Ronaldo has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Private Playground XXX
I had never been to sauna. I was 29 and decided not to spend the whole of my life without being fucked. I started to plan three months ahead. On that day, I went to the counter. You could see a young cute guy at the counter. He was in his twenties. I said I only wanted hot baths and sauna. He was so innocent. This was true love for me! I went to the locker room. A number of...
Sempre me lembro com saudades sinceras do tempo em que era solteiro e minhas preocupações eram restritas apenas a quem comer hoje, devido à fartura na oferta. O famoso caderninho de telefones... De todas as pessoas que conheci, havia um cara especial, chamado Remo, que me ensinou a imensidão do prazer sexual, ainda limitado na minha cabeça a um pau e uma bunda juntos. Remo era um...
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