Gay Erotic Stories

My Inheritance: Chapter 43

by E.Z. Riter
17 Oct 2000


Chapter 43 - Decision When the Hermit said he wanted Lisa to suck his cock, we all froze, none of us moving an inch. Even the gentle thrusting of Lisa's hips and her sucking of the Hermit's thumb stopped. She popped his thumb from her mouth to stare at me. We all realized where the Hermit was going with his conversation. He would want all of them. I began to shake as the sweat oozed from my pores. My pulse accelerated, my head pounded. While Lisa enjoyed being given to others, it had always been under my orders. Being ordered to do it released her desire so she could participate in wild sex without guilt. Mary had been shared for her pleasure and mine, usually to reach a specific goal rather than just for sex. She enjoyed it but could easily live without it. But, Andy had always been adamant that she was only for me. But, what they wanted was not really relevant. What did I want? Did I want the formula more than I wanted them? Which would you have wanted more? "How many kittens do you have, Dave?" he asked in a pleasant, business like tone. But, his eyes were not pleasant. They were glacial pools. "Three thousand." "Three thousand. Well, then, you would not miss three. I tell you what. Give me these three. I mean give them to me permanently. I will give you the formula and you can leave now." "Do it!" screamed Diablo in my head and my mouth opened but no sound was emitted. I was sweating profusely now, with the dry desert air evaporating it immediately, leaving my skin prickly. The war was being waged in my head for control, control of me, and through me, of my kittens. I felt slightly nauseous and my knees were weak. I saw the faces of my three women: two kittens programmed to obey, and one slave, a volunteer wanting to belong to me. In moments of great stress, time seems to stand still, or at least slow to a snail's pace, so each and every nuance is clearly recorded and analyzed by your brain. Time slowed now in that way. Lisa, who was on her knees with her legs spread, dropped the chain attached to her clit hood with which she had been stimulating herself. Gracefully, she rose and straightened her clothing while her eyes held mine. Her bell tinkled as it fell between her calves, swinging from the chain. She had a look of cold resolve I had not seen from her in a while. Mary had been kneeling by me. Her face had a sad expression, mouth tight, lips compressed, as if locked in a deja vu which was painful. I wondered if she had gone through this hell with Uncle Bert and knew exactly what was inside me as she always seemed to do. She was slowly shaking her head, telling me not to do it. I stood and Andy stood with me. She pressed up against me, straddling my thigh. I could feel her leg rubbing against my cock and my leg against her pubis. She put her arms around my waist and buried her head in my shoulder, her golden hair soft against my chin, her breasts soft on my chest. She squeezed me tightly, holding on for dear life. The Hermit still had those hard eyes locked on me. Andy stepped back. She had a worried, intense expression on her face. "Sweetheart, are you thinking about accepting his offer? I mean, are you thinking of trading us for the formula?" Was I thinking about it? Did I so want a formula allowing me to make any women a kitten, any man a neutered lap cat, that I would trade all three of them, Andy, Mary, and Lisa, for it? Diablo and the Doc were screaming in my brain, demanding I take the formula, pushing my own natural self which would have taken the three of them over the formula in a minute. I am programmed to think rationally, clearly and deeply. My genes and my upbringing are not of a power seeking nature, yet, I was considering it. Andy could read that in my face. I did not need to answer her. "Oh, Davy. I am your woman, your kitten. Remember that first day we met? I told you I was going to be with you the rest of your life. I said I would bear your children. I told you I would make you the happiest man on earth. Remember?" "Yes." "I meant it, sweetheart. I am yours. I will do all those things for you, but I will not be given away." Her back was straight, chin set, eyes loving but unbendable. Her resolve was complete. Like so many women, there was steel under the softness. That strength was showing through now. "A woman is supposed to help her man, support him, stand by him in times of troubles like these. I have always stood by you. I am standing by you now even though you have been very mean to me the last few days. I understand now why you were mean and I forgive you." She smiled lovingly and ignored my non responsiveness. "Sweetheart, may I do something I think will help clear your head?" The devil dog was screaming for me to say no. I shoved him back toward that dank corner where he should always be and nodded my head affirmatively. I have told you a lot about Andy and by now you know her almost as well as I do, except I have the fun of actually experiencing her. She is a skier, an outdoors type with a beautiful and strong body. She also has quick reflexes as you might expect from someone so adept at skiing. I saw her hand move. I saw the tiny shift of her weight from her heels to her toes. My face felt like it had been stung by a thousand little ants as I fell back from the force of her slap. I reached to rub my left cheek as my head rung and my face throbbed. I saw the loving, caring laughter in her eyes and the wry smile on her lips. ”Does that help clear the cobwebs, sweetheart, or should I slap you again? I will do it if I think you need it." "Not again," I replied, still rubbing my face. "Please, one more. You do deserve it." I did deserve it but one was quite sufficient. It helped me lock the devil dog in his cell in the back of my mind. For the first time in days, I saw what I had. I had treasures beyond the formula, treasures beyond what any other man had. I smiled at them. Lisa smiled back at me. "I am not programmed. I am here by choice. I will not be given away," she said softly. "I am programmed but I have some free will. I will not be given away either," Mary said. "What is your answer, Davy?" the Hermit barked. I could not remember the last time I had a thought without Doc or Diablo intervening. The raw compulsion for power had been eating at me and driving me. Oh, I still needed the formula to rescue Cathy but I would not let that need be an excuse to obtain the formula for other purposes. That would be the power controlling me. I took a deep breath, a long, deep breath of fresh, clean desert air. I could feel the anxiety of the struggle flowing out of me like water from a leaky bucket. They all three came to me, surrounding me, bodies against mine, arms around me, hands stroking and reassuring me, their warmth and softness engulfing me. I felt my own ego reasserting itself, shoving aside the dark side of my being to take control again. I was re-energized as the weight of the power struggle lifted away. But, the removal of that weight made me almost giddy. I began to cry and they cried with me. I felt their bodies shaking. Their tears wet my shirt as mine wet their hair. Who says guys should not cry? This was a good cry, a cleansing cry, reflecting the making of a decision and the relief from stress and tension that decision afforded. When my tears finally ceased to flow, Andy gently stroked my cheek where she had slapped me. She took the end of her golden hair and dabbed away my tears, drying my face with her hair. I kissed her long and slowly. Then, I kissed Mary and Lisa in the same way. I had not felt this good in weeks. I had almost lost it. I had been so close to doing the wrong thing. You know the elation you feel after some very difficult task in finished or difficult decision is reached, and you feel so damn good about it and about yourself, you could pop? That is the way I felt at that moment. No wonder Uncle Bert had been emphatic in cautioning me. I gained new respect for him for having overcome his own devil dog. I pulled Mary's head back to look into her tear streaked face. She was reading me and I could tell she believed it was going to be okay now, that the good side of Dave Wilson had defeated the bad. That alone gave me renewed confidence and vigor. The Hermit was watching us quietly but the ice in his eyes had melted. "Well, Davy. Do we have a trade?" "Hermit," I said. "Why don't you take the formula and shove it up your ass." The pint sized old codger threw back his head and laughed, a deep, braying sound. All of us stared at him as he doubled up in laughter. Wiping tears from his eyes, he shook my hand as he grinned up at me. ”Bert was right. You are a good boy, but, perhaps, I should say a good man. Why don't you ask your ladies to wait inside? We need to talk, Dave." "We can talk in front of them. They have been programmed never to reveal anything." "Lisa is un-programmed you said." I looked down at her and she blushed hotly but did not look away. A slutty, happy smile crossed her face. "I would not mind being programmed if I will be like Mary. Can I always stay with you? Will you still give me to other guys some times?" "If you like." "I like," she said, reaching up to be kissed. "You people wait here. I will be right back," the Hermit said, walking away from us. He walked past his hut and toward a cut in the rock wall behind the corral. He returned in two minutes, struggling to drag a small steel safe. I helped him drag it to the grass area where the kittens waited. It had a combination lock like any other safe. "Well?" I asked. "Hell, I don't know the damn combination. I thought you did," the Hermit growled. "No, I don't. Mary?" I asked looking at her. She shook her head 'no.' Andy slipped off her T-shirt, then unzipped her skirt and let if flutter to the ground, leaving herself naked. Slowly, sexily, she turned clockwise letting us see all of her body. This kitten who was embarrassed to be seen scantily dressed was now showing herself off undressed all the way. "Hot damn, that is some woman," the Hermit muttered under his breath. I had to agree. Andy was something. She turned back counterclockwise, then clockwise again. She redressed as quickly as she had undressed. "Why did you do that, Andy?" "Do what, sweetheart?" she replied innocently. Bingo. But, you probably figured it out before I did. Leave it to an old tom cat like Uncle Bert to devise a combination based on his favorite numbers. I turned the dial on the safe. Thirty-five right. Twenty-three left. Thirty-six right. I clicked the handle. The safe door swung open. Inside was a wooden, hay lined box, the kind used to ship the most expensive wine. It contained a one liter bottle of a clear liquid. There was also a typewritten note. It read: "Davy, Congratulations. You are at the end of your search. By now, you have wrestled with the moral and ethical ramifications of the formula, which to me is much more difficult than the chemistry. I hope you have a great deal more respect for power, any power but particularly this power, then you did before I sent you on this treasure hunt. I know you are in control of your own desires for power or you would not be reading this. I had built into the Hermit, Mary and Andy safeguards which would have kept you from your goal had you not won that fight. I did not tell you about that additional programming, did I? Well, sue me. One of those safeguards was the Hermit offering to trade the formula for Mary and Andy. This was a test he and I agreed to give you. Obviously, you passed. Understand! The fight is not over! You have won for now but the devil dog will be back and you will need to fight him again and again. It gets easier each time, believe me. Having two loving and wonderful women close to you will be a great help, I assure you. You cannot program yourself to avoid the devil dog. Do not even try. You must control power and to do that you must be un-programmed in regards to it. Realize you must have and use power to maintain the kittens and your lifestyle. While 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' is a true maxim, it is also true that 'power abhors a vacuum'. If you do not use your power to direct and manage yourself, your kittens and your estate, someone else will step in to control them and you. How do you think dictatorships get started? I programmed Andy to slap you for shock effect if she thought you needed it. If she did, blame it on me. No. Blame it on yourself because you deserved it. I programmed Mary with the possible ramifications of your behavior throughout the treasure hunt so she could help you reach my goal for you by predicting your decisions and actions. She was unaware of this programming, of course. She probably thought she could read your mind and you may have thought the same thing. By the way, I have experimented with mind reading from the programming but without success. I have had small success directing an un-programmed person by concentrating my thoughts on them, which is mind control of a different kind. I do not know how well this would work ultimately. Son, as I write this, I am a little blue. When you read it, you will be enjoying all those delicious kittens and I will dead as a mackerel with the worms eating my bones. The power did not extend my life one minute. Stop reading this now. Take Mary in your arms and give her a big, strong kiss. Play with her ass as you do. She likes that. Tell her it is from me." Mary looked surprised when I pulled her into my arms. She responded quickly, her arms around my neck as she hungrily returned the kiss. I took one of her wonderful ass cheeks in each hand, kneading them as we raped each other's mouth. When I told her it was from Uncle Bert, she burst into tears. Lisa and Andy began to cry with her, tears of sympathy running down their faces. Even the Hermit shed a tear, although the tough, old, boot turned away, hoping we would not see him. I did not return to the note until Mary had been comforted and quieted. ”God, I love that woman. But, I loved a lot of them, didn't I? I did love them, you know. And, you must love them, too. Now, the rest of the formula is on the attached sheet. The bottle contains one liter of the formula. Since a dose is fifty cubic centimeters, you have enough to program twenty people. That should tide you over until you can digest the formula, assemble the components and replicate the chemical. Since you have never programmed anyone, I suggest you have a long talk with Mary and Andy about it. As you know, Mary is aware of her programming, was present when I programmed some of the other kittens, and can discuss it freely. Andy, however, is unaware. She is programmed to go into a trance during which she remembers nothing when programming is discussed in her presence. To change that, perform the following steps. With your cock in her, program her to purr like a kitten. As she is purring say 'Andy, programming access to full knowledge levels. Discussion mode. Begin.' She will be aware she had been programmed and of the impact of the programming on her. She will be able to discuss it freely, just as Mary is. At this point, her programming will appear to be the same as Mary's but it will not be. Mary has free will. Andy does not. She will just be aware of everything resulting from her programming and be able to discuss it. She will remain in this mode, that is aware of her programming and that of others, until you cancel it. That command follows. Again, while you are fucking her and she is purring, say 'Andy, programming access. Terminate discussion mode. Return to normal programming. Terminate now.' The Hermit is not programmed but he does not need to be. You can trust him with your life. Well, I guess that is just about everything. I wish I was there with you. Do me a favor, will you? Some time you will have children. Have a lot of them! I hope Andy bears some of them for you. I think that adorable little kitten will have beautiful little kittens of her own. Anyway, the favor. Tell them about me, about their grandfather. Tell them he wanted to be there to see them grow but it was not in God's plan. Say hello to the Hermit for me and tell Mary and Andy I love them. I love you, too, son. May God bless and keep you. Dad."


More Gay Erotic Stories from E.Z. Riter

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My Inheritance By EZRiter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following author's note still applies. Dear Readers, I have received many e-mails from many readers. From a small group, I have received multiple e-mails. I wish to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for contacting me and for your words of support. It has

My Inheritance: Chapter 02

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My Inheritance: Chapter 04

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My Inheritance: Chapter 05

Chapter 5 - Hide 'N Seek and Other Games After we arrived at Uncle Bert's house, Andy played back his message perfectly. I decided to take his advise and have Andy program me with the last remaining hypnotic drug potion in existence, just as Uncle Bert had suggested I do. I said, "Andy, please teach me Yiddish." "What are you talking about?" she said. "Good," I thought. I had

My Inheritance: Chapter 06

Chapter 6 - Two Road Trips and A Funeral Uncle Bert's funeral was that day. We all attended, of course, as did his huge family and many others I had never met. Uncle Bert was well loved. I was surprised how many women were there without a male escort. A lot had wedding rings. I know it was a sad occasion being a funeral and all, but, I know Uncle Bert. He would have gotten a

My Inheritance: Chapter 07

Chapter 7 - Love Letters Immediately on our return to Colorado, I tried to follow the instructions Uncle Bert had given me through the nun in Santa Fe. I guess I was surprised he had used a nun. I did not think about it at the time, but she was probably the only woman he ever met he did not try to boink. Then, maybe he did. I thought the third house was Aspen since Uncle Bert

My Inheritance: Chapter 08

Chapter 8 - New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town It took the next six weeks to again read all the texts Uncle Bert had arranged for me to read. With Andy and Mary around, I did not spend full time reading, of course. But, I did spend a great deal of time on them. I was very pleased Uncle Bert had programmed me for higher and greater intellectual and memory capacities. From

My Inheritance: Chapter 09

Chapter 9 - Bound to Be Good Thanks to my Uncle Bert, who was intent on teaching me even from the grave, there I was, hanging by my wrists, naked as the day I was borne, with a six nine Amazon in a black cat suit holding a whip and standing over me like an avenging Satan. I knew she was programmed by Uncle Bert to make me submit and that my control over her would not work during

My Inheritance: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - San Francisco, Here I Cum We took a 747 from New York to San Francisco, went directly to the Mark Hopkins hotel to rest and overcome jet lag. All right, we checked in early to fuck, if you must know everything. Andy was asleep on the bed, prettier than a centerfold, as I sat in the arm chair watching her, sipping on a Coke and thinking about my situation. While I

My Inheritance: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Lisa Andy and I, as part of our training mandated by Uncle Bert and given by Madame Delilah who ran the best call girl service in the country, had been playing whore-john on the streets of San Francisco. Andy was dressed like a street whore, not a classy call girl which is training we did with Rebecca, but a cheap whore: tank top, super high heels, super short

My Inheritance: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Lisa's Submission There I was in my own bedroom in the house where I grew up. Andy, my kitten of six months, was naked and kneeling at my feet. Since she had been programmed by Uncle Bert to be my kitten (as he called his female slaves), this was no surprise. Lisa, the bitch I had dated who was un-programmed, was naked, kneeling beside Andy. Lisa was begging me to

My Inheritance: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - Home Again After stopping at the tattoo parlor where I had a gold ring inserted through Lisa's clit hood, Andy, Lisa and I drove in the Bronco from the Denver airport to the ranch north of Glenwood Springs which I had inherited from Uncle Bert. It was a cold, clear, crisp Colorado day, with the sun bright in the sky with we arrived about three in the afternoon. Andy

My Inheritance: Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - A Quiet Day We were in Aspen with Christmas less than two weeks away. It was the first time I had been in the Aspen house since I inherited it from Uncle Bert except for the brief time I spent looking for the love letters. Remember, the nun in Santa Fe told me about them. Those letters were a clue to the formula that was my treasure hunt. Wanting to get Andy and

My Inheritance: Chapter 15

Chapter 15 - Learning From Mary Something smooth and damp was rubbing my nose as I slept on my back. I was in that groggy, disoriented state when you first awaken from a deep, sound sleep, not knowing where you are or how you got there. When I tried to shake my head, I could not. Something was on each side of it, trapping me. My eyes popped open to see a hairless pussy close up.

My Inheritance: Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - Raping Julie It was late in the evening. My two kittens, my slave and I had asked Jarred and Julie to join us at my house in Aspen after the orgy where I fucked ten women as part of a sorority initiation and to fulfill part of my assignment Uncle Bert had left me. Mary and Lisa were in the back bedroom with Jarred letting him live out his fantasy of a threesome. I

My Inheritance: Chapter 17

Chapter 17 - Last Day in Aspen I felt someone shaking me gently. I opened my eyes to see Lisa smiling down at me, dressed in ski shirt and pants with her leather collar on, as always. "Good morning, Davy. Breakfast in fifteen minutes. Here is your coffee," she said before kissing me. I was spooned with Andy, her delicious ass pressed hard into my crotch. I stretched, bumping her and

My Inheritance: Chapter 18

Chapter 18 - Lisa Leaves It was three days to Christmas as Andy, Mary, Lisa and I drove in the Bronco from Aspen. Thanks to the Colorado Highway Department, the roads were clear with mounds of snow packed along side, but I kept the truck in four-wheel drive. We stopped at the ranch in Glenwood Springs, then in Vail to get Lisa's possessions. We were taking her to the Denver airport.

My Inheritance: Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Mouse Play After leaving Mary and Andy in Denver shopping, I headed for Vail. I drove the new Suburban into my driveway about two in the afternoon on December 23. For the first time in six months, I did not have one of my wonderful kittens with me. Suddenly, my tiredness and that well fucked feeling left me. Horny as a billy goat, I headed out into the bright,

My Inheritance: Chapter 20

Chapter 20 - A New Kitten I awakened at the bottom of a human pile. Andy was crushed against one side, her mass of blonde hair over my face inhibiting my breathing, her head over my arm. Tinker Bell was jammed against me on the other side. Sometime in the night, Mary had rolled over Tink and me, crushing Tink into the bed, placing her head next to mine on the pillow. Mary's

My Inheritance: Chapter 21

Chapter 21 - Pinged Andy was mortified. She began to blush, the red rising from somewhere under the ski skin which encased her delicious body to cover her face. She was red as a lobster. Her lower lip quivered. Really though, it was a laughable situation. There Eve (I will continue to call her that, if you don't mind) and I were, naked and obviously freshly fucked, when Andy asked

My Inheritance: Chapter 22

Chapter 22 - The Predator There we all were, sitting in the big living room in my house in Vail, the one Uncle Bert had left me. It was the evening of December 23. I was in my easy chair. Dad was on the couch with Mom next to him. Andy was on the floor beside me but not between my legs since I wanted that space available. Her hand slipped under my pants leg to stroke my bare

My Inheritance: Chapter 23

Chapter 23 - Proper Lady Mary shook me, awakening me. She said I had only been out about three minutes. Mary had cleaned up Cathy, wiping her with a damp cloth. As she instructed, I carried Cathy into the small third bedroom and put her to bed. Mary covered her over and closed the door as we left. When we returned to my bedroom, Andy was changing the sheets. It was impossible to

My Inheritance: Chapter 24

Chapter 24 - Christmas Eve My cock was buried to the hilt in Andy's hot, dripping pussy. She was on top, where she had ridden me to a magnificent climax. She had thrown her hair forward, arranging it around us like a small tent covering our heads. The sunlight filtered through her golden hair into the small world she created just for us. Her big, blue eyes were soft, loving. She

My Inheritance: Chapter 25

Chapter 25 - Dream I heard the front door open and a whispered exchange. I sneaked up to find Abby and Betty in hard embraces with the two men they had allowed to pick them up earlier in the day. Chet (I think he was Chet) was attached to Abby. His hands were cupping her ass, holding her tightly against what I was sure was an erection. She had molded herself to him. Her arms were

My Inheritance: Chapter 26

Chapter 26 - Finishing the Assignment On the morning of the twenty-sixth, I leant my Suburban to Mom and Dad, loaded them and my sisters in it and waved goodbye to them. They were going to spend a few days at my Aspen house. Mary and Andy knew I had eight more women to fuck in Vail to complete my assignment from Uncle Bert. Only non-kittens counted. As we discussed strategy, I

My Inheritance: Chapter 27

Chapter 27 - Good, Clean Fun When Michelle left, her tears were almost gone. She acted very subdued, not at all the bitch she had been when she arrived to work off her problems with a little play for pay. Andy and Mary cleaned up the bedroom. Neither of them seemed at all concerned I had taken Michelle anally against her will. In fact, they had helped me subdue her, tie her

My Inheritance: Chapter 28

Chapter 28 - Whipping Andy When Uncle Bert built the house in Vail, he installed a dungeon in the basement, complete with all the trimmings and trappings you might expect. Andy and I had spent some delightful time at Mistress Diana's B&D emporium in New York but this was the first time I had taken her to my own dungeon. Of course, she wanted to go. Why else would see have started

My Inheritance: Chapter 29

Chapter 29 - Family Time With Mom, Dad, Abby, Betty and Cathy all watching, unblinking and in shock, I rolled Andy off me. She did not even groan when her head thudded against the floor. She was splayed out in all her naked glory, which is quite glorious I will admit, but I knew she would be mortified to have them see her this way. Why, you ask, would a woman who screamed for a

My Inheritance: Chapter 30

Chapter 30 - Mom Mary had just suggested I take Mom in the bedroom and fuck her. As Mary, Mom and I sat, the silence was so strong I could hear the tick of the clock on the wall. No one was moving. Mary had that look again, the look she gets when she is inside my mind, reading my thoughts. She was waiting on me to act as though she already knew what I would do. Mother was

My Inheritance: Chapter 31

Chapter 31 - Cathy’s Secret Cathy was following me downstairs in the Vail house, unaware of what was about to happen. Mary, who always had an idea, followed behind her. When I opened the dungeon door, I seized Cathy’s arm to drag her inside. She saw all the bondage equipment: the horse, the table, and the wall ladder. “No,” she shouted. It was a fight, a real,

My Inheritance: Chapter 32

Chapter 32 - Good Morning In the basement dungeon, I rummaged through the toy box to find a few items I wanted and stuck them in my pocket. I kissed Cathy goodnight, not a lover’s kiss but a brother’s, one the cheek. She had raised her head to mine but our bodies did not touch. There were tears in her eyes but not anger. Mary waited as I locked the door to the dungeon, taking

My Inheritance: Chapter 33

Chapter 33 - A Day in Denver Mom, Dad, Abby and Betty had left to drive to the airport. I had to put all four of them in trances to make them quit asking why Cathy was not going home with them. After the trance, they understood Cathy was going to live with us until further notice and asked no more questions. They did not know she was going to live naked in my dungeon, my

My Inheritance: Chapter 34

Chapter 34 - Answers? Mary drove the Suburban up the driveway, as Andy and I were finishing dressing in the back. Andy was her old, sweet, happy, self again, although I was unsure whether two long hard fucks in four hours or all my patient loving and talking did the trick. We unloaded Lisa’s things and the new bondage gear we bought at the boutique. I slipped down to the dungeon

My Inheritance: Chapter 35

Chapter 35 - A Wild Night Mary lay under me, her hands still stroking and caressing me gently. She was waiting on me to answer her question. Would I be a father, not just a seed contributor, to a child if she bore it for me? She had that look again. Was she in my mind, reading it? If she could read my mind, why did she ask questions like that? “Can you read my mind?” “No,” she

My Inheritance: Chapter 36

Chapter 36 - Dreaming Mary was smiling at me brightly as she sat on the edge of the bed watching me sip my coffee. Slowly, her expression dimmed. First her eyes changed, with the light diminishing like someone inching down the dimmer on a ceiling chandelier. Then, some slight change in the musculature around the lips as if trying to hold the smile in place but losing the enthusiasm

My Inheritance: Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - Cathy's Power Andy was smiling down at me as I struggled to awaken. She handed me a cup of coffee and fluffed the pillows behind my back, gently touching my arm in loving tenderness as I sat up. Mary entered, giving me a quick look to determine if she dared risking talking to me. Seeing no negative feelings in my face, she quickly told me everything was in order,

My Inheritance: Chapter 38

Chapter 38 - On the Road Cathy continued to daub herself dry with the towel. She was watching me from the corner of her eye, her head angled down and away submissively. I was concentrating, on edge waiting to feel her power burst at me, but I felt nothing from her. When she finished, she carefully folded the towel and hung it on the towel rod. She took a deep breath, exhaling

My Inheritance: Chapter 39

Chapter 39 - Honkytonkin Lisa was squirming in the captain’s chair in the truck as we zipped down the highway. If ever there was a woman in sexual need, it was she. The bell was tinkling like sleigh bells at Christmas time. The flush never left her face. “Looking forward to this?” I asked. “Oh, no, Davy. I really don’t want this!” “What a lying cunt,” the devil dog muttered. “She

My Inheritance: Chapter 40

Chapter 40 - Decorations Quickly, I was asleep and dreaming. I was in a huge mansion, like San Simeon or an English castle, with unabashed opulence. I was in a large sitting room, probably two thousand square feet in an approximate square, with twenty feet high ceilings. Animal heads and art work decorated the mahogany walls. There were heads of wild beasts such as rhino and

My Inheritance: Chapter 41

Chapter 41 – Passage As you know, Andy is a kitten, which means she is chemically programmed to obey my commands. I could say to her, “On your back, bitch, and spread them,” and she would immediately comply, gladly giving me that which I desired. The programming would force her to obey. And, Andy’s own love for me, that un-programmed part of her nature, reinforced the programming.

My Inheritance: Chapter 42

Chapter 42 - The Hermit The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they

My Inheritance: Chapter 43

Chapter 43 - Decision When the Hermit said he wanted Lisa to suck his cock, we all froze, none of us moving an inch. Even the gentle thrusting of Lisa's hips and her sucking of the Hermit's thumb stopped. She popped his thumb from her mouth to stare at me. We all realized where the Hermit was going with his conversation. He would want all of them. I began to shake as the sweat oozed

My Inheritance: Chapter 44

Chapter 44 - Hen Party I read over the note from Uncle Bert again as the others waited patiently. Then, I reviewed the formula in depth. I was very pleased I was so close to having the answer myself. If I had continued working on it, I probably would have achieved the result in less than a month. I put the note and the formula back in their envelope and in the safe. "Mary. Andy. Uncle

My Inheritance: Chapter 45

Chapter 45 - Programming Lisa The three of them were sitting, holding hands. Then, Andy looked at me, realized I was there, and blushed. “He is watching us,” she whispered. All three of them looked at me with sheepish expressions. I grinned at them and rose to go outside to retrieve the liter bottle of chemical and the measuring cup. When I returned, I poured fifty cubic

My Inheritance: Chapter 46

Chapter 46 - Jewelry The big Suburban hummed north on Interstate 25, heading for Denver where we would pick up I-70 west to Vail. Mary was driving with Lisa riding shotgun. Andy was curled in my lap, her crying spent and the tears of joy drying on her face. “I can’t believe you threw my birth control pills away like that. Are you sure, Davy?” “Very sure, Andy.” “You know that

My Inheritance: Chapter 47

Chapter 47 - Kitten Fun I do not really remember the drive into Vail. Andy had told me she wanted to be tied to the bed and fucked all night. And, as she told me, she was playing with my cock through my trousers. Who could think about driving? However, I do remember the tires of the truck squealing as I negotiated the mountain roads at high speed. The little tease would let her

My Inheritance: Chapter 48

Chapter 48 - Making Up My Mind When I awakened, Lisa and I were plastered together by the sweat from the heat of our bodies wrapped in the mink rug. When I unrolled us from the mink, the cold air hit her. Her nipples got hard and she shivered as goose bumps covered her. “Cold,” she murmured as she curled into the prenatal position. I covered her again before going in the bedroom.

My Inheritance: Chapter 49

Chapter 49 - Birthday Party Mary was with me on the morning of January 15 when I rang the bell at a luxury high rise condominium in Denver. A very attractive woman opened the door. She was about forty years old with a dark sun tan. The platform high heels she wore brought her to five nine or so. Her hair had been some other color but now was blonde and cut short and pert. She

My Inheritance: Chapter 50

Chapter 50 - Bert's Last Message "I have a message from Bert. Andy is to hear it with you," Mary said quietly in the unique voice of a trance, as she knelt in front of me. Andy sat down by me, but Lisa, who had never been present when a trance message was given, started to leave. I pulled her down by me, telling her to stay with us because she was very much a part of this family.

My Inheritance: Chapter 51

Chapter 51 - Angie The bedroom of our suite smelled like sex, but we had a small orgy in it and the odor was to be expected. I was on my back in a deep sleep. Someone was curled against my left side, her arm over me, her breasts and pubis jammed against me, her breath warm on my neck. Someone was curled against my right side in the same position and with the same effect. Someone

My Inheritance: Chapter 52

Chapter 52 - The End? A New Beginning? With each passing day, Angie was more happy and positive, which is to say she was more like her twin. Mary, elated at having her missing daughter home, was floating on cloud nine. Andy, beside herself with joy at having a twin sister, made it her responsibility to train Angie. She had done a good job of it, being both gentle and firm with


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