Igor & Denis

MenOnTheNet.com Blog Post

Igor & Denis Visit William Higgins

By William Higgins

Igor Tarda visits the doctor's office, reporting stomach pain to Dr Denis Pletak. He is told to sit on the table and remove his tee shirt. Then Denis starts to listen to Igor's chest. He tells Igor to indicate where he feels the pain and then begins to examine the area. Next Denis checks Igor's blood pressure. Then Igor is told to remove his trousers and to lay on his back on the examination table. He does that and Denis starts to feel around the area causing the pain. He gently feels the stomach, letting his fingers slip into the underwear. He feels around Igor's groin, suggesting that may be the problem. The underwear is lowered as Denis continues to feel the suspect area. Igor's cock is shown as it lays against his left thigh as Denis continues his checks.

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