Gay Erotic Stories

Slave Sister: Chapter 12

by Norm DePloom
12 Sep 2000


Chapter Twelve "Slave's Revenge" After Steve watched Fran rub his cum into her breasts and imitate his sister's masturbatory moans he jumped up from the bed and moved to the window where the cameras were still set up and ready to go. "Hey, I've got a great idea." Fran stopped her breast rubbing and moaning and turned toward Steve with a questioning look. "You go down to the patio and do yourself on the lounge and I'll film it on the same tape with Carla. " "Well..." Fran responded questioningly. "Hey, it's ok." Steve assured her. "This tape is going directly to Dave." Steve looked over at Fran. "Really, I won't even get a copy of it. " "OK" Fran finally agreed with a grin. Then stood up and walked towards the door. "Oo... Oo... I got a great idea." Steve said grabbing her arm and pulling her to a stop. "Follow me." He demanded as he pulled Fran out of his room and to the door to Carla's room. "Hang on." Steve said after he wiggled the locked doorknob. "I'll be right back with my key." Steve returned from his room with a screwdriver. Getting down on one knee Steve examined the shaft of the doorknob closely then placed the screw driver blade carefully against it. One sharp 'thunk' of his palm against the screwdriver handle and the knob popped off of Carla's bedroom door and spun on the floor. Steve stuck the blade into the hollow shaft and twisted the screwdriver. Just as Fran heard the hollow thump of the inside knob popping out of the locked position the door swung open and Steve led Fran into his sister's room. Steve opened the top drawer of Carla's dresser and fished around behind her panties until his hand emerged holding a large vibrator. "Why don't you use her very own personal vibrator." Steve suggested as he turned to grin at Fran. "Carla makes a big deal about being a virgin." Fran said thoughtfully as she took the vibrator from Steve and stroked it as if it was a cock. "It's obvious her virginity is just a technicality." Anxious to get the filming started Steve took Fran by the arm and tried to pull her from the room. Steve's arm seemed to stretch then pull him back into the room as Fran stood motionless in deep thought. "I've got a better idea..." Fran informed Steve Steve listened to Fran's plan with growing excitement, and a growing dick. Yes, he thought repeatedly as she gave instructions, yes yes. Steve, ignoring his naked and erect state, ran out into the back yard and collected the microphone. Then, after collecting the cameras and some lights he rushed back to his sister's room. God, he thought as he stopped to stroke his throbbing cock every few minutes, this is going to be fucking great. When Steve re-entered Carla's room he found Fran dressed in his sister's favorite nightgown. Lying on the bed with her back to the door and the pillow hiding her hair, Fran looked very much like Carla. Steve set up the lights, then the video camera. "Are you ready?" He asked the girl on the bed as he set the microphone down on the dresser, just out of the camera's frame. He heard a muffled 'Uh-hu' from the bed and turned on the video camera. "OK, action." Steve picked up the still camera and began to snap pictures with his left hand while he stroked himself with his right. Fran slowly turned onto her back and, keeping her head hidden by the pillow ran her hands over her nightgown-covered breasts, then down her stomach to her thighs. Doing her best 'Carla moan', Fran slowly pulled the night gown off her thighs then, after slowly lifting and spreading her legs, began to rub her cunt in slow circles with her open hand. Fran rubbed her wet cunt and large sensitive clitoris while carefully keeping her legs at the proper angle to hide her smooth shaved pussy from the camera. Reaching over her head Fran retrieved the vibrator from the bedside table. After flipping the switch to 'high' she began to rub it over her hard, still nightgown-covered, nipples. Fran ran the vibrator down her stomach and began to run little circles around her clitoris with the vibrating plastic appliance. Her moans grew deeper and more raucous but continued to sound remarkably like Carla's. "Oh God," Fran almost shouted as she slipped the vibrator into her open wet cunt. Still trying to sound like Carla, Fran continued. "Fuck me Steve. Fuck you're sister." Steve's cock throbbed when he heard Fran say 'fuck your sister'. Steve continued to tape Fran's impersonation of his sister fucking herself with her vibrator for another five minutes before the strain got too much for him and he abandoned the still camera to join Fran on the bed. "Fuck me Steve, oh god fuck me." Fran yelled as he climbed onto the bed, making only a token effort to continue impersonating Carla through her own very real lust. "Oh God, yes." Fran shouted as Steve's cock slipped into her dripping cunt. "That feels so fucking good." Steve pushed the nightgown up baring Fran's breasts and hard nipples for his eager sucking mouth. Fran and Steve, wanting to perpetuate the illusion that she was Carla, continued to hide her head and her hairless cunt while they fucked for the camera. "Fill your sister with incestuous cum brother." Fran demanded through her orgasmic moans as she felt Steve's body tighten and his cock twitch, filling her hot cunt with his thick white liquid. "Oh god yes," Fran continued, "I love fucking my brother." She finished honestly. Steve and Fran lay in each other's arms for a few minutes catching their breaths. Then Steve, his softening cock still dripping cum, climbed out of the bed and walked behind the camera. Fran ran her hands slowly over her crotch and thighs, rubbing the sex juices into her skin and moaning soft relaxed 'after orgasm' moans. "I never knew how much fun it could be to fuck my own brother." She said still hiding her head from the camera. "Until I tried it." After a moment for dramatic effect Fran peeked over the edge of the pillow directly into the camera lens. "And you should try it too Carla." Fran winked at the camera before continuing "Steve is one hell of a good fuck." Fran picked up Carla's vibrator and looked at it critically. "Much better than this nasty old vibrator." Fran swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. After spreading her legs Fran ran the vibrator up and down her smooth, shaved cunt. "I'll load it up with Steve's cum for you." Fran leaned her head back enjoying the feel of the vibrator tip penetrating slightly between her wet cunt lips. "So Carla," Fran continued as she stared into the camera lens once again, her hand still moving the vibrator over her pussy. "By the time you see this tape you'll have already fucked your brother, at least symbolically." Fran grinned at the camera. "And I've pretty well fucked you now, symbolically of course." Fran's grin spread across her face. "Just remember, the best is yet to come." Steve turned off the video camera and the two of them began to laugh almost hysterically. As the laughter died down they put the cameras back into Steve's room and straightened Carla's room. "I hope she doesn't wash that before she uses it." Fran said as Steve returned the vibrator to its place at the back of Carla's panty drawer. "No, she always washes it when she's done." Steve answered automatically then stopped with his hand half way out of his sister's panty drawer to look over at Fran who was appraising him thoughtfully. "And just how do you know so much about your sister's masturbation habits?" Fran asked putting on a mock maternal sternness. She almost giggled when Steve blushed and stared at the floor before answering. "I'll show you." He said with obvious embarrassment as he closed his sister's panty drawer and took Fran back into his own room. Taking Fran into his closet Steve closed the door behind them. Fran heard Steve moving some clothes to the side and saw what looked like a small bright light. "Put you eye up to it." Steve suggested. Fran moved her head closer to the back wall of the closet and found her self looking through a small hole directly at Carla's bed. "I've been watching Carla masturbate almost my whole life." Fran could hear Steve's embarrassment in his simple statement. As Steve opened the closet door Fran looked below the hole to verify the existence of what appeared to be several years worth of cum stain build up on the wall. Then she smiled at Steve and rubbed her still naked body against his as she pushed her way out of the smell closet. "To bad you couldn't sneak me in there some night." Fran teased him with a grin. "Then you would have a better place to leave your cum than on the wall." Steve's blush seemed to spread over his entire body. "You really do want to fuck your sister, don't you?" Fran's voice became serious as she asked the question. Steve's all over blush darkened. "Yes... " he paused not sure if he should really admit such a thing. "Yes, I do, I've always wanted to fuck her." Fran stepped over to Steve and touched his face gently. "I could tell." Fran leaned close to him and kissed him on the lips. "I won't tell anyone." She promised. "Not even Dave or Vickie." Steve smiled at her weakly. "Thank you." "But," Fran suddenly grinned at him again, "if you ever want help making that dream come true," Fran winked at him then continued, "we'd be the best ones for the job." Steve returned her grin "I'll let you know." Steve looked around the room to make sure everything was put back in its place. "We'd better get dressed and get back to school." Fran took on an exaggerated 'slut' persona and rubbed her breasts against his chest then peered up at him. "Are you sure you don't want me to be Carla for one more fuck first?" Steve reached down and kneaded her buttocks with both hands. "No, but if you'll be yourself I'd love to fuck you again before we leave." Fran wiggled her naked body against his. "Deal." She said as she pushed her lips against his and slithered her tongue into his waiting mouth. Vickie left the Coach's office with his cum still dripping down her thighs. Having missed first period she headed for her second period class hoping to catch a glimpse of Fran. Vickie wanted to see her best friend/mistress at least long enough to determine whether she was really mad or not. Fran was not with the kids leaving the Geometry class. Damn, Vickie thought, as she looked around then headed for her next room. She was immediately stopped by two of the boys who had been present the previous Saturday when Fran's cunt had been shaved. "Aren't you supposed to be handing out some contest forms?" one of them asked. God, Vickie thought as she dug contest forms out of the front pocket of her backpack, word sure spreads fast around this school. "The 'Why I Want to Whip Vickie' Essay Contest" one of them read off the form. "Do we get to fuck you also?" he asked blocking her way. "I don't know." Vickie answered trying to push her way past him. "That's up to Fran." "You mean," He continued still blocking her path, "that having permission to fuck Fran doesn't extend to you?" "I know," Vickie said pulling her self up to her full five foot two height, "that without Fran's permission the only way you'll get to fuck me is to rape me." "That," the other boy chimed in, "is not an entirely unpleasant idea." Vickie, having just had the same thought, paused for a moment then, shaking her head 'no' pushed past the boys and hurried to her English class. Vickie spent a worried and frustrating day, handing out contest forms and wondering what had happened to her best friend/mistress. Then, just as she was about to go into Mr. Roberts' American History class Fran and Steve suddenly appeared and sweeping her up with them headed to the gym. "Where..." Vickie started to ask. "Shh..." Fran silenced her. "I'll explain it all to you later." They entered the gym and after joining Dave at the far end, handed him the videotape and pictures. "There's some..." Fran began to explain. "Shh..." Dave silenced her. "We don't have time, Carla's coming right now." Just as he finished the door opened and Carla stepped from the bright sunlight into the cool gym. After taking two or three steps Carla stopped and looked around. "What's going on here?" she demanded. "I was told that Ms. Marshal wanted to see me. " "Come on over here." Dave instructed. "Oh no you don't." Carla backed up towards the door. "I'm leaving. I'm not going to get close to you guys. " "I think you'd better look at this picture first." Dave warned stopping her before she opened the door. "It's a picture of you and, what's your dog's name 'Buster'?" Carla froze in her tracks a faint 'Oh god' was heard from her direction before she turned and walked slowly across the gym. Carla took the stack of pictures and looked through them with trembling fingers. "Oh god, you can't" she moaned softly as tears began to roll down her cheeks. "It's not what it looks like." "It's not?" Dave asked with mock concern. "Well let's watch this video tape and see if it sheds any light on the topic." Dave pushed the video cartridge into the player and turned on the monitor. Carla stood in stunned silence, occasionally shooting alternately threatening and pleading glances at the people around her, especially her brother. Then sank slowly to sit on the bleacher as the video showed her putting Buster back into his run and walking naked back to the house. "Wait." Fran almost shouted when Dave reached for the stop button. "There is more." How could there be more Carla wondered, I came back to school after that. As they watched the screen flickered several times then came to life showing a girl lying on a bed facing away from the camera. As Carla watched the action on the screen she new almost instantly that it was Fran in her bed, wearing her nightgown and fucking herself with her vibrator, but she also new that most people could easily be convinced that it was her they were watching. When Steve made his appearance on the screen Carla took a deep breath, and a quick glance at her brother's crotch. She had no idea he was that... mature. Everyone in the room watched the screen with rapt attention as Steve fucked his faux sister. Carla tore her eyes away from the screen long enough to notice that everyone in the room, both male and female, were stroking their crotches. Giving into her lust Carla pushed her hand between her legs and imagined that it really was her under her brother's sweaty body. Yes, Carla thought as she watched Fran rubbing Steve's cum on her vibrator, I will fuck my self with his cum. The show ended, and Carla realized that everyone else was watching her, waiting for her reaction. Carla's lust subsided to be replaced with humiliation, humiliation and anger. Her face burned red, Carla drew her self up to her full height. "How dare you..." She started. Dave picked up the stack of pictures and started walking towards the door. "... where are you going with those?" Carla finished, her anger being replaced by panic. "If you don't shut up and do exactly as you are told," Dave walked towards her menacingly, "I'm going to pin them up to every bulletin board on the campus." Carla seemed to visibly deflate, then collapsed onto the bleacher sobbing. "OK," Carla sniffed through her tears, "just please don't let anyone see those." Dave sat beside Carla while Fran sat down on her other side. They both put their arms around her. "Here is what you are going to do... " Carla left the gym, sniffing and desperately trying to think of some way to get out of what she had just been told she had to do. As soon as she was gone Dave, Fran, Steve and Vickie turned the video back on and watched the whole show again. Vickie had her hand down Steve's trousers stroking his hard cock. Fran, while performing the same service for her brother, whispered in his ear until he nodded his ascent, then concentrated on her main duties between his legs. After Fran and Vickie licked their hands clean Fran grabbed Steve by the arm and pulled him towards the gym door. "Vickie," Fran shouted over her shoulder, "you go home with Dave." Then she turned and began to hurry Steve out the door. "Where," Steve asked as Fran pushed and pulled him towards the parking lot, "are we going?" "Back to your house." Fran answered still trying to hurry him up. "And we have to get there before Carla." Under Fran's continued urgings to 'hurry up' Steve drove them back to his house and parked, once again, around the corner. Fran explained to Steve, while he drove, what she was hopping to accomplish. When they got to his house Fran and Steve rushed up to his bedroom and, after quickly stripping scrunched them selves into his closet and closed the door. Standing in Steve's closet, their naked bodies rubbing against each other, their excitement built and Steve's hard cock was already inside Fran's hot wet cunt by the time they heard Carla come into her bedroom. Taking turns peaking through the small hole, Fran and Steve gently and quietly fucked each other as they prepared to watch Steve's sister. Carla looked into her brother's room, including behind the door, to insure he was not their this time, then went into her bedroom and sat sobbing on her bed. After the tears ran dry she lay on her bed and caressed herself over her clothes. As her excitement built Carla slowly removed her blouse, then her bra, next her skirt then finally her panties. As each part of her body came into view it received special attention from her roving hands. While Steve and Fran fucked and took turns watching Carla spread her legs and fucked her fingers in and out of her wet cunt while she rubbed little circles around her clitoris with her other hand. Steve held Fran tightly and felt every twitch and quiver of her cunt as she came with his cock buried deeply inside her. Fran's spasming cunt muscles milked Steve's cock as it jerked inside her and spewed its sticky fluid deep in her. They both sighed deeply and kissed their tongues dancing in each other's mouths, as the smell of their fresh sex mixed with the smell of stale cum from the wall. As their breathing slowed Fran and Steve, their bodies still joined once again took turns peaking at Carla through the wall. Carla, her own first orgasm subsiding got up from the bed and retrieved her vibrator. Sitting on the bed Carla brought the plastic implement up to her nose and gently sniffed, trying to detect some indication of either Steve or Fran's sex scent. After a few sniffs, Carla extended her tongue gingerly and licked at the tip of the vibrator. Her tentative licks quickly grew to vibrator engulfing slurps as she sucked on her plastic tool like it was a cock, obviously enjoying the taste of her bothers cum and Fran's cunt. Steve's cock remained hard after his orgasm and Fran and he continued gently and quietly fucking as they watched Carla lean back on the bed and insert the now saliva coated vibrator into her wide open wet cunt. Their sweaty naked bodies rubbing against each other the smell of fresh, and stale, sex, the sight of Carla fucking herself quickly brought both Fran and Steve to another peak of orgasmic pleasure. Fran quietly dropped to her knees and took Steve's half-hard cum covered cock into her mouth as Steve continued to watch his sister masturbating with her favorite vibrator. Watching Carla fucked the vibrator in and out of her wet cunt with ever-increasing speed and force, Steve grabbed handfuls of Fran's hair and fucked his now re-invigorated cock deep into her willing throat. Remembering Steve's preferences Fran fucked a finger into her cunt for lubrication then pushed it into Steve's quivering ass. As she fucked her finger in and out of his ass in time to his cock fucking in and out of her mouth Fran could hear Steve's whispered moans 'Take my cock Carla, take all of me, eat my cum'. As Fran added a second finger to the one fucking Steve's ass she just barely heard through the wall as Carla screamed out her orgasmic joy. "Oh god fuck me Steve, fuck your sis, give me your hot cum." Fran jammed her fingers all the way into Steve's ass and felt his cock twitch as it erupted in her mouth. After swallowing his cum Fran pushed the closet door open and sat on Steve's bed. Steve, sweaty and exhausted, sat down beside her. "I'm going to leave now." Fran whispered to Steve. "If I were you I'd go in there and fuck Carla. Fuck her long and hard." Fran looked at Steve's blushing face then after kissing him tenderly on the cheek quietly got dressed and tiptoed from the room, then out of the house. The next morning everyone in the house was excited. Fran and Dave had gotten up early and, after their now traditional 'good morning' fuck began to get things ready for the pep rally. Fran returned to her room and awakened Vickie. After 'allowing' her to lick Dave's still dripping cum from her cunt Fran dispatched Vickie down to the kitchen to fix breakfast for everyone. Having heard Dave's enthusiastic description of their mother's activities the previous day, Fran decided to let her mom sleep in this morning. After breakfast Fran and Vickie piled into Dave's car with two sports bags full of equipment and headed off to school, laughing and giggling with anticipation. Arriving at school, Dave parked his car then the three of them headed to the auditorium. Carla, true to her promise was waiting for them at the back door. As they entered the building Carla leaned over close to Fran "Thank you." She whispered then hurried into the auditorium. The school was buzzing with rumors. Something big was going to happen at the pep rally. Finally third period arrived and the student body packed themselves into the auditorium with eager excitement. The cheerleaders ran down the isles and up onto the stage. They did their cheers. The team and the coach followed. The team captain spoke to the student body, the quarter back spoke to the student body, and the coach spoke to the student body. The student body was beginning to get restless. Many of the kids who never attend these functions regularly were beginning to get rowdy. Shouts went up the students began to stamp their feet and clap their hands in unison. They were not going to listen to any more coaches, or team captains, or quarterbacks. They weren't going to watch any more cheers, well maybe if the cheerleaders stripped first. The rising level of noise was quelled by the sudden blackening of the room as the lights went out. A single spotlight hit the curtain with glaring intensity. The curtain slowly parted revealing an almost nude figure. A mummer went through the crowd as the watchers tried to determine the identity of the girl. The girl stood strait and tall, her head was covered with a mask that turned into a headdress with a thick flowing main running down her back. A black leather rod extended from each side of her mouth. Through a ring on each side of the rod leather rains ran down her front to nipple clamps which were affixed to her tightly crinkled nipples. The girl war black boots and held her black gloved hands close on each side of her breasts. Her hands were tightly fisted and held bent forward to emulate horse hooves. The Horse Girl's stomach was bare and her dark pubic patch glistened in the bright spotlight. The rains were pulled by some still unseen person making her nipples stretch and her breasts bounce. The curtain opened and the spotlight enlarged to reveal the Horse Girl's 'trainer'. The 'trainer' also wore a mask with a headdress of tall feathers. She also wore black boots and was otherwise nude. The trainer's smoothly shaved cunt stood out in contrast to the Hors Girl's healthy growth of almost black pubic hair. The trainer pulled on the rains with one hand and swatted the Horse Girl's stomach with a riding crop. When the Horse Girl turned and began to prance across the stage a large flowing horsetail came into view. The tail bounced and shimmered as the Horse Girl pranced to one side of the stage then turned and pranced to the other side. The trainer crossed the stage staying with the Horse Girl and showering her body with blows from the riding crop. The crowed cheered and applauded the performance. The Horse Girl and her trainer could hear the shouted comments about their breasts, stomachs, thighs and butts. Their bodies glistened with sweat as the trainer moved the Horse Girl back and forth across the stage four times before bringing her to a halt center stage. The Horse Girls body was covered with red welts where the riding crop blows had fallen. The trainer tuned the Horse Girl so her back was to the audience. On command the Horse Girl spread her legs then bend over from the waist and placed her hands on the stage between her feet. As the Horse Girl assumed the required position the spotlight narrowed until only her butt and spread thighs could be seen. The Horse Girls skin seemed to glow white in the bright spotlight. Cheers and shouted comments came from the audience as they realized that the horsetail was attached to a butt plug planted firmly in the Horse Girls ass. A flick of the riding crop on her left butt cheek started the Horse Girl swinging her butt. The horse tail swung to the side, revealing her open wet cunt to the gaze of the student audience, then it swung back momentarily hiding the glistening pink female flesh before it would swing to the other side once again exposing the Horse Girls most private opening. The Horse Girl stopped swinging her butt. The trainer pulled the horse tail to the side and just as the riding crop pushed the girls swollen wet cunt lips apart, the lights suddenly went black. Moments later the house lights came back on and a wave of, mostly, male students pushed their way onto the stage shouting and looking for the two girls. High above the stage standing in the shadows on a catwalk the 'Horse Girl' and her 'trainer' held each other as they watched the boys scurrying back and forth below looking for them. The 'Horse Girl' gave her 'trainer' a hug. "Sorry I was so mean to you the other day." Carla said softly. "That's OK." Fran said returning her hug then touching her cheek softly. Carla smiled weakly back at Fran. Fran allowed her hand to drop from Carla's cheek to rest on Carla's breast. "You make a really sexy 'horse'" Fran leaned forward and kissed Carla on the lips. Carla stiffened and tried to pull back. Fran ran her hand down Carla's sweaty body as she kissed her neck with growing passion. Carla's body relaxed as Fran's fingers found her wet open cunt and slipped into her with no resistance. "Feels like this made you as hot as it made me." Fran continued between kisses. Fran ran a line of kisses down between Carla's sweaty breasts then across her stomach and through her black pubic hair. Fran pushed Carla back against the catwalk railing and after lifting Carla's legs over her shoulders, buried her tongue in Carla's waiting cunt. Carla reached out on both sides of her and held onto the catwalk railing for dear life as she rested her feet on the lower railing on the opposite side of the catwalk. Fran, wondering if Carla shared her brother's interest in anal stimulation, worked one finger tip gently into her rear opening as she fucked her tongue forcefully in and out of Carla's wet cunt and rubbed her nose up and down across Carla's clitoris. Carla responded by fucking herself up and down on Fran's extended finger as she held onto the railing and rubbed her cunt on Fran's face. "Oh God yes." Carla moaned as the Catwalk began to squeak and sway with her violent fucking motions. "Yes... yes... yesssssssssssssss" Carla's body wrenched violently three or for times forcing her cunt against Fran's face as a gut twisting wave of orgasmic pleasure went through her body. Both girls collapsed on the floor of the catwalk smiling and touching each other tenderly. "I'd like it if you'd come to my mom's wedding on Saturday." Fran spoke softly to her new friend. Fran grinned at Carla "Steve will be there." The other day upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish I wish he'd go away The End??


More Gay Erotic Stories from Norm DePloom

Slave Sister: Chapter 10

Chapter Ten "Lunch With Mom" Martha kissed the store clerk good bye with a friendly squeeze of his well used cock then walked down the short hallway and out the second door into the bright noon time sun. Her thighs were sticky and wet clear down below the bottom of the short skirt Dave had forced her to wear. Feeling 'frisky' after three good fucks on the floor of the bondage

Slave Sister: Chapter 01

Slave Sister By Norm DePloom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1998 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted at normdeploom@yahoo.

Slave Sister: Chapter 02

Chapter Two "Dave's Friends" Saturday morning Fran got out of bed just after her brother finished his morning fuck and headed back to his own room. She sat on the edge of the bed, trying to make sense out of what was happening to her. She seemed to have lost all her will power. All day yesterday she did whatever her brother had asked. After sucking his cock in the parking lot of

Slave Sister: Chapter 03

Chapter Three "Fran Goes to Church" Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent

Slave Sister: Chapter 04

Chapter Four "Back to School" Fran was awakened by a soft buzzing under her pillow. Following her brother's instructions she got up and removed her night cloths then walked naked past her mother's bedroom to her brother's room where Dave would be waiting to have his sexual desires serviced. As Fran walked across the room Dave laid on his side against the wall making room for his

Slave Sister: Chapter 05

Chapter Five "The Raffle" Fran reached between her legs and ran her finger gently over her protruding cunt lips. It had been a full week now and she still wasn't comfortable with not being allowed to wash her self without her brother Dave's permission. The thick viscous cum she felt oozing out of her pussy onto her thighs was deposited there by her brother just moments before

Slave Sister: Chapter 06

Chapter Six "The Prize" Fran paced back and forth across her room waiting for the Saturday afternoon 'weekly Fran Fuck' to get started. The 'clit and tit' bells her brother had recovered from Carla ding-a-linged with each step. She stopped in front of her full-length mirror and looked at her naked body. Cupping her breasts Fran jiggled them making the bells attached to her nipples

Slave Sister: Chapter 07

Chapter Seven "Fran's New Family" Dave had continued driving up and down the main drag, pulling into parking lots where kids were gathered, and offering his sister for their pleasure until the early hours of Sunday morning. Finally arriving home exhausted and still naked, cum drying on every part of her body. Fran climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Before she could even smile at

Slave Sister: Chapter 08

Chapter Eight "A Day With Daddy" Fran and Daddy After church Fran walked to her Daddy's fully restored 1968 Mustang convertible nestled comfortably in his strong arm, and watching with eager anticipation the bulge growing more prominent in his pants. As the engine roared to life Fran straddled the gearshift to get closer to her new Daddy. With her legs spread, the Coach pulled

Slave Sister: Chapter 09

Chapter Nine "Mom Goes Shopping" Dave and Fran's mom sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and enjoying the exhaustion that comes from fucking all night. A small smile spread across her lips as she thought about how nice it was to have a dominant man, make that two dominant men, in her life again. After an afternoon of trying to satiate the lust of her seemingly

Slave Sister: Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven "Vicki's Punishment" "Please Fran," Vickie begged with a whine that was rapidly becoming very irritating to Fran, "I don't want you to be mad at me." Vickie hurried breathless from trying to talk and keep up with Fran's determined steps. "I told you because I thought you would get a kick out of it." Fran suddenly stopped and spun around. By the time Vickie arrested

Slave Sister: Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve "Slave's Revenge" After Steve watched Fran rub his cum into her breasts and imitate his sister's masturbatory moans he jumped up from the bed and moved to the window where the cameras were still set up and ready to go. "Hey, I've got a great idea." Fran stopped her breast rubbing and moaning and turned toward Steve with a questioning look. "You go down to the patio


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