Leather HOT Action

157 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Leather HOT Action

Gay Erotic Story

Enjoying the Chance

by Stepiquno Toglio

Had plans to take break from work as businessman in New York City for two months. He’d deciding to travel all over USA by driving his rented car, green military jeep Cherokee sport, in the cool days. He informed his business partners that he won’t be back until he would be ready to return to work again. Pretty excited for his journey on the traveling to see what’s up with those cities. On...

Gay Erotic Story

Cop Sucker, Part 01

by Sirrichard69

"COP SUCKER"   This is a story of a young man and his encounter with a Uniform Motorcycle City Policeman. It contains domination and male-to-male sexual encounter. No intent of any particular person or persons should be intended. No one was injured in this story and all participants were willing. If you are offended by, man-to-man sexual contact or you are under legal age in you country or...

Gay Erotic Story

The Conquest of a Straight Man

by Funandbold

I was sitting behind the huge glass and steel desk in my new office. The building was finished less than a year ago...designed exactly the way I wanted it, impeccable decorations and furnishing, it was the statement that I have wanted to make for the past 10 years. The building is gorgeous, the architect had come up with a design that was elegant and understated, but impressive at the...

Gay Erotic Story

Rubber Hausboy 12

by racoon82

RHB 12 Der Abschluss Nach dem die Gruppe den Abend hat noch entspannt ausklingen lassen und einzelne immer mal wieder verschwunden sind, leert sich so langsam meine Wohnung. Zurückbleiben nur wir 3, da sich Jannis, Lukas und Louis ein Hotel genommen haben und auch die Zwillinge wieder unterwegs sind. Wir landen auf dem großen Sofa und genießen die Ruhe und das Kuscheln. Da Ferien...

Gay Erotic Story

Von einem Schüler benutzt und erniedrigt

by j-a-n

Bereits am Montag der zweiten Praktikumswoche steht mein erster eigener Unterricht an: Ich mache Vertretung in Deutsch, in einer siebten Klasse, die ich in der ersten Woche schon kurz kennen gelernt hatte. Ich bin total nervös und ausnahmsweise viel zu früh. Mit zitternden Händen trinke ich auf dem Pausenhof einen Becher Kaffee. Plötzlich kommt ein farbiger Schüler auf mich zu und fragt mich...

Gay Erotic Story

Cage Fighter

by patrick buckley

Cage Fighter…Chapter One:After finishing college with a computer degree, I went for three job interviews. Fortunately all three jobs were offered to me. I accepted a job at the smallest of three companies. The pay was okay, and it somehow it just felt right. I really liked Ferdie, the owner of the medium sized engineering company and introduced myself as Tristan. He was bubbling with...

Gay Erotic Story

A Sheriff of the 60's (Part Two)

by icyhot44

I knew the phone call would come. I just didn't expect it this soon....

Gay Erotic Story

Bear in a Boss (Part Three)

by icyhot44

Part Three The next moment I was holding Mr. Bear from behind and he felt my hard cock against his ass the same way. It was very hot to see two fully erect cocks in front of me at the ready. The Sergeant Major's cock was bigger, but my Mr. Bear's cock was more veined and pulsing. I wanted both of them in my mouth!The Sergeant Major cop started by cupping Mr. Bear's hard cock and...

Gay Erotic Story


by yepdus

Letzten Spätsommer, ich hatte noch ein paar Tage Resturlaub, fuhr ich mit meinem Fickkumpel Alex mit unseren Enduros nach Tirol. Nach einer nervigen Fahrt hatten wir dann endlich ein kleines, abgeschiedenes Tal gefunden, in dem wir abseits der Zivilisation unser Zelt aufschlugen. Der Platz lag in einem abseits gelegenen Tal, an deren oberem Hang eine kleine Senner Hütte zu sehen, an der ein...

Gay Erotic Story

Leather Priest part 2

by icyhot44

I'm lost in my own thoughts but immediately I know the safe answer! And it's exactly what I want. My eyes are fixed on a beefy, muscled midsection and my tongue is very ready to touch his pulsing, blood filled cock. My excitement is making me dizzy!He's obviously looking for a more immediate answer and I feel a solid slap from a tightly gloved hand across my face. “I'm sure I know...

Gay Erotic Story

Leather Priest part 3

by icyhot44

I was ordered to visit my Leather Priest. I knew better than to refuse. It had been more than a month since our leather-gloved encounter in his van, and I was very ready for another experience with this charming and one could even say sexy man. I thought about him constantly; I believed that he had indeed become an obsession for me.I had learned that my Priest had...

Gay Erotic Story

Bear in a Boss (Part Four)

by icyhot44

Part FourBrave Mr. Bear said, “I really wanted to have a hard go at your gut before, well, you know. But as you also know I don't have much of a bargaining chip since you took me apart. I am really good with my gloved fists but I'm not going to beg. If you're ready, I'm ready to use my tight cop gloved fists on your gut, big man!” “Well, let's see what you can do. Here's fair...

Gay Erotic Story

Bear in a Boss (Part Two)

by icyhot44

Bear in a Boss Part TwoWith Mr. Bear driving it took no time at all to get to the courthouse. We had talked in the past regarding what might be our perfect experience. We both knew we'd just seen the man.We went inside and saw a fellow typing. I presented the business card to him and, returning the card to us, he said that he had been given to understand that the Sergeant Major was...

Gay Erotic Story

Bear in a Boss

by icyhot44

I'm a hot guy from North Texas on vacation in Pennsylvania. It's summer and I'm riding in a hot Mustang Boss 302 with a beefy, ruggedly handsome bear! This fun car is his new acquisition, and my big bear is wearing shorts, a yellow polo shirt covering a husky chest, and a quality pair of tight dark brown leather gloves. At his request I'm also wearing leather gloves. My favorite are skin-tight...

Gay Erotic Story

A Trucker Helps

by icyhot44

So here I was in the middle of nowhere with car trouble. There was nothing out here on the interstate in this part of Montana. Just miles of snow covered scenery but no help for someone with car trouble. Didn't know what was wrong with the car and it was cold outside. Very cold!I'd been sitting in the car for half an hour trying to figure out what to do. It wouldn't run so I had no...

Gay Erotic Story

Leather Priest

by icyhot44

It's late February and I'm shopping at Foley's in Fort Worth, Texas. This is one of my favorite stores to shop for gloves. They always seem to have a good stock of quality, unlined leather goods. I'm always hopeful. Naturally I am still wearing my unlined dark brown leather dress gloves, but today has been disappointing up to now. It's late in the afternoon and I've already been to a few...

Gay Erotic Story

Dream about Berlin

by tomho

This morning I woke up after a sexy dream. I somehow remember it and the dream still turns me on. So I tried my hand at writing it down. English isn’t my first language and I haven’t written anything in English for a long time. So, I’m afraid I’ve made many mistakes. I hope you will still like my story and maybe you can send me feedback and/or help me improving my English…Ciao, TomDream...

Gay Erotic Story


by tomho

This morning I woke up after a sexy dream. I somehow remember it and the dream still turns me on. So I tried my hand at writing it down. English isn’t my first language and I haven’t written anything in English for a long time. So, I’m afraid I’ve made many mistakes. I hope you will still like my story and maybe you can send me feedback and/or help me improving my English…Ciao, TomDream...

Gay Erotic Story

My Best Friend

by Wolverine4956

My name is Darian and I am a gay bottom guy. Most of the time I play with my toys, sniff some poppers, have a joint or two and watch gay porn movies. I love having a cock up my ass and also am not one of those guys who it only takes 2 minutes to please. I like it over and over again for hours on end. Probably that is why I never found the right guy yet or at least I thought so. I give myself an...

Gay Erotic Story

The Stranger in You

by Hellbent

The Stranger in YouI arrived at the campground around four in the afternoon. I checked in at the office, the stud behind the counter was wearing a black leather vest over a black leather uniform shirt with New York Police Department patches on the upper arms. The leather shirt was open and underneath he had on a pyramid studded leather harness that made his pecs and nipples...

Gay Erotic Story

Men fucking in leather

by vancecd70

men in leather , i like men , but i like men in leather ,leather jackets ,pants ,chaps, vest , hats , base ball caps, leather shorts , leather gloves , and leather thongs , just anything on a man that is leather , makes me want his dick that much more . ..............that what this story is about me and men n leather, i am a sissie-man and i love a man with a hard dick and if he wears leather , i...

Gay Erotic Story

Das Seminar

by vanucci

Mirko diente weder bei der Bundeswehr, noch leistete er den Zivildienst ab. Er entschied sich für eine Verpflichtung beim Katastrophenschutz auf acht Jahre beim Deutschen Roten Kreuz. Was lag auch näher? War er doch schon seit Kindesbeinen Mitglied beim...

Gay Erotic Story

Blind Date

by vanucci

»Lederboy (25/175/65), devot, schüchtern und gelehrig, sucht strengen Bondagemaster, gern auch zwei, für ausgiebige Bondage-Sessions. Ich möchte erzogen werden, auch mit kleinen Bestrafungen, Käfighaltung, Longtime- und Steelbondage. Du solltest in meinem Alter sein. Ich bin gespannt!«So formulierte ich im Internet auf einem Kontaktportal eine Anzeige, um endlich einen geeigneten Partner zu...

Gay Erotic Story

Überfall im

by vanucci

An diesem Tag hatte es ununterbrochen geregnet. Jan sah auf die Uhr; es war kurz nach 18.00 Uhr und noch eine Stunde bis Feierabend. Er war Verkäufer im...

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