Ben has 7 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Ben had never been so happy in his entire life! Here he was just home from his honeymoon, and ready to begin is marriage with the most beautiful and loving girl a man could ever hope for. To say his courtship of Sarah had been a whirlwind affair would be an understatement! Less that two months ago he had met her for the first time at a New Years Eve party given by a mutual friend....
I hadn't noticed him much at first. I had returned to my old job for a few weeks during Christmas break from college and I was sure he was just another new guy that they had hired while I was gone. There were new people all around. I had only been gone for four months, just one lousy semester and the store was practically re-staffed. A lot of kids had returned for Christmas break...
It was a beautiful December day, and it was workshop day, which meant that I wouldn't be going to school, but on a bus trip to some educational Christmas program three hours away. On the same bus was this guy, his name is Sky. He is beautiful, I couldn't help but star into his beautiful eyes, it was like they were calling me, telling me that it was OK to tell him how ...
Il sole era già alto, e dalle fessure del persiane traspiravano i raggi del sole, che si facevano forza per illuminare il giorno. Ero un po' confuso, avevo vissuto delle emozioni molto forti che mi avevano turbato. Pensai che fosse il folle sogno di turno. Ma quando mi girai lo vidi. Era sdraiato accanto a me e respirava lievemente, tranquillo, in pace con se stesso. Ammirai la sagoma...
Ero sul bus che mi porta come tutte le mattine al lavoro. Ogni giorno è sempre la stessa cosa. Gente che sale, che scende, giovani che vanno a scuola oppure gente come me che si reca semplicemente nel posto in cui passerà la giornata a scartabellare e ha controllare tabelle piene di numeri e di dati. Ma quella mattina sarebbe stato diverso quel tragitto. Sarebbe stato un giorno che mi...
*Four school guys get naked and then lose their virginity* At my school, if we forgot to bring out swimming trunks, we would be forced to swim in our boxer shorts. One day so many people forgot their trunks that the teacher said that the next time any one forgot theirs, then they would have to swim naked. It was my dream to see a guy naked for a whole hour. There were two...
I work with drama a lot, and it gives me the chance to meet with my friends. One of my friends is too cool to be real. It seems like everyday I wish that he shared the same feelings about me, that I feel about him. His name is Terry. He is tall and skinny, yet muscular. I guess you could say I think he's the best guy in the world. It seems as though he is totally straight,...
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