Gay Erotic Stories

Always the Same

by Sven the Elder
05 Jul 2000


Sven was completing the last half of his workout on the exercise bike in the gym when Jay sauntered up behind him. She leaned her chest against his left arm and blew gently into his ear. Sven, feeling her right breast squashed against his arm groaned inwardly; woodies don't work in this condition, he thought. "Jay, you bitch, it's always the same. You only do that when I can't do anything about it!" She laughed gently and stuck her tongue in his ear by way of an answer. Sven laughed and made a grab, but she easily escaped. "You wait," he said, "one day..." He watched her leotard-covered bottom wiggle its way to the ladies changing area. A minute or so later, having finished his morning workout, Sven, holding his towel carefully and strategically, also went to get changed. As he showered, Sven mused over Jay. Younger than he, she had taken to flirting outrageously on the odd times their paths crossed. Usually she only treated him like this when the gym was fairly quiet, but this morning there had been others around. He felt a little uneasy about that, but -- ah, well, it was harmless enough. There was nowhere here for it to be anything else. Hell, but that breast had been nice, though; the nipple had been prominent as well. One other thing was sure: she had a nice ass as well. He shook his head, ignored his half erection, and finished drying himself before dressing. Shortly afterwards he pushed through the front door of the club and stopped dead in the entrance porch. With only light clothing on, Jay was standing looking at the heavy rain that had arrived while they were inside. The close rumble of thunder as he grabbed her round the waist only heightened the effect and really made her jump as he touched her. "Hah!" he said. "My turn to get you back!" She relaxed a little in his arms as she laughed and turned towards him. "I should have looked a bit more closely at the sky before I jogged here today," she said ruefully. "I'm going to get wet running two miles home." Sven grinned. "Well, if you want to risk it, you can always take a chance in my car -- if you feel safe, that is. After molesting me yet again back in there, you never know what might happen." Jay laughed and, sticking her chest out, poked him with her right breast. "Hey," she said, "I'm a big girl now, not that you'd take advantage of a weak woman like me, would you?" Sven made a loop of his left arm and she stuck her right arm through it as they walked along the covered way to the car parking area. They arrived at his car and he opened the door, bowed low with a flourish, and said, "You're carriage awaits, Marm." Catching the mood, Jay curtsied and responded with "Why, thank you, kind sir," before giggling and getting in. As Jay gave him directions to her house, Sven stole the odd glance at his passenger. Her short hair had been careful cut to complement her slightly angular face and high cheekbones. She was an attractive woman with lithe legs and a trim figure, although it was well hidden by the tracksuit she was now wearing. As they drove he wondered whether she had a steady boyfriend, or whatever. She caught him looking and thumped his leg playfully. As he pulled up to the front of her house, she directed him to pull down the side way under a carport. "Coffee while this lot runs though?" she asked. Eyeing the storm and the heavy rain, Sven responded, "Yes, please. That would be rather nice. I must admit, I don't like driving when it's like this." They got out, and when she had opened the door, he followed her into the kitchen. As the coffee brewed, they stood and looked out the window at the dark rain-scarred sky. While they watched, a close flash of lightning, followed by almost instant noise, made Sven jump. He blushed as she laughed and put her arm round him, saying, "Hang on! In my script, it says I jump and you grab me!" The blush grew in intensity as she leaned towards him and kissed the end of his nose. She moved back and looked into his eyes; then she moved back and, watching him all the time, kissed him again more firmly, on the mouth. Sven, confused by Jay's initiative, was uncertain of the young woman in front of him. Jay looked at him and laughed. "Hey, do I have to draw a picture? Sometimes we women feel horny as well; you men aren't the only ones that get affected by exercise and all those sweaty pheromones floating round back there." Hardly believing his ears, Sven moved forwards and kissed Jay properly, holding her tightly to him. As they came up for air, she sighed and said, "That's better." Sven kissed her again and moved his hands down over the cheeks of that tight bottom, pulling her to him, feeling the start of his erection growing against her. She stepped back a fraction and unzipped the front of her tracksuit, all the while looking him straight in the eye. He felt a little shock as she peeled off the top and he realized she was naked underneath it. Her breasts were exquisite, and he half-kneeled in front of her and kissed them tenderly. She stretched a little underneath his hands and moaned as he did so. Sven ran his hands down Jay's back and pulled the elasticated waistband with him as he ran his hands down over the cheeks of her bare behind. He trailed his kisses down her front as he eased the suit bottoms down her legs. With his eyes shut, hardly daring to breathe, he kissed his way down to her sex. As he reached her mound he realized it was shaved and smooth. She giggled again as he looked up at her. He leaned in and kissed her, tasting her musky sweetness for the first time. Jay pulled him back to his feet and undid his top. He leaned forward as she pulled it off over his head. It was thrown over a chair as she grabbed his trousers, slipping them down with one easy movement. Sven stepped out of them as Jay took him by the hand and led him down the passage and into her bedroom. She turned at the bedside. Dropping her hands to Sven's rear, she cupped her hands as she pulled him to her and kissed him deeply again. Without breaking her hold, she pushed him backwards onto the bed and pounced on him, straddling his body with her knees. Sven cupped her breasts in his hands, then trailed his fingers down across her stomach and onto her thighs. Without breaking eye contact, he ran his fingers up the inside of her legs until he reached the top. She closed her eyes as he ran his thumbs along the lips, compressing and parting them gently before trailing back down towards her knees. As she relaxed, he pushed her back off him so that she was lying stretched out, legs akimbo, in front of him. He kissed her hips and across her stomach, then ran his tongue along the crack of her vulva. She shuddered deeply as he kissed his way down her leg. Sven traced his tongue along the inside of her knee, and then started his upward path again. As he moved his tongue along the inside of her thigh, moving ever higher towards the 'promised' land, Jay's fingers tightened their grip on his hair. She moaned softly as he flicked it across the hairless mound of her sex, briefly touching her most sensitive spot. Gently he moved on down his inexorable path towards the inside of the other knee. As he reached it she shuddered again, all of her senses moving towards the orgasm she desired above all else at that moment. Sven paused, looking along her flat belly towards the hills of her breasts. Jay was holding and kneading them now, helping herself onwards in her push towards her climax. He decided that the time had come to move things differently. Kissing the showered oil-scented skin, he traversed his way down to her foot, in itself more sensitive than any he had met before Jay. As he hoped, she twisted in the sensory overload he was providing, and he was able to turn her on her front without breaking or intruding on the rhythm. Now he kissed and licked his way up the back of her calf to the hollow at the back of her knee. Gasping, she pulled her leg high as, lifting a little onto her side, she exposed the full swell of her ass and sex to his gaze: a prize available and waiting, his for the taking. She sighed in the pleasure of his touch as he traced his fingers up the back of her thigh, trailing to the lips of her centre and on to the rosebud pucker of her anus. He followed his fingers with his tongue again, feeling her ring tighten against the intruder and then on down to the wondrous juicy sweetness of her squishy, sexy quim. She twisted underneath him, trying to reach his penis to return the pleasure she was almost overwhelmed with, and then, as Sven dipped again into the raging heat of the momentary centre of her very being, gave up in the cries of her overpowering pleasure. He held her, shuddering, as she came down from the climax he had induced. She snuggled up to him, almost purring, tracing her fingers round one of his nipples, as rock hard as her own. He quivered as her fingers were replaced by her lips and then he groaned as she nibbled it gently with her teeth. Her fingers moved down and toyed with the tangled mass of his wiry pubic hair, brushing the hard stiffness of his shaft, standing to rock-hard attention, thanks to the taste and smell of her musk and the juice of her coming that was still soaking his beard and moustache. As her fingers lovingly wrapped round what she seemed to regard as her wondrous toy, Sven arched his back and pushed upwards hard into Jay's fist. She spoke the first words for some minutes, "Gently, my lovely, gently; let it build." His hips were taking on a motion all of their own as she slid her head down and captured the head of his penis between her lips. The flowing slickness was engulfed and trapped as she took as much of the glans and shaft in her mouth as she could. Now he in turn entwined his fingers in her hair, his sight reduced to tunnel vision, his senses spiraling inward, swirling along with her tongue as her fingers busily played with his sac. Abruptly she moved up, turned, and in one swift movement slid her slick waiting cunt deep down over him and trapped it, grinding her mound into his. She leaned forward sensuously and, gazing deeply into his eyes, licked some of her juice off the tip of his nose. Then, almost as if galvanised by her own taste on his face, she contracted her muscles round him, trying to strangle him inside her. As if the effort were too much, she fell forward onto his chest and settled her nipples against his. Jay moved her hips and flexed upward on the length of Sven's cock until only the glans was engulfed. Sven groaned and followed her upwards, trying to regain that wonderful heat. Then, as they settled into the rhythm that, always the same, was like life itself, they soared; one, two, then three quick strokes, over the edge to the shuddering heights of near Nirvana. Jay held tightly to Sven, almost sobbing with the pleasure of release, lying alongside him now, holding him in place, stroking his hair and head as she kissed him gently. Moving her legs together, she eased up and off, and, turning round, kissed the tip of his slowly shrinking penis. As he watched, she took the head and sucked it into her mouth, cleaning it with her tongue as she did so. Then she released it with a gentle laugh as it shrank from her lips. She looked into Sven's eyes and asked, "Eat me?" almost as a statement. Without thinking, Sven nodded and Jay moved forward, pinning his shoulders with her knees and placing her slippery opening within reach. Sven raised his head and drank the bitter sweet nectar of their juices, sucking her empty before tickling her clit with his tongue as she shuddered her way to a last fleeting climax. Again she stretched and lay alongside him, snuggling into the crook of his arm as he pulled a cover over both of them. They slept as the summer storm died down outside. Sven was completing the last half of his workout on the exercise bike in the gym when Jay sauntered up behind him. She leaned her chest against his left arm and blew gently into his ear. Sven, feeling her right breast squashed against his arm groaned inwardly; woodies don't work in this condition, he thought. "Jay, you bitch, it's always the same. You only do that when I can't do anything about it!" She laughed gently and stuck her tongue in his ear by way of an answer. Sven laughed and made a grab, but she easily escaped. "You wait," he said, "one day..." He watched her leotard-covered bottom wiggle its way to the ladies changing area. A minute or so later, having finished his morning workout, Sven, holding his towel carefully and strategically, also went to get changed. As he showered, Sven mused over Jay. Younger than he, she had taken to flirting outrageously on the odd times their paths crossed. Usually she only treated him like this when the gym was fairly quiet, but this morning there had been others around. He felt a little uneasy about that, but -- ah, well, it was harmless enough. There was nowhere here for it to be anything else. Hell, but that breast had been nice, though; the nipple had been prominent as well. One other thing was sure: she had a nice ass as well. He shook his head, ignored his half erection, and finished drying himself before dressing. Shortly afterwards he pushed through the front door of the club and stopped dead in the entrance porch. With only light clothing on, Jay was standing looking at the heavy rain that had arrived while they were inside. The close rumble of thunder as he grabbed her round the waist only heightened the effect and really made her jump as he touched her. "Hah!" he said. "My turn to get you back!" She relaxed a little in his arms as she laughed and turned towards him. "I should have looked a bit more closely at the sky before I jogged here today," she said ruefully. "I'm going to get wet running two miles home." Sven grinned. "Well, if you want to risk it, you can always take a chance in my car -- if you feel safe, that is. After molesting me yet again back in there, you never know what might happen." Jay laughed and, sticking her chest out, poked him with her right breast. "Hey," she said, "I'm a big girl now, not that you'd take advantage of a weak woman like me, would you?" Sven made a loop of his left arm and she stuck her right arm through it as they walked along the covered way to the car parking area. They arrived at his car and he opened the door, bowed low with a flourish, and said, "You're carriage awaits, Marm." Catching the mood, Jay curtsied and responded with "Why, thank you, kind sir," before giggling and getting in. As Jay gave him directions to her house, Sven stole the odd glance at his passenger. Her short hair had been careful cut to complement her slightly angular face and high cheekbones. She was an attractive woman with lithe legs and a trim figure, although it was well hidden by the tracksuit she was now wearing. As they drove he wondered whether she had a steady boyfriend, or whatever. She caught him looking and thumped his leg playfully. As he pulled up to the front of her house, she directed him to pull down the side way under a carport. "Coffee while this lot runs though?" she asked. Eyeing the storm and the heavy rain, Sven responded, "Yes, please. That would be rather nice. I must admit, I don't like driving when it's like this." They got out, and when she had opened the door, he followed her into the kitchen. As the coffee brewed, they stood and looked out the window at the dark rain-scarred sky. While they watched, a close flash of lightning, followed by almost instant noise, made Sven jump. He blushed as she laughed and put her arm round him, saying, "Hang on! In my script, it says I jump and you grab me!" The blush grew in intensity as she leaned towards him and kissed the end of his nose. She moved back and looked into his eyes; then she moved back and, watching him all the time, kissed him again more firmly, on the mouth. Sven, confused by Jay's initiative, was uncertain of the young woman in front of him. Jay looked at him and laughed. "Hey, do I have to draw a picture? Sometimes we women feel horny as well; you men aren't the only ones that get affected by exercise and all those sweaty pheromones floating round back there." Hardly believing his ears, Sven moved forwards and kissed Jay properly, holding her tightly to him. As they came up for air, she sighed and said, "That's better." Sven kissed her again and moved his hands down over the cheeks of that tight bottom, pulling her to him, feeling the start of his erection growing against her. She stepped back a fraction and unzipped the front of her tracksuit, all the while looking him straight in the eye. He felt a little shock as she peeled off the top and he realized she was naked underneath it. Her breasts were exquisite, and he half-kneeled in front of her and kissed them tenderly. She stretched a little underneath his hands and moaned as he did so. Sven ran his hands down Jay's back and pulled the elasticated waistband with him as he ran his hands down over the cheeks of her bare behind. He trailed his kisses down her front as he eased the suit bottoms down her legs. With his eyes shut, hardly daring to breathe, he kissed his way down to her sex. As he reached her mound he realized it was shaved and smooth. She giggled again as he looked up at her. He leaned in and kissed her, tasting her musky sweetness for the first time. Jay pulled him back to his feet and undid his top. He leaned forward as she pulled it off over his head. It was thrown over a chair as she grabbed his trousers, slipping them down with one easy movement. Sven stepped out of them as Jay took him by the hand and led him down the passage and into her bedroom. She turned at the bedside. Dropping her hands to Sven's rear, she cupped her hands as she pulled him to her and kissed him deeply again. Without breaking her hold, she pushed him backwards onto the bed and pounced on him, straddling his body with her knees. Sven cupped her breasts in his hands, then trailed his fingers down across her stomach and onto her thighs. Without breaking eye contact, he ran his fingers up the inside of her legs until he reached the top. She closed her eyes as he ran his thumbs along the lips, compressing and parting them gently before trailing back down towards her knees. As she relaxed, he pushed her back off him so that she was lying stretched out, legs akimbo, in front of him. He kissed her hips and across her stomach, then ran his tongue along the crack of her vulva. She shuddered deeply as he kissed his way down her leg. Sven traced his tongue along the inside of her knee, and then started his upward path again. As he moved his tongue along the inside of her thigh, moving ever higher towards the 'promised' land, Jay's fingers tightened their grip on his hair. She moaned softly as he flicked it across the hairless mound of her sex, briefly touching her most sensitive spot. Gently he moved on down his inexorable path towards the inside of the other knee. As he reached it she shuddered again, all of her senses moving towards the orgasm she desired above all else at that moment. Sven paused, looking along her flat belly towards the hills of her breasts. Jay was holding and kneading them now, helping herself onwards in her push towards her climax. He decided that the time had come to move things differently. Kissing the showered oil-scented skin, he traversed his way down to her foot, in itself more sensitive than any he had met before Jay. As he hoped, she twisted in the sensory overload he was providing, and he was able to turn her on her front without breaking or intruding on the rhythm. Now he kissed and licked his way up the back of her calf to the hollow at the back of her knee. Gasping, she pulled her leg high as, lifting a little onto her side, she exposed the full swell of her ass and sex to his gaze: a prize available and waiting, his for the taking. She sighed in the pleasure of his touch as he traced his fingers up the back of her thigh, trailing to the lips of her centre and on to the rosebud pucker of her anus. He followed his fingers with his tongue again, feeling her ring tighten against the intruder and then on down to the wondrous juicy sweetness of her squishy, sexy quim. She twisted underneath him, trying to reach his penis to return the pleasure she was almost overwhelmed with, and then, as Sven dipped again into the raging heat of the momentary centre of her very being, gave up in the cries of her overpowering pleasure. He held her, shuddering, as she came down from the climax he had induced. She snuggled up to him, almost purring, tracing her fingers round one of his nipples, as rock hard as her own. He quivered as her fingers were replaced by her lips and then he groaned as she nibbled it gently with her teeth. Her fingers moved down and toyed with the tangled mass of his wiry pubic hair, brushing the hard stiffness of his shaft, standing to rock-hard attention, thanks to the taste and smell of her musk and the juice of her coming that was still soaking his beard and moustache. As her fingers lovingly wrapped round what she seemed to regard as her wondrous toy, Sven arched his back and pushed upwards hard into Jay's fist. She spoke the first words for some minutes, "Gently, my lovely, gently; let it build." His hips were taking on a motion all of their own as she slid her head down and captured the head of his penis between her lips. The flowing slickness was engulfed and trapped as she took as much of the glans and shaft in her mouth as she could. Now he in turn entwined his fingers in her hair, his sight reduced to tunnel vision, his senses spiraling inward, swirling along with her tongue as her fingers busily played with his sac. Abruptly she moved up, turned, and in one swift movement slid her slick waiting cunt deep down over him and trapped it, grinding her mound into his. She leaned forward sensuously and, gazing deeply into his eyes, licked some of her juice off the tip of his nose. Then, almost as if galvanised by her own taste on his face, she contracted her muscles round him, trying to strangle him inside her. As if the effort were too much, she fell forward onto his chest and settled her nipples against his. Jay moved her hips and flexed upward on the length of Sven's cock until only the glans was engulfed. Sven groaned and followed her upwards, trying to regain that wonderful heat. Then, as they settled into the rhythm that, always the same, was like life itself, they soared; one, two, then three quick strokes, over the edge to the shuddering heights of near Nirvana. Jay held tightly to Sven, almost sobbing with the pleasure of release, lying alongside him now, holding him in place, stroking his hair and head as she kissed him gently. Moving her legs together, she eased up and off, and, turning round, kissed the tip of his slowly shrinking penis. As he watched, she took the head and sucked it into her mouth, cleaning it with her tongue as she did so. Then she released it with a gentle laugh as it shrank from her lips. She looked into Sven's eyes and asked, "Eat me?" almost as a statement. Without thinking, Sven nodded and Jay moved forward, pinning his shoulders with her knees and placing her slippery opening within reach. Sven raised his head and drank the bitter sweet nectar of their juices, sucking her empty before tickling her clit with his tongue as she shuddered her way to a last fleeting climax. Again she stretched and lay alongside him, snuggling into the crook of his arm as he pulled a cover over both of them. They slept as the summer storm died down outside. Sven was completing the last half of his workout on the exercise bike in the gym when Jay sauntered up behind him. She leaned her chest against his left arm and blew gently into his ear. Sven, feeling her right breast squashed against his arm groaned inwardly; woodies don't work in this condition, he thought. "Jay, you bitch, it's always the same. You only do that when I can't do anything about it!" She laughed gently and stuck her tongue in his ear by way of an answer. Sven laughed and made a grab, but she easily escaped. "You wait," he said, "one day..." He watched her leotard-covered bottom wiggle its way to the ladies changing area. A minute or so later, having finished his morning workout, Sven, holding his towel carefully and strategically, also went to get changed. As he showered, Sven mused over Jay. Younger than he, she had taken to flirting outrageously on the odd times their paths crossed. Usually she only treated him like this when the gym was fairly quiet, but this morning there had been others around. He felt a little uneasy about that, but -- ah, well, it was harmless enough. There was nowhere here for it to be anything else. Hell, but that breast had been nice, though; the nipple had been prominent as well. One other thing was sure: she had a nice ass as well. He shook his head, ignored his half erection, and finished drying himself before dressing. Shortly afterwards he pushed through the front door of the club and stopped dead in the entrance porch. With only light clothing on, Jay was standing looking at the heavy rain that had arrived while they were inside. The close rumble of thunder as he grabbed her round the waist only heightened the effect and really made her jump as he touched her. "Hah!" he said. "My turn to get you back!" She relaxed a little in his arms as she laughed and turned towards him. "I should have looked a bit more closely at the sky before I jogged here today," she said ruefully. "I'm going to get wet running two miles home." Sven grinned. "Well, if you want to risk it, you can always take a chance in my car -- if you feel safe, that is. After molesting me yet again back in there, you never know what might happen." Jay laughed and, sticking her chest out, poked him with her right breast. "Hey," she said, "I'm a big girl now, not that you'd take advantage of a weak woman like me, would you?" Sven made a loop of his left arm and she stuck her right arm through it as they walked along the covered way to the car parking area. They arrived at his car and he opened the door, bowed low with a flourish, and said, "You're carriage awaits, Marm." Catching the mood, Jay curtsied and responded with "Why, thank you, kind sir," before giggling and getting in. As Jay gave him directions to her house, Sven stole the odd glance at his passenger. Her short hair had been careful cut to complement her slightly angular face and high cheekbones. She was an attractive woman with lithe legs and a trim figure, although it was well hidden by the tracksuit she was now wearing. As they drove he wondered whether she had a steady boyfriend, or whatever. She caught him looking and thumped his leg playfully. As he pulled up to the front of her house, she directed him to pull down the side way under a carport. "Coffee while this lot runs though?" she asked. Eyeing the storm and the heavy rain, Sven responded, "Yes, please. That would be rather nice. I must admit, I don't like driving when it's like this." They got out, and when she had opened the door, he followed her into the kitchen. As the coffee brewed, they stood and looked out the window at the dark rain-scarred sky. While they watched, a close flash of lightning, followed by almost instant noise, made Sven jump. He blushed as she laughed and put her arm round him, saying, "Hang on! In my script, it says I jump and you grab me!" The blush grew in intensity as she leaned towards him and kissed the end of his nose. She moved back and looked into his eyes; then she moved back and, watching him all the time, kissed him again more firmly, on the mouth. Sven, confused by Jay's initiative, was uncertain of the young woman in front of him. Jay looked at him and laughed. "Hey, do I have to draw a picture? Sometimes we women feel horny as well; you men aren't the only ones that get affected by exercise and all those sweaty pheromones floating round back there." Hardly believing his ears, Sven moved forwards and kissed Jay properly, holding her tightly to him. As they came up for air, she sighed and said, "That's better." Sven kissed her again and moved his hands down over the cheeks of that tight bottom, pulling her to him, feeling the start of his erection growing against her. She stepped back a fraction and unzipped the front of her tracksuit, all the while looking him straight in the eye. He felt a little shock as she peeled off the top and he realized she was naked underneath it. Her breasts were exquisite, and he half-kneeled in front of her and kissed them tenderly. She stretched a little underneath his hands and moaned as he did so. Sven ran his hands down Jay's back and pulled the elasticated waistband with him as he ran his hands down over the cheeks of her bare behind. He trailed his kisses down her front as he eased the suit bottoms down her legs. With his eyes shut, hardly daring to breathe, he kissed his way down to her sex. As he reached her mound he realized it was shaved and smooth. She giggled again as he looked up at her. He leaned in and kissed her, tasting her musky sweetness for the first time. Jay pulled him back to his feet and undid his top. He leaned forward as she pulled it off over his head. It was thrown over a chair as she grabbed his trousers, slipping them down with one easy movement. Sven stepped out of them as Jay took him by the hand and led him down the passage and into her bedroom. She turned at the bedside. Dropping her hands to Sven's rear, she cupped her hands as she pulled him to her and kissed him deeply again. Without breaking her hold, she pushed him backwards onto the bed and


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sven the Elder

Always the Same

Sven was completing the last half of his workout on the exercise bike in the gym when Jay sauntered up behind him. She leaned her chest against his left arm and blew gently into his ear. Sven, feeling her right breast squashed against his arm groaned inwardly; woodies don't work in this condition, he thought. "Jay, you bitch, it's always the same. You only do that when I


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