Chokesondick170 has 3 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Aussies Do It
By It had started off as a boring night. I’d been to the pub with Steve to celebrate the birth of his latest child. I’d sat there for 2 hours buying drinks and listening to him talk about the birth and how good it would be when it was my turn to have kids. Unfortunately, kids were the last thing on my mind as I had secretly lusted after Steve for the past 2 years....
By I was driving home from work one day when I saw the tramp digging through the bins. He looked to be in his twenties, quite cute with dark curly hair and a slim build. He was barefoot and wearing a baggy tracksuit. He would do just fine, I thought. I pulled over to the side of the road and beeped the car horn and shouted for him to come over. "What do you...
Superman’s Medical Exam. By This is a fictional story based on the new film Superman Returns staring the gorgeous Brandon Routh and James Marsden. If gay sex isn’t your thing then don’t read it!!! It had been a tough day for Superman. He had nearly died at the hands of Lex Luthor and had been left with a scar on his back where Lex had stabbed him with that shard...
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