Knine has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Japan Boyz
This would be the last summer that Nick, RJ and I would be together for awhile. I was heading to a new job out in LA, RJ was joining the Air Force and Nick was going to College. We had spent the last four summers together at my camp in Lake George. The summers mostly happened like this we got up, got drunk, went fishing, Jet skiing, Water skiing, had loud parties to all...
It all started three summers ago my friend asked me to help him with his son Nick, then 14 and his buddy RJ, then 16. Nick had been in some trouble with RJ with the local police and if he had any further trouble over the summer the Judge had told them he was off to a JV Detention Center. I was 19 at the time and had just lost my parents the year before to a terrible auto crash. I...
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