Main man has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit College Dudes
As I was waiting in the doctor's office I noticed that their weren't a lot of people. It was nearing the end of clinical hours and as I watched people going into the doctor's and leaving I soon realized I was the last patient of the day. The nurse escorted me into an exam room and told me to put a gown on. When she left I looked at the skimpy gown, sighed, and put it on. Then I waited for the...
Because I never get sick, I never go to the doctor's. Also, as a child, I was into the stupid stereotypes like "Doctors give you the needles". But one day, at 21 years of age, I decided it was time to have a check-up. As I was looking around for doctors one of my friends recommended a friend who had just gotten out of University. I thought it was a good idea and made an appointment. Now, this...
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