Gay Erotic Stories

Replacement Bros pt3

by Solo_DR

Replacement Bros... The final chapter.

It had been a few years since Sean had been fucked for the first time. The feeling of having another man inside him was more than mind blowing, it was life changing. And Jesus left a void that Sean tirelessly tried to fill every night since. He was of course still dating and living with Anna, but sex with her had become boring. He now craved the ass stimulation that only a man could give him. So on almost a nightly basis, Sean would find himself out somewhere trying to find a man to fill is anxious hole. He'd go to gay bars and clubs looking for any hot guy that wanted to fuck. But most of the guys that approached him we're bottoms themselves. So he'd just fuck them like they were nothing, usually in the bathroom of the club or in an alley or something, and be on his way to the next spot. Where more of the same would happen. On occasion though he would find a hot top that'd stretch his hole and leave a healthy load behind. But nobody ever made him feel as satisfied as Jesus did. I guess what they say is true, there's nothing like your first.

By now it was just a few weeks away from Sean's brother's wedding. And Sean of course was the best man. Which meant it was his duty to throw the best bachelor party he could. So he rented a party bus, invited the few friends they and had [including Jason and three other guys], and hired four escorts to spend the weekend [3 whole days] with them in Atlantic City. Sean knew it would be awkward hanging out with Jason again, but for Shane he'd do anything. He loved his brother that much, almost too much. Well the morning they left for AC Sean decided he was gonna play it cool, and pretend nothing had ever happened with Jason. Besides no one else knew about his thing for guys and he definitely didn't want his big bro to find out.

Well on the bus Sean, Shane and their friends were going wild. There was music, booze, and a stripper pole, so before they were even on the highway they were wasted and getting lap dances and blow jobs from the escorts. It was an amazing sight. One of Shane's friends, Pete [a married guy at that] was already raw and nuts deep in one of the escorts, while another guy was filming the whole thing on his phone. And they still had over an hour left before they were in AC.

Once they finally got there, almost completely wasted Sean checked them into their massive suite. Picture Tony Montana's pad on Scareface. The place was so lush. Completely white from top to bottom and surrounded by glass. The suite was more than sexy. As soon as they got comfortable in the suite Sean ordered up what looked like every bottle in the hotel and the party resumed. It wasn't long before all ten of them, Sean, Shane, Jason, the other three guys and the four escorts were completely naked. At some point one of Shane's friends [the married guy again] pulled out a baggy full of little pills [mollys] and the party really began. The music was so loud you could barely hear yourself think. But that wasn't a problem for them because they all knew what they wanted to do. Before long everybody was rubbing and touching, and kissing, and licking, sucking, and fucking whatever they could get their hands on.

The married guy had his same girl from the bus. Shane had this girl that had the fattest ass taking back shots on his pole. The other two guys were literally taking turns sticking their hard erections in and out of this blond chick. Each taking 30 second stroke sessions in her and stepping aside for the other to get his turn. At some point they both ended up inside her at the same time. One in her pussy the other in her ass. The position they were in was mind boggling. But what was even more amazing was that the girl could take both of them. She had at least a combined 20 inches of big black dick inside her. Its surprising she didn't rip apart.

The Final Chapter part 2........... The hangover.

Then there was Jason and I with the last girl. We both acted as if nothing had ever happened between us, but the whole time we couldn't keep our eyes off of each other. We were in one of the two bedrooms in the suite. I had the girl on all fours taking my dick doggy style while I was staring deep in Jason's eyes. His dick was somewhere down her throat. We were both fucking her; but thinking about one another. At some point in our threesome, I remember brushing up against Jason's ass as we maneuvered around the girl. I grabbed a huge hunk of his ass and Jason moaned harder than any of the girls in the suite. We fucked the girl in all different positions for the next 2 hours before we both came inside her. We all three passed out at some point tangled up in each other on the bed.

At around 6am the next morning I woke up. Jason and the girl were still passed out together in the bed. The music in the other room was still blaring. I somehow manage to climb over the sweaty passed out naked bodies in the floor of the suite lounge to turn the music off. Shane must have took his girl in the other room, because they were nowhere to be found. For once since we'd been there the suite was quiet, except for the different snores coming out of our party guest.

I felt terrible, my whole body was aching, sticky, and smelling of booze and sex. I made my way back into the room I woke up in and into its bathroom. After pissing my morning wood away I hopped in the shower. The water felt so good hitting my aching body. As the water hit my face I tried to piece together the night before. I barely could. All I knew was that I had had a lot of sex and in a lot of positions. My aching muscles told me that much. After scrubbing some of last night off of me in the shower, I noticed there was a big tub in the corner, not as big as a hot tub, but big enough for at least two people to fit in. I got out of the shower and decided a good soaking would do my body way better. I filled the tub, adding lots of bubbles. I liked my baths with lots of bubbles. I slipped in the warm water and my body instantly felt relaxed. I was in heaven. It wasn't long before my eyes were shut and I drifted off. Not two minutes later though I heard the bathroom door fly open. "Whoa bro a bubble bath sounds like a good idea." My naked brother busted into the bathroom, breaking my solace. "Sean you're always thinking." Shane walked over and climb in the tub. "This feels so good."

So now both me and brother were submerged under the water of this perfect bath. This wasn't that unusual of a thing to happen. As kids Shane and I always took baths together. We'd sit in the water and laugh and giggle, playing games like battleship. Where we'd slapped our hand down as hard as we could in the water and if we hit the other's dick, we'd scream "Sunk your battleship." It'd usually be very painful, but very fun when someone would win. We were idiotic kid; but we had lots of fun. As we got older in our teen years bath time ended. But from time to time if we were ever in a rush we'd often jump right in the shower while the other was already there and just start soaping up. We were real comfortable with one another like that. We had to be if we were going to survive. When I was about 7, and Shane was almost 8 our dad died. And for almost 6 months after that our mom was terribly depressed. From time to time she'd forget to feed us, and send us to school, and stuff like that. Long story short we were almost taken away from our mom but somehow it didn't happen. She wasn't better but together Shane and I made it work. Shane although barely a year older than me pretty much became my mom and my dad. He fed me, bathed me, and made sure I got to school. Mom soon got better though and took back her role, but from time to time, especially out of convenience, Shane and I would bath each other whenever the mood would strike. Once I went away to college the bathing ended, and I can't say I didn't miss my brothers strong hands bathing my naked body.

After Shane got in the tub I tried to regain my relaxation, but he made it more than impossible wanting to talk. He was always the more boisterous brother. He talked and talked as we soaked. I tried to ignore him closing my eyes. But he wouldn't let up. "Want me to get your back" he offered. I accepted hoping this would distract him enough to finally shut up. I stood up soaked and wet, covered in bubbles. Then I turned around and sat back down finding my spot right between my brother's legs, his still hard dick pressed into my back. A familiar position from our childhood baths. Shane begin to scrub my back and neck with his hands. It was more like a wet soapy massage. My relaxation returned as well as my hardon. Unfortunately the preoccupation of cleaning my back didn't shut Shane up. He was going on and on about what he did to his girl last night, thanking me for setting this whole thing up. I more than graciously accepted his thanks. I loved making my big bro happy. And I loved our bath time. "I really miss this Shane." I said to him reminiscing about the old days. "Me too" he agreed. Just then a still half sleep naked Jason walked into the bathroom. Not even noticing us he walked his naked ass to the toilet and sat down. He started relieving himself as he jerked his still hard 8". "Dude what the hell are you doing, you stink man." I yelled at him and he started to get up. "My bad I didn't see you in here."He said. "Naw man you might as well finish." Shane shouted across the room. For the first time Jason noticed that there were two of us in the tub.

"Whoa what the hell are you two doing." Jason said finally completely woke and aware of his surroundings. "We're just taking a bath." Shane shrugging his shoulders as to show unconcern with the line of questioning. "But you're brothers." Jason questioned. "So what, we're not doing anything but getting clean. Want to join us." That last statement shocked even me. No answer was ever given from Jason just a look of shook. Jason finished on the toilet. I thought he was going to leave us to it; be instead he walked over and climbed in the tub with us. Sitting his ass right on my dick. The fit in the tub was tight but we more then accommodated one another. I let out a small moan as the pressure of Jason's ass on my dick made me ooze precum into the water. I began scrubbing Jason's back as Shane scrubbed mine.

Replacement Bro... the conclusion

All the wetness and touching gave us all massive boners. Shane's pressed into my back and mine throbbing under Jason's ass. At some point I had made a bold attempt and reached around and found Jason's dick. I started stroking him. I did this strategically as not to bring what I was doing to Shane's attention. As far as I knew to him everything happening in that tub was still completely platonic. Then all of a sudden Shane got up. I quickly removed my hand. "I gotta piss man, I'll be back." Shane walked away to do his business. "Bro keep stroking him, and why don't you guys make out a little." My mind and my dick almost both exploded.

"What" I said trying to grasp what my brother was really saying. " Why don't you keep stroking Jason's dick Sean. Doesn't he shoot massive loads. Especially when your dicks buried in him." What my brother was saying as he pissed, was blowing my mind. "Did you think you were the only one to drop a load in Jason. Man he was mine way way way before he let you hit it." Shane flushed the toilet and walked back over to us.

"Both of you stand up." instinctively we both stood up simultaneously almost with military precision. "Kiss." My brother ordered us. We obeyed. Shane began stroking his dick. "Why don't you get in the shower." Once again we followed his orders. Jason and I helped each other out of the tub and made our way to the shower, our lips still touching. My lustful logic told me not to turn the water on since we were already dripping wet. We continued to make out in the dry shower. Shane was now sitting on the toilet, stroking his dick with one hand and rubbing his strong hard chest with the other. I glanced over at him and my dick immediately sprung back to attention. I turned Jason around and pressed him up face first against the wall. We still kissed passionately, probing each others mouths with our tongues. Suddenly the door creeks open. I looked over my shoulder and there were the rest of the naked party guest eyes glued on me and Jason. "Look yall, my baby bro is about to fuck the shit out of Jason." Shane yells across the room, still sitting on the toilet. His girl runs across the bath room and jumps directly with precision on his throbbing dick, and starts riding him right there on the toilet. Everyone else in the door way began making out and rubbing each others naked bodies. This all turns me on even more. I thrust my hard dick deep into Jason's insides. He screams out. Everyone else now watching the show not far behind began to cheer us on. They all try to squeeze in a peek but theres not enough room in the bathroom. Someone suggests we take it to the lounge area of the suite. We all hurry out to the lounge. I lay Jason on the large white couch in the lounge on his back. I spread his legs and thrust my dick deep back inside him. My brother does the same. Laying his girl right beside Jason then penetrating her. Both Jason and the girl moan out loudly, as we two brothers fuck them side by side. Everyone else in the background are doing more of the same. Jason begins making out with the girl beside him as my brother and I fuck them both ferociously. At some point Shane's tongue begins invading my mouth. We're still fucking Jason and the girl hard. Then I feel someone come up behind me and start spreading my ass cheeks. Its the married guy again. My brother and I never break our kiss. Then I feel what must be the biggest thing ever press up against my hairy hole. All of a sudden the married guy thrusts what had to be at least 12 or 13 inches probably more of his hard man meat into my tight hole. I scream out in pain. I collapse on Jason's chest. My dick still inside him. Jason then kissed my lips and caress my head into his hairy chest, " make sure you breathe baby" Jason whispers to me as the married guy starts fucking me with a vengeance. My brother cheers him on "fuck that pussy good Pete." The force is so strong I go deeper inside Jason not of my own volition. It feels like the married guy is fucking the shit out of Jason and using me as a condom. The feeling is both painful and amazing. Jason and I both scream, as this monster fucks us. I hear my brother yell he's coming. Then he collapses on his girl. He pulls out of her and she walks over to join the others. Shane remains sitting right beside us as the monster dicked married guy fucks me into Jason. Shane's and my lips meet again. Then the married guy pulls his huge dick out of my now gaaping hole and begins invading my brothers'. My brother screams as I did. I continued fucking Jason and soon I cum deep inside him. The married guy then blasts his load in and around my brothers hole. He came so hard it didn't even all make it inside Shane. The couch was drenched in cum. For the rest of the weekend the 10 ten of us did nothing but fuck, in all different positions and combinations of fuckers. It was the best weekend ever, the best bachelor party ever. I sure know how to send a guy down the aisle.

A week later we where all at Shane's wedding. Me as the best man, Jason as a groomsman and Pete the married guy, shockingly was the minister performing the ceremony. I almost laughed out loud right then and there , when I saw Pete in his preacher's robe at the front of the church. It was the most ironic shit I've seen in my life.

So my brother gets married and he seems to be happy. He, Jason and I continue with our little fuck sessions from time to time. But we all make a pact to never speak of our crazy bachelor party weekend again. And we've all stuck to it till this day. Well except for two years later when I was ready to marry Anna, and it was my turn. We had to fly in Jesus for this one.


14 Gay Erotic Stories from Solo_DR

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A Semi Autobiographic Rape Fantasy?..............As a writer, I spend a considerable amount of time at home, in my little studio apartment in Alphabet city. That was, especially so at the time of this story. I was in the beginning phases of compiling a volume of my old college essays, and short stories for publishing. An old professor of mine thought it'd be a great idea to publish

Church Boy

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Double D Dorm Pt. I

Double D Dorm Pt. I : A Lesson in Weed & Freedom* This story was literally envisioned and written during one of the best highs I've ever been on... Enjoy

Double D Dorm Pt. II

Double D. Dorm II : A lesson in giving head.I had just had the most amazing experience of my life. The most amazing sexual experience I ever had. The first sexual experience I ever had. It was my first week in college, and I had an asshole of a roommate, Omar. But what he and his girlfriend Luna surprised me with, when I returned home from class one morning, changed my life and my

Double D Dorm Pt. III

Double D. Dorm III : A Lesson in Hazing/ Ladies Choice

Getting Trained

Getting TrainedIt had been a while since I felt good about myself. At 235lbs I was more than 50lbs overweight and more than a bit uncomfortable with my appearance. I mean, people would always refer to me as the cute chubby guy, or the pretty fat boy. But I just didn't like it. I know they were just trying to give me a compliment, but the chubby/ fat part completely canceled it out in my eyes.

Homeless Hero

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Jamaica Moon Dreams

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Replacement Bros pt1

Replacement BroIt happened a year ago. It was spring break. I don't know why, but for some reason I decided to leave my sunny Florida campus to venture back home to DC. I guess I was home sick. I hadn't been back home since xmas and I was really missing my family, especially my big bro Shane. Shane was more than just a brother to me, he was my bestfriend, the only real friend I ever had, and

Replacement Bros pt2

Replacement Bro... The Prequel. / SequelPrequel. Hi my name is Sean. And I'm a sex addict.

Replacement Bros pt3

Replacement Bros... The final chapter.It had been a few years since Sean had been fucked for the first time. The feeling of having another man inside him was more than mind blowing, it was life changing. And Jesus left a void that Sean tirelessly tried to fill every night since. He was of course still dating and living with Anna, but sex with her had become boring. He now craved the ass


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