The Green Ranger has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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It was only a month since Rita Repulsa had given Tommy the power to become the green ranger. At the very moment Rita was planning to take over earth. Why didn't I think of this before, I'll send down a platoon of Puties to go down and put my lust dust on the Red and Green Power Geeks so they won't be able to keep their hands off each other. Thought Rita. "Goldar! get your...
Tommy and Jason were working out in the youth center. Jason and Tommy were teaching a class on self defense. After the lesson was done "Hey Jason can I talk to you?" Said Tommy, "Yeah sure." said Jason. "I got to tell someone about this," said Tommy. "What about?" asked Jason "Jason I think I'm gay, but that's not all, ever since I laid eyes on your incredible body, I...
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