Gay Erotic Stories

Dean, The Kid, The Cop And Me

by Hillbilly Hung
03 Jun 2002


It was a slow day for news — the day after Memorial Day and rainy weather — so I took off work early and headed for the small apartment that Dean, a fuck bud of mine, had on the south side of town. As I pulled onto his street I saw down at the corner that there was a fender-bender just across the intersection where Dean lives. I pulled into Dean’s driveway, parking close to the house next to his motorcycle, and as I got out I took in the scene. It looked like a couple of high school girls ran the stop sign, hitting a pickup apparently driven by a young man. The guy was dressed in a tank top that highlighted muscular pecs and abs, and form-fitting cutoffs that left no doubt that he was showing off a packed basket. The young stud called out to me as I headed for the apartment, and asked if he could use the phone to call the police. I told him he’d have to ask Dean, and walked to the door and knocked. Dean came to the door, paintbrush in hand and also wearing a tight pair of cutoffs — nothing else. “Hi, Dean,” I said. “The guy there wants to know if he can use your phone.” Dean looked out and scoped the scene. “The kid in the tank top?” he asked. “Sure, tell him to come on in.” I waved the guy up. “It’s cool. Come on in,” I called. As Dean watched the guy cross the street, he asked, “Do you think he’s gay? He’s sort of cute.” I told him I had no idea, but that I was sure Dean’s gaydar would have an answer before the guy got off the phone. “Come in to my lair,” Dean joked to the kid. “I promise not to bite.” “Thanks, man. Those stupid cunts could have killed me,” he said. “Where’s your phone?” “Right over there,” Dean said, pointing to the wall phone by the door that led to his bedroom. “Got a phone book?” the kid asked. “It’s in the drawer of the table by the bed,” Dean said. I knew the kid couldn’t miss the K-Y jelly in the drawer. And if he looked around, he’d see the drawing of the muscular, and well-endowed, nude male emerging from an egg, which hung over the headboard of the bed. The kid called the police department, and walked into the bedroom with the phone and sat on the bed as he told the dispatcher what had happened and the location of the accident. “They’re sending someone out right away,” he said, as he hung up the phone. “Thanks for letting me use the phone, man.” As he walked toward the door, he looked at Dean and said, “By the way, that’s some nice artwork in there. Did you do it?” Dean grinned. “Yeah, I did. It’s pretty hot, isn’t it?” “Someone local? Or did you draw him from your imagination?” the kid asked, as his hand wandered to his crotch — adjusting his balls? “He’s local. But I did elaborate a little on him. Would you be interested in modeling for me sometime?” There, the question was asked. “I just might some time,” the kid said wistfully, as he brushed one finger over his close-cropped sandy-blond moustache. Then he turned his head to look up the street. “Oh, gotta go. I see a motorcycle cop heading this way.” And the kid hastened out the door and down the steps. “Come back when you’re through, and we can talk,” Dean called as he watched the kid’s bubble butt as he swaggered back across the street — he had a touch of sexy arrogance in his demeanor, the stuff of youth. The kid waved, and the cop pulled up to the scene. “Is that Rick?” I asked as I moved to stand in the doorway next to Dean. Rick was a cop on the local force who I had known since he was a little fucker. His grandfather was a neighbor back when I was growing up on the family farm. He was about five years my junior, so I didn’t know him well. But I knew he had an uncle who was gay. Rick was dressed in the customary form-fitting, starched blue police uniform. Just a bit of black chest hair could be seen above the open collar of his pale blue shirt as he dismounted his bike, which he parked directly across the street from Dean’s apartment house. Like the kid in the tank top, his clothing accented a well-muscled body and a prominent crotch. And, like the kid, he had a bit of arrogance about him that was highly attractive. Dean had had the hots for Rick for months. Being a motorcyclist himself, he often described his fantasies of Rick and him tooling back into the woods around the lake, and getting fucked by this hot, young cop. Rick interviewed the kid first, and then talked to the two girls. While he talked to the girls, the tank-top kid eyed the cop’s tight ass, then turned to where Dean and I were watching, arched a querying eyebrow and gave us a tentative thumbs up. Now Dean is not a screaming queen type, but he definitely got enthused, grabbing his crotch with one hand, giving an exaggerated thumbs-up with the other, and grinning like a Cheshire Cat. I nodded my head strongly, and grinning, reached behind Dean with one hand to fondle his own taunt bubble butt, while waving at the kid with my other. Officer Rick wrote out a ticket and handed it to the girl who had been driving. As the girls took off, Rick turned and walked over to the kid, who extended his hand in thanks. We could see the kid talking, and Rick responding, as they exchanged a strong handshake. Then the kid motioned his arm toward Dean’s place, as if in invitation. Rick went over to his motorcycle and moved it across the street to Dean’s driveway, and the kid did the same with his Ford Ranger, now with a dented fender. As Rick dismounted, I walked down the stairs to greet him. I not only knew him from my adolescent years, but also from covering the police beat for the newspaper. “You two already know each other?” the kid asked as he got out of his pickup. “Yeah,” I said. “I’ve known Rick since he was a pup,” I said. “My name’s Doug,” the kid said. “I didn’t take time to introduce myself when I used the phone.” He extended his hand and we shook. He had a firm handshake, self-assured, but not overly strong. You can tell a lot by a man’s handshake. By then Dean had come out and shook hands with Rick. “Good to see you,” he said in greeting. “How’s it hanging?” Then turning to the kid he said, “Hi Doug. My name’s Dean. It’s good to meet you. Come on in, you all. Let’s have a beer.” As we followed up the steps into Dean’s apartment, Rick said, “About two feet off the ground.” “What are you talking about?” I asked. “These steps are higher than that.” “Hanging,” he said, grinning. “I hang about two feet above the ground.” “Oh. I guess that’s about right for me, too,” I said. I have a 32-inch inseam and a seven and a half-inch cock. “M-mm. Sounds good to me,” Doug muttered as he entered the apartment last, closing the door. Dean had already gone to the kitchen and came back in the room with four Miller Lites, handing one to each of us. While his dick was not hard, the tip of the head could be seen peaking out the edge of his tight, frayed cutoffs. As he sat down, the strain on his basket was apparent, but he acted as if he wasn’t aware of his exposed condition. Dean could be pretty cool sometimes, even when he’s horny as hell. I sat on a chair at the small table where Dean’s paints were, and Doug and Rick took a seat at either end of the small couch. “Rick, do you have to get back to work?” I asked. “No, I was just heading home from my shift when the call came through, so I volunteered to take care of the accident on my way home. Since it was just a fender-bender, I knew it wouldn’t amount to much. I’ll turn the paperwork in tomorrow morning.” “Cool,” Dean said. “So you can stay awhile?” “Nothing for me at home tonight,” Rick said, then turned to Doug “You got anyplace to be?” “Nothing that can’t wait,” he said. “Great. Take your shoes off, relax awhile,” Dean said. Doug shed his sandals, and Rick unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt, revealing a thatch of coarse, black chest hair. I pulled off my tie and laid it over the chair, and as I loosened my collar, I said to Rick, “Nothing at home? I figured you had women crawling all over you, the way the girls at the office talk about you,” I said, reaching for my beer. “Oh, they try, all right, especially that redheaded editor of yours. But she’s not my type,” he said, as he took another drink of his beer. “Yeah, she can be pretty crass,” I said. “Oh, that doesn’t bother me too much. Doug here has a mouth on him too, but I like him just fine,” and he reached over and playfully rubbed Doug’s close-cropped hair Doug grinned and Dean shifted his legs, revealing a bit more of his dick. “So, Rick, are you saying you like men better than women?” Dean asked. “Let’s just say men understand better what a man wants out of sex than what most women do,” Rick said, turning to me. “Don’t you think?” “Well, pussy’s good. But there is a lot of truth to that,” I allowed. “I remember learning how to masturbate from you,” Rick said. I was so startled, a bit of beer spewed out of my mouth. “What are you talking about?” “Back when you were going to college and would come home during the summer, I caught you jerking off in your barn several times after the hay crew went home, but I snuck around so you never knew I was there,” he explained. “Well, I’ll be fucked,” I said. “If that’s what you’d like,” Rick shot back, with a shit-eating grin spread across his handsome, rugged face. Dean shifted in his chair again, and his semi-erect cock protruded about three inches past the edge of his cutoffs. “I don’t know about Alan,” he said, nodding toward me. “But I damn sure would like it.” I laughed, “Yeah, Rick. Dean’s been hot for you ever since the first time he saw you on your cycle. And he loves taking it up his ass.” “Hey, don’t forget me, fellows!” Doug said. “I’m as horny as the next guy.” “No problem, Doug,” I said. “Let’s get naked in a pile and see what happens.” The young cop made the first move as he stood and removed his holster, laying it on the table. “Lock the door,” he said. “I can trust you guys to leave my weapon alone, can’t I?” “The only gun I’m interested in is the one between your legs,” Dean said, as he unsnapped his cutoffs. “Ohh, that’s better, things were getting tight in there,” he said, fondling his cock and balls. “Yeah,” said Doug, following Dean’s example, tossing his own cutoffs on the couch. “You can trust me. I’d rather shoot my wad than shoot a gun any day.” He walked over and secured the door. Unbuttoning my shirt, I said, “You know me, Rick. I don’t mess around with guns — at least not those that fire bullets.” Rick finished unbuttoning his shirt and laid it over the couch, then sat to unbuckle his boots. I laid my own shirt over my chair and Doug walked over to Dean. “Nice piece of meat, man. It’s as big as mine. Taking Dean’s stiff cock in his hand, he stood facing him and pressed his manhood on top of Dean’s. Their cocks were an even match, with Dean’s pressing slightly against Doug’s low-hanging balls, and Doug’s pressed into Dean’s public hair. “I’ll be damned,” I said, as I unbuckled my Birkenstocks. “Dean and I are the same length, too.” Rick was pulling his tight uniform pants off, and his stiff cock tented his BVD’s. He paused, laying the pants over the back of the couch. “I thought we were all going to get naked in a pile, but you two still have clothes on,” he said to Doug and me. “No problem,” I said. “I’m a freeballer.” Then I unbuckled my belt, unsnapped my slacks and pulled them off, revealing my own hard member. “I don’t care much for underwear, except when it’s really cold.” Meanwhile, Doug pulled his tank top off and tossed in on the couch as well. Fine light brown hair circled his navel, tapering to a narrow promise line that merged with his public hair. Doug turned to Rick. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s see what you’re packing,” he said, and grabbed the waistband of the BVD’s, briskly pulling them down to his ankles. Rick’s released cock sprang up to slap against his firm belly. The cop was really just a little more hairy than Doug. He was, after all, two or three years older. The kid stood up and Rick stepped out of his shorts, then Doug faced him, dick-to-dick, and compared cock lengths the same way as he had with Dean. Again, the length matched. “Pretty cool, cop. Looks like we’re evenly matched in the cock department,” he said. Dean had already moved to stand between them. I came in from the other side, cupping Rick’s butt with one hand, and Doug’s with the other. “This could be almost like fucking ourselves,” I said. “We’re all about the same height, too.” There were some differences in our equipment, though. Dean’s cock curved up at the head, while my shaft leaned to the right. Rick’s stuck straight out and was slightly bigger in girth, and Doug’s cock was also a straight rod, like mine without the sideways slant. Dean had moved to face Rick, their eyes level, and began to kiss him. At 29 and 30, Dean and I were the oldest of the four. Doug looked to be the youngest, maybe 20 or 21. Doug turned to face me and said, “So, dad, you wanna lock some lip with me? I drew him close to me and deep-throated him with my tongue, as our cocks brushed against each other, and the stiff hair of our moustaches scratched each other. I pressed him close to me, our cocks rubbing against each other between our bellies. As I expected, Doug was going to be a hot number. Meanwhile Rick surprised me by going down on Dean. The upturned curve was causing him to gag a little bit. Dean’s shit-eating grin was spread across his face as he held Rick’s head. I broke the embrace with Doug. “Excuse me. The beer is getting to me. I need to piss.” “That’s cool,” Doug said. “I need to take a leak too.” “Guys,” I said, “The plan was to get in a pile. I’ll meet you in the bedroom.” “Oh, yeah,” Dean said dreamily. “Sure,” as Rick’s face bobbed back and forth on his cock. I didn’t bother with the decency of shutting the bathroom door. I strained to piss, as my cock remained hard. As I finished, Doug asked, “Why didn’t you sit down? You can’t piss standing up with a hard-on.” “Well, it sure isn’t easy,” I agreed. By the time Doug had finished in the bathroom, Dean and Rick had come in. Rick was semi-erect, and used the john while Dean’s cock lost some of its turgidity. “I can’t believe Rick,” he whispered to me. “He’s just as hot as I imagined.” “I can’t believe I wrecked my pickup and wound up going to bed with three hot studs,” Doug said, as he sprawled back on the bed. “Who would have ever thought this would happen?” Rick emerged from the bathroom and sat at the top of the bed. “Alan,” he said. “I sure would like to chow down on that fine cock of yours. I’ve dreamed of it for more than 10 years.” “The pleasure’s mine, I’m sure, stud-muffin,” I replied. “But why don’t we get head to toe. I’ll slide down your throat easier.” “I’ve not sucked a lot of cock,” Rick explained. “Uncle Ralph always preferred taking me up his ass.” Meanwhile, Dean and Doug had already assumed a 69 position at the foot of the king-sized bed. My eyes teared a little as I took Rick’s cock all the way into my throat, my nose inhaling the musky fragrance of his pubic bush. The scrape of Rick’s heavy beard stubble against my belly and thighs was exquisite as he swallowed my meat. I could feel Rick quiver as the pressure built from my nuts. I circled my tongue roughly around the head of his cock before swallowing him again, and his cum shot down my throat as I bucked my volley against his tonsils. At the foot of the bed, Dean and Doug bucked against his other, also cumming together. Rick and I disengaged and lay beside each other, while the other two caught their breaths. His arm behind my neck, Rick toyed with my nipples while I massaged his egg-sized balls. “I haven’t cum like that in months,” Doug said. “Dean, you are one hell of a cock-sucker.” Again with the trademark playful shit-eating grin, Dean said, “You’re not bad either, kid,” he said, and moved to the top of the bed to lie next to Rick. Then Doug muscled in beside me. “There is nothing like four hot studs getting down on each other,” he said. “Pussy’s OK, but it doesn’t hold a candle to mansex.” We lay there a while, our muscled bodies snuggled against each other. I dozed a bit, and woke with another hard-on and Doug’s bristly moustache brushing slowly, up and down, my shaft. Dean was slowly fisting Rick’s cock and nuzzling his neck and chin. I heard Dean whisper to Rick, “I have dreamed for a long time of taking you in my ass. Would you fuck me?” Rick murmured, “If you’re man enough to take it, I’m man enough to give it. Hop on.” Meanwhile Doug had stretched out beside me again, massaging my cock and balls. “Man, your dick is so beautiful, and so much like mine. I want to know how my dick feels to someone else.” Doug paused. “Will you fuck me ... please?” “You are a horny little fucker, aren’t you?” I said. “Well, if you want me, you’ll have to do the work and ride.” Dean was already straddling Rick, and Doug followed suit on top of me, is dick sticking straight at my face. I turned my head to watch Rick, whose eyes revealed a touch of wonder as Dean slowly lowered himself onto his cock. “God, this is wonderful,” he said to Dean. “Make this a long, leisurely fuck.” Dean grimaced as he took Rick’s swollen girth. “I’ve looked forward to your cock up my ass for so long, I don’t want to cum too quickly,” he grunted. “God, it’s thick.” It was so hot watching these two studs I was only vaguely aware of Doug positioning himself on top of me. He reached over to the bedside table and got the K-Y, and the cooling gel being rubbed on my shaft brought me back to my own hot situation. Doug gripped my shaft as he lowered his asshole around it. He took it quickly, the gel easing the way, and sat fully on my public bone, slowly circling his ass, massaging his prostate with my shaft. “God, this feels good. This must be how I make my girlfriend feel. Small wonder she likes to fuck so much.” Doug settled down, absorbing the restrained power of my cock. I turned my head to Rick, who was luxuriating in the feeling of his cock up Dean’s talented ass. “Well, stud, was the extra work this afternoon worth it?” I asked. “Mmm-mm. Damn straight,” he said, and turned his head toward me. We kissed, our facial stubble rubbing against each other. Above us, Dean and Doug exchanged playful, joyous looks, and leaned toward each other to kiss. Rick and I broke our kiss. “Junior there has a pretty nice cock, doesn’t he?” he said, and reached across to grab Doug’s shaft, slowly jerking him off. I did the same to Dean, knowing my fuck bud was in seventh heaven with his fantasy cop’s cock finally rammed completely up his ass. I don’t know how long we did that, the four of us paying homage to each other’s cocks. The relaxed, raw power of the four of us was so satisfying. Doug was holding his head back as his ass made love to my cock. He looked up again at the drawing of the male nude above the bed. “Mmmm. God, Alan, your cock is so good. But who is that stud on the wall? He looks familiar.” I chuckled. “Look under Dean,” I said. Doug studied Rick’s muscularly defined, hairy body, then looked at the drawing again. “Well, I’ll be damned!” he said. “He’s not quite as hairy in real life, but that’s our cop, isn’t it?” “What did you say?” Rick asked. “The picture of the stud on the wall,” Doug said. “It’s you!” Dean leaned forward, his cock just a couple of inches away from Rick’s mouth. “I told you I had been dreaming about you for a long time.” “You should feel complimented, Rick,” I said. “How do you show your thanks?” “This is almost like coming home. I feel like my cock is where it belongs. I’d like to just bottle you up and take you with me wherever I go,” Rick said to Dean. “Rick,” I said. “You’re talking too much. Chow down on the hunk of manmeat waving in your face.” As Rick took Dean’s cock in his mouth, I returned my attention to the young fucker on top of me. “Do you want dad to worship your cock?” I asked. “Oh, yeah, man. Eat my dick.” As Rick and I ate Dean and Doug, they began to churn around on our shafts more aggressively. “I’m gonna cum,” Doug said. “Me, too,” Rick added, as he leaned his head back, disengaging his mouth from Dean’s stiff, bobbing cock. My own juices were rising, and I bucked against Doug’s butt, planting my mouth firmly around his shaft. I wanted to drink this stud’s cum in the worst way. As Doug’s cum exploded into my mouth, Dean moaned, and I opened my eyes just enough to see Dean’s cum spatter across Rick’s chest and face. That holiday weekend was the most memorable cluster fuck session I’ve ever had. Eventually Doug became a probation officer, and roomed with Rick for a while. They both keep their love of mansex discrete, and occasionally make it with women. I run into both of them on my newspaper beat — I cover criminal courts now, and Doug is often there for probation revocation hearings. Rick is now in the criminal investigation division, and sometimes is in court to testify. And occasionally the three of us get together to get our rocks off. Dean went on to achieve recognition as an artist, with a specialty in male nudes. I have one of his drawings in my bedroom. And yes, it memorializes that weekend of four-way sex between Dean, the cop, the kid, and me. Like this story? E-mail me:


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Dean, The Kid, The Cop And Me

It was a slow day for news — the day after Memorial Day and rainy weather — so I took off work early and headed for the small apartment that Dean, a fuck bud of mine, had on the south side of town. As I pulled onto his street I saw down at the corner that there was a fender-bender just across the intersection where Dean lives. I pulled into Dean’s driveway, parking close to the

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