him expose himself like that if I wasn't gay and added "And what the hell were you doing in there in the first place?" I told him again that I had just been surfing and had saw this "Guy Chat" and had just entered without thinking it was anything other than a bunch of guys meeting to talk sports or something. Jeremy said that he could understand that but then asked why I hadn't left immediately as he knew I had been chatting for at least five minutes before he joined in. Looking at Jeremy sprawled out at the other end of the sofa I suddenly thought to myself that this guy deserved to know the truth and so I told him that I'd been bi-curious for awhile and that when I'd stumbled into that chat room that I thought I'd just "listen" in for awhile and see what gay men talked about. When I mentioned that I was bi-curious Jeremy suddenly seemed to relax for the first time and a big smile crossed his face as he said "Well thank God for that.... I've been so worried that you were going to be like all the other folks back home." Laughing I told him not to worry that I was much more liberal minded than that and that his sexuality REALLY didn't bother me in the least. "In fact", I replied, "I'm rather intrigued by the whole thing". Chat for a while, Jeremy answered my questions about when he had realized he was gay (since he was 14 he said) and how difficult it was being gay and not being able to be open about it. Jeremy finally remarked that it would now be at least a little easier knowing at least one guy in town who knew his secret and didn't mind. Stretching his muscular arms, Jeremy then asked if there was anything else I wanted to know before he turned in for the night. It was getting near midnight and the long train ride had exhausted him. "Well", I replied awkwardly, "If you wouldn't mind, I am sort of curious to hear what it is like being with another guy. I mean, is it like being with a woman or what?" Smiling Jeremy told me that if I wanted he would tell me all about it tomorrow if he didn't mind. Rather disappointed I said that would be fine. Jer then asked if I'd mind him having a shower before "hitting the hay". Of course I didn't mind and showed him where the towels and soap were before coming back out to the living room to watch the end of Letterman. Hearing the shower running in the background I couldn't help but smile at the thought of this muscular "friend" lathering up down the hall. I was really happy that I had been able to ease his mind about knowing his "secret" and thought that it was going to be nice having someone to spend some time with during spring break. After about twenty minutes I started to get really antsy as I really needed to take a leak and Jeremy was still in the shower. Finally, in desperate need, I knocked on the door and asked if he was going to be long as I had to "piss like a race horse". Laughing from within the shower, Jeremy told me to just come in and go and then said, "Hell man I haven't heard anyone say `piss like a racehorse' since I was in -------- at Christmas time." Shaking my member, I flushed and was just about to turn and leave when I suddenly heard Jeremy call out behind me "Hey Mike". "Ya?" I replied turning around to see Jeremy standing with the shower curtain pulled to the side of the tub revealing a spectacular body glistening with beads of water as he soaped up his groin with a lather of lucky Jergen's soap. "Would you like to talk now about what it's like to make love to a man?" Jeremy asked as my eyes were drawn hypnotically to his bulging cock as he lathered/played with himself. Feeling my mouth go dry and my knees grow weak, I barely managed to squeak out a "Sure Jeremy" as strange feelings of unbridled lust washed over me. "Perhaps you'd be able to hear me better if you were to join me in here?" Jeremy asked raising his right eyebrow in a comical questioning look. I don't think that I even thought about what I was doing as I found myself stripping down and I soon found myself standing next to this blond god in the shower without really having realized what I was doing. What happened next seemed so natural and so perfectly reasonable that, although I later thought it weird, I had absolutely no feelings of reserve and none of the feelings of guilt or wrongdoing I thought I would have in such a situation. Facing Jeremy in the tub my eyes searched out his crystal blue gaze and I walked forward into a warm embrace and passionate kiss that I can still feel to this day. I stand about 6'2' tall and have a swimmers body... taunt, tanned and smooth... which I take care to maintain in good form. In Jeremy's arms, however, I felt engulfed and small but also very protected - a warm, soothing feeling. The sensation of Jer's muscular frame pressing against my body as he cradled me in his warm embrace was fantastic and I reveled in the feel of our nipples rubbing against each other as our tongues danced playfully twirling together in passionate thrusts of exploration as we melted together in pure ecstasy. Our kisses became more urgent and our hands started to roam wildly over one another's muscular shoulders and arm, up across our backs and down towards our rounded buttocks as we feel into a easy sharing of each other. The heat in my groin, I knew, was not entirely of my own making although my own rigid shaft was pulsing forth engorged with blood to its full eight inches. Standing up straight and firm against the rippling muscles of his hard abs, Jeremy's manhood seared into my tanned flesh as I pressed my inexperienced body against its massively thick length savoring the sensation of have this god's ten inch tool jousting with my own love saber. Moaning in my ear, Jeremy asked how I was enjoying my first experience with a guy. Looking up into his beautiful face I caressed his finely chiseled, stubbled jaw with my hand and told him that I was enjoying myself just fine. Running both my hands up and through his wet locks, I then reached behind and pulled his full ripe lips towards my own as I cradled the back of his head in one hand and let the other slid slowly to his massive shoulders. Feeling the hard swell of his muscles under my hand, I slowly caressed Jeremy's smooth pecs as we stood foreheads together gazing into each other's eyes before letting our eyes drift downwards to where our now slightly separated bodies were playing witness to our two steely lances engaged in a delightfully provocative cockfight. Thrusting my hips forward my cockshaft sideswiped Jer's massive erection and the shockwave of electricity that went through me fanned out into rivulets of pure, unbridled lust. Holding my shoulders in his huge muscular hands, Jeremy backed up a step and told me that if I was ever really going to satisfy my curiosity that kissing wasn't going to do the trick. Working his hands down and over my arms and then back up and over my heaving chest, Jeremy massaged his way down my torso as he whispered in a husky voice that he thought I was very sexy and that he thought we just might become VERY good friends after all. I watched in amazement and gratitude as Jeremy - a man anyone would have killed to be with - slowly sank to his knees in front of me the warm spray of the shower cascading over his broad shoulders as his surprisingly subtle and smooth hands traced the outline of my thighs down to my knees and then back up to caress my nicely rounded asscheeks. Looking up into my wide green eyes, Jeremy asked huskily if I was ready. Nodding and moving my fingers through his slicked back hair, I suddenly felt the heaven's open and heard within my head all the trumpets of life blare forth as the velvety tip of Jer's tongue snaked around the underside of my large, mushroom-shaped cockhead to flick expertly at my widening cockslit. To say that Jeremy gave better head than any woman I'd ever been with would be an understatement; the adjectives to describe the deliciously slow and torturously sensitive way this man made love to my delighted manhood with his talented tongue and amazing mouth do not exist. As I stood, knees quivering and cock aflame, before him, Jeremy brought me to heights of pleasure and plateaus of sensuous pleasure that I thought were but the delusions of fiction writers. Cradling my aching balls in the palm of his left hand, Jeremy reached behind me and drew my thick tool deep into his waiting throat using his right hand to massage the tingling flesh of my virgin ass. Barely able to contain my excitement at having this hulking hunk eating my man-flesh, I watched in fascination as my aching joint disappearing into his lovingly tender mouth savoring the way his sensuous, full lips felt as they brushed along my veiny shaft. With his nose buried in my dark curls, Jeremy moaned in delight as he tasted my copious amount of tangy precum ooze forth onto his eager tongue. Awakened by the taste of my nectar, Jeremy renewed his tongue's assault on my cockshaft and started to piston up and down my aching length making sure to lightly scrape his teeth along my taunt cockskin as he pulled back to lock his lips tightly behind my bulbous head before plunging back to the base to start all over again. How I managed to avoid cumming for so long is a mystery to both Jeremy and myself, but I somehow managed to keep my jism in storage for a full ten minutes while he worked my cock over good. Then, with the expertise of a man who was born to suck cock, Jeremy took me deep and then started nibbling along my cockshaft as if it was a cob of sweet corn. This was more that I could stand and I could feel my load building up within the fire of my aching balls as Jeremy pulled them slightly in his tight grip. Warning him of the impending gusher, I begged Jeremy to let me cum all over his face. Smiling up at me, Jeremy stated that I took to this like a duck to water. Flicking at my cockslit with his snaking tongue Jer then used one hand to reach up and pinch a hard nipple and the other to caress the inside of my thighs. His own raging hard-on pulsed rhythmically between his muscular thighs and all I could think of as jets of my white-hot cum splashed against my lover's face was how much I needed to feel his steel against my quivering lips. Looking into Jeremy's eyes as he kissed the tip of my spent cock I feel only desire and need for this man and realized that at long last I had found my true sexual identity and would never be satisfied with a woman again. Turning back from shutting off the shower I reached out and took Jeremy by the handle and whispered the words he later confessed he had always wanted to hear from me: "Come on Lover, Lets go to OUR bed!"


More Gay Erotic Stories from Wink

Hometown Boy

HomeTown Boy I had always thought of the InterNet as excellent resource tool and a place to visit some extremely bizarre Web pages when I was getting tired of studying. About three months ago, however, I entered what I thought was a "regular" chatroom only to discover, much to my surprise, that it was, in fact, a meeting place for gay and bisexual men. Although I've


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