Gay Erotic Stories

The Ancient Prophecy Ch. 02

by Viper
22 Feb 2001


It was a nice afternoon in the Land of Lore. The sky was clear and the autumn wind sang through the trees. Far away bird’s songs were heard, praising the beauty and glory of Nature and her Creator. The Labrador forest was at peace. The wind played with the branches, creating musical tunes that could be heard throughout the woods. Various animals played happily around the trees as Mother Nature cuddled them with her warmth. The harmony was all every human ever wished to have. The forest floor was loaded with yellow leaves of many kinds that added the final touch for the colorful autumn days. Just before the long and treacherous winter came, it was the desire for every being to enjoy this beautiful view. Atrus readjusted his backpack for the seventh time that day. The weight was light that the bag could easily slide down his shoulder because of the wind. He had told his dad that he hated the silken backpack, but his dad insisted that it was a gift from his grandmother, so he had to use it. He vowed that he would buy a new leather bag in town after he delivered the letter. Quietly he felt sorry that he took this dumb job. Atrus was a Ranger. Among the Humans, the Rangers’ clan was the second honorable clan next to the Knights. While the Knights were skilled with swords, poles, and horses, the Rangers relied on their speed and expertise in using blades, bows, and arrows. Many Rangers had become heroes in many wars, making the clan highly respected in the Kingdom of Aragon. The kingdom was in war. The Eleven Kingdom, the closest neighbor of Aragon had been the biggest rival. There had been a long-term war between two kingdoms. The other kingdoms, such as Dwarven Kingdom and Fairies Kingdom, had refused to join the rivalry, although the Fairies had been known to help both sides. But a new threat had showed up. A new race had appeared, the Demons. They appeared from nowhere, but had been pillaging and plundering the entire land. They consisted of foul folks that didn't belong in this land. Their power was not to be ignored, for they could ruin a town in no time. Their whereabouts were still unknown, but they could appear anywhere. Their existence had been a plague across the land. This encouraged Humans and Elves to engage a temporary cease-fire. All races had tried to repel the new threat, but no one had seemed to prevail. And he was a Ranger. It was his greatest dream that one day he would march into battles and walk home with pride and glory. Moreover, he was not an ordinary Ranger. He was the only son of the leader of Ranger clan, Captain White Lion, the greatest hero of the clan. White Lion had led his men into war and had never been defeated even once. Rumor said his Sword of Holy had been protecting him from even the most fatal blows from enemies. Atrus himself was really eager to learn his father's skills. However, he was different from other Rangers. He couldn't handle bows and arrows, and his aiming skill was poor. But he showed great potentials in handling swords, especially long and straight swords. His father had said that he would fit into the Knights clan. Although he was not as powerful as the Knights were, his constant training with other Rangers had given him more speed, something that most Knights lacked. However, his father had seen that young Atrus would not be able to improve his skills in the clan. Therefore, he sent Atrus on a journey to look for experience. Atrus was only nineteen at that time. When he was old enough and had had enough experience, then he could go back to the clan and become a true Ranger. However, his father had only given him a short dagger and food for three days for his journey. He had to work to gain money and live. Now it had been a week since he left Ranger training camp. He had met a wounded man in the forest who had been attacked by bandits. He had begged him to deliver a letter to the mayor of the Town of Labrador. He had been short of work (and cash), so he had agreed. Here he was, the son of the greatest Ranger, now a delivery boy. The forest was getting thinner. The town was only on the other side of the forest. Atrus couldn't wait to get there, rent a room, and have a nice nap until noon. He had been walking for almost three days. He felt lucky he had bought a tent and a sleeping bag in the previous town. His empty stomach began to whine again, he thought. He hastened his pace. Then suddenly, he heard a cry. He stopped for a while. He had lived in nature for his whole life, and he could swear that was not natural. It was a woman's cry. The forest fell silent, but his instinct quickly told him that the sound came from his left. He rushed into the thickness of the trees. After a few quick paces, he scanned the forest around him. He could hear soft moans coming from the bushes a few steps in front of him. He quietly walked to the bushes, set it aside and peeked. It was not a woman, but a young girl. She was lying on the forest floor on her back. Her hands were secured behind her back, and her mouth was muffled by a piece of cloth. Around her were three tall men, watching her squirming and struggling. Bandits, Atrus thought. "Give it up, little bitch! You're in the middle of the forest and only one people passes in three hours. Nobody will come and save you." "Yeah. Just be a good girl and let us enjoy your extra-tight cunt. How's that?" One of the thugs made her sit and began playing with her breasts. The girl made a loud protest, but was answered by laughter from the bandits. Another bandit forcefully spread her legs open and rubbed his hand on her crotch, making her scream and struggle even harder. The view was very erotic, even for the noblest Ranger. Atrus felt his member was getting hard. Not bad, he thought. CRACK! He had accidentally stepped on a broken branch and broke it. The sound was enough to get the bandits' attention. "Who's there? Come out now!" One of the bandits yelled. Atrus didn't move. He didn't want to look for trouble, not just yet. "Come on, Fred, perhaps it's only a pair of dumb, ugly baboons making love behind the bushes..." "NOBODY CALLED ME BABOONS!!!" Atrus found himself saying. Then he realized that the bandits were staring at him, awed by his 'sudden' appearance. "Um... sorry, folks, I just passed by... Please continue...?" The girl looked at Atrus with her pleading eyes. His heart was touched by her plea. "Well, boy? We're busy here. Why don't you go back to the bushes and make your way back to town. I'll pretend we never met." "Yeah. Your baboon lover is waiting." The bandits laughed in unison, but Atrus didn't move. "Let her go." His voice was calm. The bandit leader looked at him in surprise. "You don't know who you're talking to, boy." He unsheathed his silvery blade. "You want to die, eh?" Atrus reached for his dagger. He recalled his entire Ranger training in his memory. "Very well. BOYS, KILL HIM!" Two other bandits ran to him with blades in their hands. However, they were no matches for the young Ranger. Atrus easily dodged every blow they delivered. In one quick move, he slammed the back of his dagger to the back of the bandit's neck. The thug fell to the ground with a loud groan and didn't move again. The other thug jabbed his blade to Atrus' stomach. He didn't dodge fast enough and the knife made a long cut on his left arm. Fresh blood came from the wound through his torn shirt. "This is my only shirt I have... I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!" He felt a great rush of energy flow through his body as his anger rose. He ran to his enemy as fast as he could and delivered a fatal blow to the stunned bandit's neck. The bandit had no time to react. Blood sprayed out of his torn neck, and fell to the ground in a crash. Atrus turned to the bandit leader; his dagger was now colored with fresh blood. The bandit leader looked at the dagger in horror. "O... Okay... You want her...? Sure... Go ahead... Want money... here..." He dropped his leather pouch, and then ran away to the forest. Atrus silently prayed for the dead bandits according to Rangers' tradition that the souls rested in peace, then he scanned around him. The little girl was still there, looking at him with frightened eyes. She was roughly at his age. Her body was slim. Her golden hair lay to her shoulder, braided with a neatly tied red ribbon. Her clothing was really weird to him. The upper part was a simple white dress made of satin that hung on her shoulders, covering her chest but revealing her neck. She also wore a strange collar around her neck with a black gem on it. Her lower dress was a white satin miniskirt. She wore a metal lightly sculptured belt around her slim waist with a huge gem in the center. Her hands and feet were covered with gloves and long slim boots. Metal necklaces circled her small wrists, full with similar sculptures with the belt. His constant staring began to annoy her, as she struggled for her independence. He quickly reached out for the piece of cloth that gagged her, and found out that it was a pair of girl panties! Wait a minute, he thought, she's the only girl here. Following his instinct, he turned to her still-opened crotch and found out that she had no longer worn any panties. The bound girl was surprised. "YOU PERVERT!!!" She swung her right leg and scored a hit on his chin. The blow was not severe, but enough to bring him back to his senses. "Uh, sorry. Here, I'll untie you." He cleaned the blood from his dagger with his shirt, and then cut the rope that tied her wrist together. She rubbed her wrist together to let blood flew through her veins. Then she stood up and turned to face him. She was pretty tall for a little girl, about his shoulder's height. "Turn around and show me your wound." Her voice was small and soft, but clear. "Really, it was nothing..." "Turn around and show me your wound." Atrus had no other reason to argue with her, so he showed her his wound. Softly, she mumbled something he couldn't understand. Then he felt cool, soft air blew through his wound, and the pain suddenly vanished. Then he noticed that the cut was gone. Only blood trail remained. No other marks or signs of injuries were present. "I want to say..." when he turned around, the girl was gone. He was alone in the forest again. He thought everything was just an illusion, but the dead bodies showed that it was not an illusion. "...Thanks..." The Town of Labrador was not exactly a town. It was only a small farming hamlet with a population of 100 people. The land surrounding the hamlet was filled with farms and fields. The apple trees were all ripe with apples and ready to be harvested. From a distance the tall post of town hall could be seen. The houses were mainly made of bricks and logs from nearby forest. The roads were not paved, but very clean. The houses were built in orderly fashion, giving the taste of modesty to the little village. Around the farmland, farmers merrily plough the fields, while the maids harvested the apples for the upcoming winter. It was getting dark when Atrus reached the hamlet. The mayor was very thankful, telling him that the letter was from a mayor from another town. He gave Atrus 500 gold coins and a free lodging for a night in nearby inn. The little town was very quiet as it got dark. All the shops were closed, including the weapon shop in front of the inn. The only place that was still alive was the tavern. The little pub was very crowded with farmers. The interior was fairly gloomy, with only four pairs of oil lamps on each side of the wall. Atrus ordered a glass of ale, and then picked an empty spot in the corner next to the window. The view of the small church filled the view. The light inside the church was on, and a soft hum of night prayer could be heard. The crowds were really noisy, but he could relax and enjoy the starry night sky. Just when he was about to fall asleep, a loud crash was heard. When he turned to see what happened, he saw a man fall to the wooden floor. The man was heavily wounded and drenched with blood. Soon the people began to gather around him. A moment later, the mayor entered the tavern. He ordered the people to lift the wounded fellow to nearest table and give some space for him to breathe. Then the old man began to question him. "Tell me what happened to you, young man?" The mayor asked in his thick country accent. With his dying breath, only a few words escaped his lips. "Bahn... bahn... closth... Bahnt... closth... otha... toun..." "We cannot understand you, young fellow. Say that again." But the same words came out again and again. As the crowds got confused, one man yelled out loud, "Bandits! He said 'bandits, close, out of town'!" The wounded man closed his eyes and gave a small nod. Then he opened his eyes and closed them again, but this time it was forever. The crowds began to roar again in confusion until the mayor spoke again. "We shouldn't panic! There's got to be something we can do!" "But old man, we're farmers! We're no soldiers! The nearest fort is two days away! We won't be able to make it!" "Are you saying we have to abandon the village for those bandits to plunder?" The angry crowds began to whine again, but this time the mayor made no attempt to stop them, for he didn't know what to say. But then a young man shouted to the crowds, "THERE IS HOPE!" The crowds ceased their whining and turned their attention to the young man. "WE HAVE A RANGER AMONG US!" Suddenly the man pointed his finger at Atrus, who was still half-asleep in the corner of the room. He wondered how the man could know by looking at his appearance. The old mayor quickly came to him. "Young man, I didn't know that you were a Ranger. Please, you have to help our village!" "B...but I'm only seventeen... I'm not a Ranger, well, yet..." "But we're farmers. We don't know how to fight. The bandits will kill us all. The letter you delivered is a warning from our neighboring village that has seen the other village pillaged and burned." "I fought bandits on my way here. I'm sure your village is safe by now." "You don't understand, young Ranger. These bandits are known as Black Tooth clan, one of the fiercest bandit clans in the south. They fight as a group and share the wealth together. If you don't help us, we have to leave the village." "Black Tooth clan...?" "That's a group of criminals from the southern territory working together." The young man who recognized Atrus spoke up. "They were well trained in using weapons. They could even challenge the soldiers in nearby fort." "I see. So you want me to dispatch this group before they reach town?" "Basically, yes. My name is Kail. I got kicked out of the army two years ago because I got drunk in my duty. I know some basic self-defense. I can rally the people to build fortifications around the village. All you have to do is to halt their movement to buy us more time to set up the fortifications." Atrus thought about this for a while. If he succeeded to repel the attack, he would gain the fame he was seeking, but the job could be dangerous as well. However, he couldn't see these people abandoning their homes because of these bandits. "Which way should I go?" "This man," the mayor pointed at the dead man, "had a farm a mile south of town. The town that was attacked by the bandits is southeast from here. So you can figure it out." South of Labrador was the forest of Labrador. It would be hard to find bandits around the forest, but it was easier to find a group of bandits. "Very well. I will go tomorrow. Anybody want to go with me?" Atrus turned to the crowds. The people went silent. They were all frightened, he thought. He had to do this himself... "I will go with you." A familiar voice came from the other side of the room. It was the young girl Atrus met in the forest. The dim light prevented him from seeing her better. "I will meet you in front of the inn tomorrow morning." Then she left the tavern. "Then be it. I will go tomorrow. But I need some stuff before I go." Atrus told them. "Your needs will be taken care of, young Ranger." The mayor said. Then Atrus went back to the inn and retired for the day. The room was one of the best rooms in the inn. It was very spacious, with a huge bed and beautiful chandeliers. A soft breeze came in from the partly closed window. The night was very quiet and silent. Just when he was half-asleep, there was a knock on the door. Who would come to see me this late, he thought. "Come..." Atrus yelled, but his voice sounded more like a squawk. The door was opened slowly and a figure of a girl appeared. She was a young maid, her short black hair illuminated by the nearby candlelight. She only wore a thin silk nightgown. She walked slowly toward him. "Yes, ma'am. How may I assist you?" She quietly sat on the bed next to him. "You need not do anything, Ranger. I am your reward." He didn't understand. "My name is Sylvia. I'm the mayor's daughter. I am here to reward you for your service to our village. I will reward you... in my way." She said teasingly. Now he understood completely. Atrus let the girl caressed his naked chest. Sylvia climbed over him and pressed her small lips to his, playing with his tongue. His hands reached for her shoulders and slipped the silk garment down, revealing her small breasts. Her pink nipples were already hard like a rock. He softly massaged her breasts and played with her nipples. He had never done this before; a noble Ranger would not play around with a hooker. He only followed what his mind was telling him to do. Her breathing was getting heavier, signaling that he was doing the right thing. Her hand slipped under his shorts, reaching for his semi-hard member. He lay back on the bed as she gingerly took off his shorts and softly rubbed his member. Her hands expertly played with his cock and pumped it into hardness. She licked the head, then went down the shaft. Then she engulfed the rod and began to lightly suck it. As she was sucking his member, Atrus reached for her crotch and found out that she wore no panties. He rubbed his hand on her crotch, feeling that heat was building up inside of her. A soft moan escaped from her lips. He traced his finger around the lips of her vagina. In no time, the tender skin moistened with her juice. "Where did you learn how to make love, young Ranger?" Atrus noticed that Sylvia was staring at him, smiling. "I learnt it from you, Miss Sylvia." "Sylvia, please. Call me Sylvia. You're such an expert love-maker, young Ranger." "Atrus. Call me Atrus." He stroked her hair. "I'm ready for the second lesson." Sylvia sat on Atrus, guiding his member into her pussy. Then she rammed herself to his crotch, his member penetrated deeply into her genitals. She let out a cry of ecstasy, and then began to grind herself to his crotch. Atrus tried to match her move, thrusting his hips and ramming his cock deep inside her. It didn't take too long for Sylvia to reach climax. Her back arched backward as the wave of pleasure swept over her. She collapsed on his chest. When she looked at him, his face was calm and relaxed, but his member was still hard inside her wet pussy. "Don't worry, Atrus, I will make you come, even if I have to keep on trying the whole night." She began grinding herself again. Her wet pussy made an erotic sound across the room, joined by her moan. A short time later, she exploded again in ecstasy. But his expression was unchanged. "Do you find me unattractive, Ranger? Please let me know the truth!" Her voice was full of desperation. Her eyes were filled with tears. "Why didn't you enjoy me? Why didn't you come?" Atrus wiped her tears with his fingers then held her close. "You are very attractive, Sylvia. The control of my power was my basic training. I just want to please you. Forgive me if I offend you." "So you like me, then use me! Don't just please me! I'm your reward. I'm here to please you." Atrus lifted her body and laid it on the bed. Then he thrust his member deep inside her, making her moaned in ecstasy. Then he thrust faster and faster into her. Sylvia couldn't hold herself and began coming and coming again. His breathing grew faster as be became a beast. With a final cry, he exploded inside her. Sylvia herself felt the greatest orgasm in her life. Then the two lovers held each other close on the bed, now soaked with sweat. "Your training has made you a great lover, my Ranger." "You're a wonderful teacher yourself, Sylvia." Her kiss was deep and full with loving passion. He slowly caressed her back and neck, pulling her close. "Atrus... After your mission is done... I want to be yours... forever..." Then the two lovers fell asleep in each other's arms. In the next morning, Atrus found himself alone in his room. He quickly realized that he had an appointment with the mysterious girl in front of the inn. He took a quick bath and put his clothes on. Sylvia came later with a pile of pancakes and a mug of hot tea for breakfast. The breakfast was very delicious, so he ate the entire pile, knowing that this might be his last meal. Sylvia came again later, bringing a leather armor and a sword. "These are all we've got. I know they're not the best quality, but farmers don't need sword." Sylvia explained. "I understand and appreciate your kindness. I'm sure I will find them useful." The armor was not thick enough to deflect a direct blow, but it was very comfy. His Ranger training prevented him from wearing heavy plate-mail armor because he would lose his speed advantage. The sword was short and unimpressive, but it was better than his old trusted dagger. Also, it came with a sheath, so he didn't have to fear of cutting himself. Sylvia helped him get into his new outfit. "Kail said he couldn't find a bow and arrows, so he apologized." She said again. "Don't worry. I won't find them useful." "Atrus..." He looked at her. She was staring at him, crying. "Please be careful... Just... just don't die..." Atrus softly embraced her and gave her an assuring look. "Don't worry. I will come back alive." The morning in Labrador was very beautiful. The farmers had begun their work, while the maids were bringing baskets of harvested fruits and vegetables on their heads. He could hear the birds chirping and singing the beauty of the land. But on the other side of the road, a few people were bringing logs and branches. They had begun building the fortification, Atrus thought. This might be a hard time for them. If the bandits plundered their farms and stole their harvest, these people would not pass the harsh winter alive. "These people don't deserve to die in the hands of those bastards." When he turned to see the source of the voice, he found the little girl standing next to him. "You really like showing up and vanishing in a sudden, don't you?" Atrus said. She didn't pay any attention. "You are on time. Let's go." Then she headed south. Atrus ran to her. "Hey, wait! I want to thank you for healing my wounds yesterday!" "Don't mention it." "And I want to return this..." He produced girl panties in his hand. "I believe they're yours." She stared at him sardonically. "What exactly do you want?" She asked. There was a hint of threat in his voice. “I told you I just want to return these. Don't you want them back?" Atrus insisted. SLAP! The girl slapped Atrus. The blow didn't hurt much, but it made him furious. Then he realized there's no need to argue with this bitch. He would deal with her after he, or they, dealt with the bandits. After all, his father wouldn't be happy to hear that he attacked a little girl only because she slapped him on the face with no reason. He threw the panties away, straightened his backpack on his back and sword on his belt, and then walked past her. He knew that she was following him, but he didn't even bother looking back. Even the court joker would be angered by her treatment, he thought, but he kept that thought away, for now. To Be Continued... Contributed by


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