Stalker has 5 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Naked Sword
Dean Buttano was one of the hottest Italian studs on the city police force. I first spotted him a few months back hassling some of the other gay men in the neighborhood. Dean had a bad reputation of being a gay-bashing asshole. More recently, I had a private showing of him in action as he grappled with my large, nasty drunken leather queen neighbor in the hallway of our run down...
Late one slow Monday night while he was cruising through the neighborhood in his squad car, my hot cop Dean Buttano spotted me leaping out the window of a hardware store that had been broken into the night before. He squealed to a halt and jumped from the car. "Hey, stop and put your hands against the wall!" he commanded in his deep booming voice. I kept running. With a sigh, he...
As he stood in the warehouse facing me and my toy gun with hands above his head, hot cop stud Dean Buttano began to realize that I had carefully planned this out and set him up for an ambush. This only made him more nervous wondering what was to come next. "OK cop, you just listen carefully and do what I tell you and you'll get out of this with no extra holes." I explained. "Now...
When I returned to the warehouse, it was clear that my hot captive cop, Officer Buttano, had been exerting himself trying to loosen his bonds to no avail. He now watched from his prone position chained to the mattress while I stripped out of my clothes, revealing my hard little 4 ½ - inch cock. My cock tends to curve in a little like a banana when I am extremely horny. There it...
Part 5 It was now 5:00 a.m. and there was just one more community service to perform before releasing my hot captive cop Dean Buttano. This police officer had long been a gay-bashing asshole and the source of a lot of police harassment in my neighborhood. Now I intended to give him the spanking he so richly deserved. With the toy gun trained on him, I instructed him to chain himself ...
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