
742 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Fetish

Gay Erotic Story

Caught fucking a high-heel shoe while sucking dick.......

by vancecd70

to start with i am a sissie-man ,,,,,,and i am a crossdreser ,,,,,and i love it all ,,,,,,,,,,,,,i have a wife ,,,,she works ,,,,i am retired,,,,,,she knows i am a c. d. ,,,,,,story goes like this (true ) she left early for work was gone when i got up ,,,, so i put my black silk woman,s robe on and went down to get some coffee ,,,, under my robe i had on my black silk womens panties i wear them...

Gay Erotic Story

Agent 69: First Ass Pounding

by Bubblebuttluvr

Pierce Tanner, better know to those at the Bureau as Agent 69, found himself in trouble yet again. He had been following a lead to Carlton Majors, the notorious drug kingpin. His lead led him to an elegant swaray being held at Mr. Majors estate. Pierce had wangled himself an invitation and dressed to the nines in his tuxedo. He had managed to slip away during the party and find his way to...

Gay Erotic Story

Frankie The Face Sitter - Troy's Punishment

by Bubblebuttluvr

Troy Banks stood before the mirror in the boys restroom at St. Martin's School For Boys. He straightened his tie and washed his hands as he looked in the mirror at his own reflection. What looked back at him was a perfectly sculpted jawline & dazzling blue eyes. His thick dirty blond was hanging down over one eye. All in all Troy was pleased at what looked back at him. Troy was an...

Gay Erotic Story

Corporate Rivals- Part Six

by Adamant

Corporate Rivals- Part SixAcquiescenceThe Monday following his thrashing of Mark Riggs, Jim cornered me in my office. He, like everyone else, had learned of Mark's resignation. I guess he figured he was on a victory roll and wanted to keep his momentum going....

Gay Erotic Story

Bait and Switch

by cindyusa58@yahoo.com

I do not claim to be a grammar expert and as such you will find some grammatical errors in this story. The errors can be the switching of tense, spelling errors, or typos. I ask if you find an error please send me an email so I can correct and make the story enjoyable for others.WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Gekaufte Exhibitionist, Teil 20

by Martin_EF

Der Gekaufte Exhibitionist, Teil 20*****************************Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden, ebenso die darin vorkommenden Personen. Ähnlichkeiten mit realen Personen oder Ereignissen wären rein zufällig und sind keinesfalls beabsichtigt.Die Geschichte ist nicht für Leser unter 18 Jahren geeignet.In der Geschichte wird ein junger Mann mit Geld zu Handlungen motiviert, die er aus...

Gay Erotic Story

Corporate Rivals- Part Five

by Adamant

Corporate Rivals- Part FivePecking OrderMy arrival at Simi Corp., predictably, caused a bit of a protest there which cost me two of Morgan Thaler's former water-carriers. During the first week, several of the long-timers were furtively clocking me amongst themselves as I moved about the office getting familiar with everything. I could feel their eyes and I could tell that there may...

Gay Erotic Story

Corporate Rivals- Part Four

by Adamant

Corporate Rivals- Part FourChangesI first met Mr. Simi at a running track. He was running around it doing his customary half-marathon as he later informed me. He was wearing blue Asics runners and a full track suit in which he looked rather small and scrawny. I would say he was an inch shorter than me and had an extremely wiry, taut look about him. His eyes flashed penetrating...

Gay Erotic Story

Azores Assignation

by Habu

Edgar steadied himself against the bulkhead as the wake of a passing yacht sent his own ship to wallowing and scraping against the dock. He was hunched over the sink in the closely confined space, space being at a premium even in a Latitude 44 such as he’d sailed from Marseilles to the harbor town of Horta on Azores’ Faial Island. He believed that he could find exactly what he wanted here, and...

Gay Erotic Story

Corporate Rivals- Part Three

by Adamant

The ReckoningThe new year has begun. Thoman's position at the top of the heap has been cast in stone. My conquering of Morgan has given me 7 months of Ansaldi revenue. I will now begin the process of methodically and completely routing Simi Corp. They have other business lines and they can keep them. But they will be forced out of the one in which I compete with them.On the second...

Gay Erotic Story

Lousy Dildo

by Stepiquno Toglio

In the Chinatown at Sydney, Australia, a 5’3” tall Asian twink, named Dung, just arrived at his upstairs home under the Vietnamese restaurant. His appearance was good-looking, in late 20s, and skinny. His hair was black with bang style. He wore his cheap white printed crew shirt and regular jean. He felt so bored after his work time was over. “Hmmm, I need something to make myself entertained...

Gay Erotic Story

Corporate Rivals- Part Two

by Adamant

My NemesisMorgan Thaler. He had been my nemesis ever since I took the Thoman job. Always dismissive of me whenever we had run into each other, I wondered how he would treat me knowing that I had taken what he thought was his. I had seen him in the gym often with his sales team. He had always had a great body and looked like he was packing. But whereas many would probably say he was...

Gay Erotic Story

Urlaubs-Erlebnis Teil 2

by vanucci

Nach einem wohl befindlichen Schlaf, im eignem Bett und Wohnung, stande ich so gegen 10 Uhr aus dem Bett und ging dann ins Badezimmer, wo ich meine Morgentoilette so wie immer machte und zog mir zuvor meine Chevi Lederjacke aus, dass ich auch da sauber machen kann, wo mein Umfeld bzw. die lieben Mitmenschen mich ohne Duft mögen, ging ich dann in die Küche und machte mir mein Kaffee.Zu dem dann...

Gay Erotic Story

Urlaubs-Erlebnis Teil 1

by vanucci

Es war 9 Uhr morgens und nach einem ausgiebigen Schlaf, dacht ich in mir, das wird heute ein schöner Tag und die Sonne zeigte sich auch schon von ihrer schönen Seite. So stiege ich aus meinen Bett und machte mich erst mal frisch, danach ging ich zurück ins Gästezimmer und zog meine Jeans an, sowie auch mein T-Shirt der Marke Replay, so ging ich zum Frühstück in die Küche und habe erst mal meine...

Gay Erotic Story

Dad Takes Charge

by SwissGuy

This is the second of a series, edited January 3, 2013. The first story is “An Unexpected Sauna Encounter”.After the unexpected sauna encounter with my dad, we went to dinner as originally planned. It was relaxed and fun, since we were both tired from an afternoon of multiple orgasms and dripping sweat. His 5 o’clock shadow had left burn marks in my crotch, between my ass cheeks, and along my...

Gay Erotic Story

Corporate Rivals- Part One

by Adamant

Corporate Rivals- Part OneClosing the DealMy company, the Thoman Group, did well this year. Up 38% year over year in revenue with a jump of 10% in profit over the same period. Perhaps more importantly, however, we bested our closest rivals, Simi Corp. We did that by taking their largest and best client away from them. I can honestly say that I can wholly claim the credit for...

Gay Erotic Story

The Red Rose!

by tjr

'The Red Rose!' TJ Ryder Jan was in the locker room at the University's giantolympic pool building and a little nervous about the day'sdivisional final match and trying not to think aboutanything else, but it wasn't easy for several distractingreasons. One of which was just coming out of the showers by the...

Gay Erotic Story

Enough, Part 5

by blucollar

I was nerveous now. Even though I already knew that his coming out to me like that was new for me. I wanted to tell him the same thing but was scared. What would he think of me....

Gay Erotic Story

Big Black Kinky Biker Stud - Part 3

by SubmarineBoy2005

When Sir and I returned from our night out on the town, Sir produced a blindfold from somewhere in His clothes, and placed it around my eyes. He spun me around in a circle in His living room to disorient me before stopping me and stripping my clothes off me. He had me stand there naked and instructed me to remain there and remain silent. The coolness of His home made my flesh turn to...

Gay Erotic Story

Big Black Kinky Biker Stud - Part 1

by SubmarineBoy2005

First, let me say that I am a shorter, blond-haired, blue-eyed white guy in my mid-thirties, but still young-looking, and a total submissive bottom. I have always liked the Ultra-Masculine: muscles, facial and chest hair, leather, cowboy gear, boots, gloves, cops, firemen, and military, but especially bikers; that look of a big strong man in his leathers with a powerful chopper between his legs...

Gay Erotic Story

Urlaub auf Gran Canaria - Teil 5

by myway

Nachdem wir in unserem Hotel angekommen und ausgiebig geduscht hatten, machten wir ein Mittagsschläfchen, um fit für die geilen Nächte auf GC zu sein. Es dämmerte schon, als nicht mich anstubbste. Er war schon...

Gay Erotic Story

Unglaulicher Morgen

by Lustboy

Ich mache die Augen auf. Ah….! Habe ziemliche Kopfschmerzen. Was ist gestern passiert. Ich schaue mich um. Ich liege nackt in einem fremden neben einem nackten Jungen. Ach ja das ist ja Till. Schießt es mir durch den Kopf. Ich war ja gestern auf der Party und war zum Schluss ziemlich dicht. Hat er das etwa ausgenutzt. Ich gucke ihn mir an. Er schläft noch. So ein Unschuldiger Blick. Selbst wenn...

Gay Erotic Story

The First

by benthar

The FirstI met him on the internet…hard to believe! I had put an advertisement on one of the sites that I was looking to be dominated. I explained that I was submissive and wanted a woman to control me. It was less than five minutes before I received my first reply. She was a domina but she wanted to be paid. I was in no mood to go to a pro…it just doesn’t seem real when you pay someone...

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